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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Ring magic and manipulation (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of ryoma4148
Hello everyone,
I lurk here from time to time, learnt a lot from this, especially about invisible thread a while ago Smile

I'm mostly a cardist/flourisher, but I love playing with rings, and I've just made a compilation video of my ring sleights and flourishes :

As a flourisher I fear the kind of video edit may not be very fitting to your tastes but I hope you ring magicians will enjoy the moves regardless of it, as I think De'ring was pretty well received here in the past. Smile
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Oakboro N.C.
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Profile of bowers
That's some great magic ryoma.
do you work with coins too?
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Blayk P
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Profile of Blayk P
That is amazing! Where did you learn that?
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Profile of ryoma4148
Thanks, I'm glad you like it Smile

bowers : no, I don't do much stuff with coins... learnt a few sleights (retention pass, french drop... basically silver dream by Justin Miller lol) and can do a coin roll but that's it ^^

Blayk : I created those myself ^^ some are inspired by classical magic (yeir medid finger vanish, the ring thing (love the effect, but wanted a "no cheat" version)), some are the result of technical challenges I wondered about (like the one handed ring switch (ring in palm and ring on finger switching places) or the "quantum ring on" (ring on under another ring))...

and I also noticed it was common to perform coin magic with rings, using the same sleights, and I didn't really like it, so I thought a lot about particularities of a finger ring to develop sleights that take advantage of them (and thus aren't moves you can do with coins)... this is how most of the color changes were born Smile
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Profile of pabloinus
Wow, you have a lot of time in your hands !!!

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Profile of MuleePete
I am sencing an opprtunity for an instructionaly DVD here.

Very nice to watch.

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Profile of ryoma4148
Heh, thanks Smile
If there's demand for it I'm not against teaching those ^^
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Profile of Yano
Nice ideas and variations on De'ring, really inspired me.
Ray Bertrand
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Profile of Ray Bertrand
WOW! Great stuff Ryoma. You`ve definitely paid your dues (practice) with this one.

Mentalism in Ontario.
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Profile of ryoma4148
Thanks a lot Smile
Hugh Entwistle
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Profile of Hugh Entwistle
I really like how you applied DeRIng to using two rings, that's some skill you've got there!
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Ridley Park, PA
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Profile of J-Mac
Pretty amazing stuff there, ryoma!

Thank you.

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Profile of qkeli
Congratulations Man, really excellent !!!
let us know if you let out some of those moves..
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Eternal Order
sleeping with the fishes...
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Profile of vinsmagic
Thart is the best I have ever seen
congrats please put out a dvd
Come check out my magic.
Motley Mage
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Profile of Motley Mage
Thoma-Could you set your Youtube permissions to allow mobile viewing? I do much of my Café's viewing from my phone.
Andre Hagen
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Profile of Andre Hagen
Hmmm,...I get "cannot load movie" on my IPad. Is it still out there?
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one - Albert Einstein
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Profile of ryoma4148
Thank you very much everyone, I'll let you know when there is more information about this Smile

And thanks for bringing into attention that problem about iPad and other mobile devices... it's weird as it used to work well... I had to change the BGM to use one of their own tracks... Smile
clips are not well-timed with the bgm anymore but the important part is the moves anyway, so please try again it should be working now
Andre Hagen
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Profile of Andre Hagen
I can see it now on my IPad and it was well worth the wait. Beautifully done!

I would like to see a DVD. Shouldn't be hard to find a producer on the strength of that performance.

Also, you kept the attention on your hands without having your face in the camera. That says much about your humility...not what you would expect from someone doling flourishes.

Best of luck!

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one - Albert Einstein
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Profile of ryoma4148
Thank you very much, glad you felt it was worth the trouble, and glad it's working again on mobile devices Smile

(although to be honest about the face thing I'm not sure this can tell anything about humility as sadly we've seen counter-examples of this in the "xcm world"... ^^; )