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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: ITR problem (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of magic_angle
My ITR is to strong to float a bill, what I mean is that when I make it float up, it ZIPS up! and that does not look magically...

It's the Kelvar ITR that I bought from a friend...

Any solutions to reduce the retraction or does it reduce in time????
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Profile of daniel_lachman
That's really annoying. The only thing I can think of is to gently pull the thread back and forth several times to loosen it.
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Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
If I understand right. You make the bill float down toward the floor then you want it to slowly rise up to your hand?

If this is the case. The first thing I'd do is lesson the tension on your ITR. This usually requires you to break the wax/putty off the thread and let it reel in. Get the end back out then put the wax/putty back on it. Just don't wind as much thread into the wax. The tension should now be less.

The next thing is to catch the thread above the bill in the crotch of your thumb. This is what you'd usually do to make it float down toward the floor anyway. When you want it to rise back up you can adjust your grip on the thread to control the speed of it's upward movement.

I hope that helps.

Ron Jaxon

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Profile of Dmann
Another solution might be, is to change the type of thread, depending on the application used Silk Worm IET is the Top Choice.