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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Magic looking cups (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Kameron Messmer
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Billings, MT
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Profile of Kameron Messmer
I saw these metal cups at walmart on sale for like .50 for 6 and they looked so magical I had to have them. They are portion cups or sauce cups or something. they are about 1 1/2 inches tall and fit together snugly so they wont work for cups and balls. I thought about cups and coins but a 50 cent piece clinks around alot. Way to much talking unless I cough a lot to cover the noise. I don't know if this is the right section, but I thought someone might have an idea on what to do with these things, cause I've got dozens. Thanks
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Profile of Jaz
I bought some sauce cups at Walmart a while back too.
I've done "One Cup and Balls Routine" by Senator Crandall from one of the Tarbell volumes using small sponges and balls found in pet shops for the loads.

I don't see any reason why you can't do Vernon's C&B routine from 'Stars of Magic" or create your own. Not all C&B routines require nesting the cups.

You might also consider thinking more along the lines of the Shell Game.