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While at Target today I noticed that the good folks who make Tic Tacs have come out with a NEW container that is about twice the size of the normal Tic Tac box... so those of you who do close up effects with Tic Tacs can now add a shrinking/growing Tic Tac box effect to your routine.

The beauty of doing effects with something as common as Tic Tacs is that most people (at least here in the US) recognize them, and don't suspect them in any way.

I like doing one-in-the-hand, two-in-the-pocket. Color changes are also easy to do.
Seems like you could do a rattle box thing with Tic Tacs...

What other effects do you do with Tic Tacs? Ever produce a sponge ball or coins from the box? These things pack light and play big!
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Profile of Marvello
InTact by Jesse Feinberg uses a tic-tac box
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Profile of niva
Platt (a member of the Café) and I have come up with a great coin in Tic-Tac box. No gimmicks used and everything can be handed out at the end.

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Can we see a video of it? Are you going to market it? Fill us in!

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Profile of niva
Platt is releasing a DVD with various effects, and this will be included, together with his techniques etc. I have no intention of releasing it, at least for now. I would like to play with it first and have some fun.

I took it for a test drive yesterday at a private gig. The reactions were priceless. They kept staring at the bottom of the box. Smile

I have a demo up:

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Profile of Marvello
On 2006-05-28 03:10, niva wrote:
Platt is releasing a DVD with various effects, and this will be included, together with his techniques etc. I have no intention of releasing it, at least for now. I would like to play with it first and have some fun.

I took it for a test drive yesterday at a private gig. The reactions were priceless. They kept staring at the bottom of the box. Smile

I have a demo up:

I hate to say it, but I think this trick is already marketed:

A number of years ago, Bob Chesbro devised his great effect, "Coin in Cigarette Lighter". Well, here is a new idea which non smokers can use with great effect. Ready made for table hopping magicians or others who value a strong effect and quick reset. A borrowed, marked coin, magically penetrates a clear container of candy mints! Once inside the container, the coin penetrates through the bottom of the mint container into the magician¹s hand; then flies invisibly back into the container. Finally the coin penetrates out of the container into the spectator¹s hand! Coin and mints can be examined.

Perhaps you use a different method, but before you market the effect or put it on DVD you should check in to this one so as not to copy or duplicate their creation.
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Profile of Jaz
I have "Tric Tac". It's nice and can be done with a borrowed Tic Tac box which still has a few candies inside. However, it can't be handed out with the coin inside.

Correct me if I'm mistaken.
I see that Niva turns the box around a couple of time allowing the coin to fall to the sides. This also won't happen with "Tric Tac".

Questions for Niva.
You say,"No gimmicks used and everything can be handed out at the end."
Is the coin still inside when handed out?
How carefully can "everything" be examined?
Can the coin be signed?
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Profile of niva
Hi Marvello thanks for the heads up. I know about that version and the other version using the lighter from which it originated. I know I am biased but mine and Platt's is far better than that. Only the effect is the same. The rest is totally different.

Hi Jaz.

How carefully can it be examined? Well just yesterday I gave two away to two different spectators to keep. They wont find anything. Yes the coin is still inside and cannot get out. Impossible to get out. Smile

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Profile of RicHeka
Hello Niva:Can you please respond to Jaz's last question?"Can the coin be signed?"
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Profile of niva
Yes and no. Cannot say much there. Sorry.

But I don't feel it is necessary for the coin to be signed in such an effect. Consider a bit. The coin never leaves the audience's sight, contrary to other effects, such as Coin thru Soda Can, where the coin leaves the spectator's sight for some time before it is revealed inside. So in that case you would need a way for the auduence to identify that it is the same one. Just my 2 cents.

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Profile of MopKrayz
I have seen Ivan personally perform the coin in tic tac and the methodology is totally different from tric-tac.
ivan can give the tic tac box and coin away as a souvenir. the coin cannou come out of the hole, one has to cut the stickers and remove the box top.
in malta it is not customary to have spectators sign money bills and coins, so we don't have problems here. no one ever questions that.
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Profile of sdmagic
Here's one possible effect using a regular sized Tic Tac Box, a penny, a Large Tic Tac box and a Jumbo Penny (it has to fit inside the large Tic Tac box).

1) Place the Jumbo penny into the Large tic tac box. Conceal this in your left
palm (move slowly so you don't get the tic tac noise)

2) Display the regular tic tac box and have the spectator place the penny inside
(note that there should be 10 or 15 tic tacs inside to provide that famous
tic tac noise to cover the next move). You are holding this with your right

3) Shuttle pass the box to show a dramatic increase in size (the box and the
penny have doubled in size!)

The noise made during the shuttle pass will conceal the switch.

Alternately you could use a small silk and cover the larger box with this for a
more dramatic conclusion to the effect.

This is just a high level sketch of an idea.
Any other thoughts?
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Profile of niva
Interesting. I have yet to see these large ones.

Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
Just had a weird thought....with a pair of tweezers, could you pull a folding half out through the opening of a tic tac box? Maybe the larger one? Mike Caveny published a similar effect long ago, before there were tic tacs, I think.

I'm thinking you could put a small coin into the box, then offer to do it with the largest coin possible. Since no one has one, you offer up a half dollar, and the game's afoot.
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Profile of niva
You mean ala Chevrie, right?

Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
No, I mean Mike Caveny, author of "Magicomedy". The idea was that you would make fifty cents in pennies vanish, and then show that they've "reappeared" in a thin coin tube. (You know, the kind a coin collector would use to hold a stack of pennies. It's opaque.) You'd reach into the tube with a pair of tweezers, and pull out a half dollar. It was a complete surprise, and very odd, although I never thought it was all that funny.

Anyway, flash forward to today. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to tap a half dollar with a full box of tic tacs, and when the half vanishes, you'd claim it's in the box. Remove the tweezers from your pocket (ditching the half) and use them to pull the folder out of the box.

Then pour out some of the tic tacs, and do the effect with a smaller coin.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
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Profile of magicstudent
On 2006-05-28 03:10, niva wrote:
Platt is releasing a DVD with various effects, and this will be included,...

Hi Ivan,
Where can I see the content of the DVD? is it already advertised somewhere?

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Profile of magicstudent
On 2006-05-28 13:23, niva wrote:
The coin never leaves the audience's sight, ...

Ivan, it does look nice but from what I saw the coin does leave the audience's sight at the moment before you slam the tictac box on it.
Btw I also watch a clip in that the coin is always on sight and at the end both hands are shown empty. Is this the same version as yours? considering that you work it out with Platt? Thank you.

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Profile of niva
First for the contents of the DVD, I am not so sure. Try contacting Platt himself. He is a member here.

Jeff, yes that is the same version. Smile Platt uses some other techniques that gets this to a higher level. Unfortunately it has its downsides and kind of lilmits the potential of the effect, at least for me. Cannot say more, sorry. You will understand.

Thanks for the clarification Mr Kam. I mentioned Lonnie Chevrie, because at the end of his coin in bottle he visually pulls the quarter out with a pair of tweezers.

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Profile of sdmagic
John Bannon also uses tweezers to extract the quarter at the end of his effect "Vacuum Packed" from Impossibilia. Very impressive technique (as usual) from Mr. Bannon (and it was one of his earlier works!). The guy is a genius.
