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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: My first show (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of mantix
I know most of you here are old hands at magic, but there's nothing like the first time.

I've been studying levitations on this forum, and elsewhere, for the past few months, in preparation for a "talent show" at my Christmas family reunion. I also recruited my wife and 5 year old son into the act.

WOW was it fun!!!

My son started the show by holding a magic wand in his hand, and making it suddenly rise upwards. He then did it again, except this time the wand jumped straight up into the air. Great applause.

Next, my wife handed out playing cards to everyone in the audience and told them that in Australia, there's a trick where people have learned how to "boomerang" a card. She asked them all to try, then amazed them by spinning the card out in front of her and making it come right back. Then she levitated the card between her two hands as it kept spinning. Not bad for only two days practice.

Then it was my turn. Borrowing Steve Fearson's floating cigarette routine and the 2001 Space Odyssey music, I made a pretzel stand up straight on my hand and then start levitating in a circle in front of me. It passed several times through a hoop made out of my fingers, and finally floated up, up, up, and into my mouth for a nice snack.

And finally, my son ended the show by levitating a piece of tissue paper between his outstretched hands with the help of a Misaki loop. He surprised us all by floating the tissue up into his mouth (guess he wanted to be just like Dad).

The whole experience was just great. Thanks everyone for all the help and suggestions.

We'll have to see what we can come up with for next year!
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Profile of sdmagic
Congratulations! Keep on performing... it just gets better every time! But, you are right.. there's nothing quite like that 1st performance!
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Inner circle
Los Angeles
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Profile of APC
Wow, thanks for sharing your great experience! Keep it up and it sounds like it was a blast!!!!!
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China Shenzhen
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Profile of snowboard
What a wonderful family! Mantix,go on performing for brithday party and any party.