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Hi, I am fairly new to this forum (and website) but have been doing dice stacking for a couple of months now, and have made a fairly simple routine, basic four stack, decapitating two at a time, calling number on top - nothing special at all.

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the types of final loads to use when dice stacking. I was thinking of using a few but the ones I have seen before have not made many good impressions for me. I am looking for something that can be placed down silently but this isn't essential.

Any ideas?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Pete Biro
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Anuything you can fit into the cup. Lemon, lime, ball... a giant Die... You can cover the noise by tossing the dice down at same time... etc. etc.
Dave V
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I've used a glued cube of eight dice, an 8-ball, "Crooked" dice, jumbo dice... Like Pete says, anything you can fit in the cup.
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
A mini bottle of ketchup. the 2-inch high bottles.

After the final stack of 4 dice, you always give the spectators time to "ketch-up".

saw one of those at the reno convention. came with my room service breakfast.
left it there tho. Smile

By the way, I just had a couple new wooden dice-stacking cups made that stack 5.
A new shape. the cups practically stack themselves. Almost feels like cheating.
If interested, let me know. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
Pete Biro
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Frank, are those the 4-inch tall, 1-inch in diameter cups? Smile Smile Smile
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A bottle of Viagra.
Vandy Grift
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That's a good one Jaz.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
On 2005-08-01 12:18, Pete Biro wrote:
Frank, are those the 4-inch tall, 1-inch in diameter cups? Smile Smile Smile

Um.... no! Smile
But I have had people order some custom smaller ones. Not that small tho. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
Pete Biro
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Profile of Pete Biro
Crazy thought. You tell a spectator is is difficult to stack dice, but you have a STARTER CUP... one you use to being to learn. Bring out a 1-inch diameter cup. Stack the dice with it. Then you say, "Here it's really easy with this cup, try it." But... as you give it to him you load in a sponge ball and he can't stack anything. Or you could switch for a solid cup.
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Eternal Order
Northern California
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
Good idea pete.
sponge ball.

2" is the smallest I've had made. anything less probably starts to look
less magical. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
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Profile of Euangelion
I don't know, Frank, depends how one approaches it. Take Peter's idea pushed to the extreme. A cup high enough and wide enough for 1 die as a beginners cup (maybe even label it), demonstrate it as a gag, push it forward to a spectator to try while swapping in a matching solid block or one with a visibly undersized hole preventing its use. In the right hands a great bit of fun. Next ring in a die change while purporting to place the cup over the original die, lift the cup to reveal the smaller die as the kicker. There are a number of dice swaps to accomplish this.
Bill Esborn

"Lutefisk: the piece of cod that passes all understanding."
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
Good stuff.
Vandy Grift
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Profile of Vandy Grift
Just messing around the other night I loaded a bottle of Elmers rubber cement under the cup. I had the glue on my table because I was cementing some bills together for something else.

The premise is, I'm really bad at shaking dice, "I'm just no good at it. Everytime I try to shake the dice they wind up in a stack". I do it two or three times. Then as I stack them, I say "it's like the dice just stick together" I come to a stop and lift the cup to show another stack. As I load the glue under the cup I say "you know what the problem might be??" I knock the stack over (to cover the sound) and set loaded cup down. I lift and and say "yep, it's that glue, makes em stick every time"

Its pretty cool because;
1) The bottle is almost as big around as the cup and a bit taller. So it really fills the cup up. The bottle is dark and the label dosen't extend to the bottom so it's very hard to see and your hand can cover the little that does show.

2) There is a big picture of Elsie the cow on the cap of the bottle and it looks pretty funny when you see it.

Hey, it's not great magic but it is kind of cute. Heres the glue bottle;

"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
Christopher Williams
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On Brad Manuels site there is a shot glass full of liquid, that's the final load I think I'm going to go with, as well as a jumbo dice I got with my Draun on dice set

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Profile of RevJohn
On one of Martin Lewis' tapes, he has a dice and cup routine where the dice changes color and size I believe, and then the final load is where the cup is full of dice stacked to the rim.

He then shows how to make the Gimmick. Pretty nice.

Billy Bo
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Second what revjohn said. I saw him do it live and it was superb. of try this, make your dice cup into a chop cup. have a different colour magnetized die already in there. do the stack and before you show it take a duplicate of the magnetized die , vanish it, show its on the top of the stack then load a big die. hope this helps
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Eternal Order
Northern California
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
Many of my dice stacking cups are chopped. In fact my new 6-high wooden cup which I'm about to release is chopped and stacks better than anything else I've ever used.

I need to take some pix for the website first.

Frank Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
Tom Frank
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How about this pic. . . is she stacked. . or what!?

Jonathan P.
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A glued stack of dice. "Stack" it, reveal it, and then explain that it is really a very simple matter do do such a thing. Make it drop on the table and people realize that the dice are glued.
I like this ending since the effect happen very far from the moment of the method.
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Profile of Foxbiz
The picture of "a winning miss" is really Miss Direction... and effective at that! (Yes it's corny... but someone had to say it)