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Kyle Hohn
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I am thinking about getting these are they any good?
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Profile of Magicmaven
Well the rings are very good. The routine is also very good.
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Profile of evolve629
Yes, I highly recommend them also Shoot Ogawa's amazing routine on the Ninja Rings. I have read from the Café that one of the draw backs is that you need a table. But do a search and esp. check out Frank Starsini's postings on this topic.
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Profile of knmagic
No you can skip the table if needed. You can modify his routine to fit your environment. I construct my routine shorther and it's still very effective and impressive to the laymen.
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Profile of elgranmago
I see you have recently joined us. Be advised that this routine demands a lot of work. Think MONTHS. I myself am in the learning process now. I am looking forward to the day when I can present this properly. It´s very beautiful.

I have also knocked out the table moves, thanks to good advice from those wiser than I.

There are many posts on this. You will find a wealth of information if you conduct a search.

Best of luck.

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Profile of Chessmann
I am going to disagree, somewhat, with Jose.

It took me about 1 month to get the routine down. I simply broke it down into sections, just as in the DVD. When I mastered one, I moved on and added the next, and so on. That way you continue practicing each move everyday, adding new sections as you go.

Also, I think the table moves are great. The spin link does require more care to master, and it is something that won't be perfect 100% of the time, but the reactions I get are worth it. I *strongly* advise you to learn and use the spin link, skipping it only when the performing situation demands. Once you get it down, you will have a *wonderful* move, and it will be there for you whenever you like!

What helped me most on the spin link was allowing the ring to slow down a fair amount before linking it.

My 2 cents.
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Profile of Magicmaven
I agree with Mark. I have been working on this routine for about a week now, and have all the moves down, with the exception of the one arm blocked link. I can do all the moves quite nicely. I think the rest of the month will be necessary to make this beautiful. It is a beautiful routine and should not be presented unless the performer can do it beautifully. This routine is difficult but not impossible.
I think Mark nailed this one.

Go for it!
Mediocre the Great
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I think it's important to note that everyone learns at different paces, and in differnet ways... Magic Maven, I think it was you that I saw perform some coin matrix work at the Magic Castle...David Roth Lecture. Be advised that you are one helluva talented young man... not everyone, including myself can learn a routine such as ninja rings in a week!
Mediocrity is greatly under rated!

Rich Hurley aka Mediocre The Great!
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Profile of Magicmaven
Well that is true that some learn at different paces, good point. I wouldn't consider myself done with the Ninja rings, I just have all but one of the moves down pat with except one. The patter, I haven't even started. And it doesn't look beautiful yet, which it should be.

I am glad you liked the matrix.
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Profile of cardandcoin
Check out jeff McBrides video on the rings
Eric Jones
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Rumor has it, there is an underground routine called Ring by George Wang........You didn't hear it from me, but it's sexy as hell........
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W.F. Lewis
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On 2005-08-01 19:35, Godhandz wrote:
....Wang........You didn't hear it from me, but it's sexy as hell........

oooohhh la la...... Smile
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
On 2005-08-01 19:35, Godhandz wrote:
Rumor has it, there is an underground routine called Ring by George Wang .....You didn't hear it from me, but it's sexy as ........

Please don't tell us MORE, would ya?

Just type it in right here. We won't tell it's you. Promise! Hand Crafted Magic
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Eric Jones
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If you're ever lucky enough to corner either Kainoa Harbottle or Curtis Kam, force em to do it for you.........

However, until his routine is finally released, check out George Wangs Website:
“We're two tigers away from an act in Vegas.” Greg House M.D.
Craig Matsuoka
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))) PLINK (((

Whooooops! Is that the sound of a bean hitting the floor?

))) PLUNK (((

Hey, there goes another one!


Uh oh. I'm gettin' outta here...
John Pendleton
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I was thinking of getting a traditional 8 ring set 10" or 12".

If we can ignore the venue for a second - would I be missing anything not having the Nija Rings instead ? I assumed they were "the same" on a small scale, no ?
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Profile of Magicmaven
In general yes. They are guite good quality though. Also, there is no visible seams in the rings, with the exception of the obvious one in the key.
Dave V
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You'll have more flexibility with a standard size 8 ring set. The "Ninja" routine only uses four (or five?) rings.

By buying the Ninja rings you're also eliminating some good ring moves that are only possible with larger rings. For example, you can't hang the spare rings on your arm or shoulder as you do in Haydn's and Capehart's routines. You can't loop one over your head as you do with Jeff McBride's handling. You won't be able to perform Cellini's "Lord and Master of the Rings" moves. In short, pretty much all you can do with Ninja Rings is... Ninja Rings. With the full size set, nearly every routine ever written is available to you.

If this is your first ring purchase, I'd go for the full size set, 10" or larger, and wait a while before buying anything smaller.
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Profile of rikbrooks
You can do some of the Lord and Master of the Rings moves. Just smaller. A couple don't play quite so well and you can't hit the same applause positions, but you can do them.

I do agree though, bite the bullet and get the full size set. You will have more flexibility.

On the other hand, try that one handed link with a set of 12" rings, go ahead. I broke a finger practicing it.
John Pendleton
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Rik - you can't be serious ? Did you really break a finger ?

I'm looking at the PM (zinc plated) 10" set, anyone have experience of these ?