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Christopher Williams
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On 2009-05-04 10:23, Vraagaard wrote:
On 2009-05-04 09:53, Christopher Williams wrote:
Look forward to a demo video. I do realise and really appreciate a creator who offers a year refund guarantee, but that is a lot of hassle for someone such as myself from the UK. I know a someone from Denmark has purchased this, but I really think a demo would sell it for me. Also, how quick is turn around on the shipping?

Thanks in advance

Just to answer one of your questions. The shipping was 6 days, Lou Serrano shipped this the same day as the order went in - so great service.

I will review this soon, but I think it deserves a little work/practice and afterthought before I get into a serious review, so please have a little patience.

Best regards


Many thanks for a prompt reply!

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WOW.....that's one heck of an advertisement! Reminds me of those insane infomercials! Seems a bit overboard but I'll have to admit that a 100% refund within one year is a nice offer and I'm quite confident that the routine is great. Can't wait to see the video when its done.

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My review of Lou Serrano´s Steel Balls routine

Before I go into this review, let me just say upfront that my background is kind of knucklebusting coin and card routines, including rope effects and ring on string routines, so I am familiar with a lot of work to finetune my routines, and I am used to routines with advanced moves etc.

What it says: What is the effect? Picture this...

The magician presents a small, red box, removes the lid and dumps out three one-inch, chromed, steel ball bearings. The box is put to the side of the table.
One at a time each ball bearing is not vanished, but turned invisible. The three invisible balls are touched together and in a burst of light, everyone goes back in time, back to the time when all three balls were visible and inside the box. The lid is removed from the box that has been in plain view the entire time, and the three steel balls are dumped out once again!

MY COMMENT: Yes that is exactly what the spectators will see and experience

What it further says

Keep in mind..
The Steel Ball Routine can be performed surrounded. (YES THAT IS CORRECT)
Everything can be examined, and the spectators will find nothing, since neither the steel balls nor the box are gimmicked. (YES THAT IS CORRECT)
When the invisible balls touch, there is an actual flash of light which is a highly memorable moment. (Yes, BUT THEN you have to purchace additional equipment, but it is not necesarry to perform the effect)
This is a professional, world-class routine, by a full-time professional magician. (ACTUALLY, to Lou´s credit I would say that he streamlined it and simplifyed it to such an extent that even an solid amateur magicina can perform this effect)
Every little detail in the routine has been addressed, worked out, and perfected for maximum impact on the audience. (YES, BUT THEN AGAIN – later on this part)
Well known top professionals have not only been fooled by the Steel Ball Routine, but have endorsed it as well. (THAT IS MOST LIKELY TRUE)
Every move is explained in great detail with close-up shots of all the crucial moments. No expense was spared in the production of this DVD. (CORRECT)
All of the psychology behind the moves is explained, so you don’t just learn HOW, but WHY I do the things that I do. (CORRECT)

1) You have to purchase a flash mechanism if you want the flash. bUT YOU CAN EASILY PERFORM THE EFFECT WITHOUT.

2) You need a jacket, and if you want to perform it like Lou. I actually believe Lou updated his website to say this,

Remember, there is not only a full year money back guarantee, showing how much Lou believes in this effect. Lou will moreover send the companion DVD free of charge to all who purchased this effect - I think basically this shows a man committed to his pet effect, a man who really cares that other magicians will become succesfull with this effect - AND IT DESERVES IT. Read on for the goodies...

My review.
This effect is everything it claims to be. It´s a wonderfull 4 phase routine where 3 solid heavy chrome steel balls becomes invisibly one at the time, to magically appear in the box.

I am sure that magicians who have experienced this effect will talk about it for a very long time, simple because this is new to many magicians, and they do not understand how the balls turn invisble (actually dissapears if you haven´t figured that one out). This will keep on mystifying them untill they know the secret, so for a magician this routine will be the highlight of Lou´s show.

For a Lay person this would be a truely amazing effect, but maybe not the effect they would talk most about after the show. It´s a fairly short routine, 3 balls dissapears and reappears in a box. No spectator involvement, it´s not like a coins across where the coins ends in the spectators hands. Its simply a beautifull masterpiece of magic, and to a magician it will be the reputation maker, but maybe not to the spectator the one effect they would remember the most. This is also why Lou cleverly plans his show so that this effect is coming in the end as a closer, or at least after a couple of effects whith spectator involvement. Only after having established that he is a great magician do he perform this effect where the spectators can relax, lean back and enjoy. Meaning this is not an opener. I hope you read this correctly, namely as a very strong effect to a lay audience - just not the highlight of the show. But it can easily be the higlight of a 3 effects per table walk around magic/table hopping performance. Personally I believe the lay audience would talk more about Bill in lemon, card to ceiling, Cards across, and an excellently well performed coins across routine with spectator involment more than this routine. But that is how it is with routines without spectator involvement, and you also NEED some elgant high class magic in your act to establish what kind o magician you are - and this effect is a very strong candidate.

Now here you have to understand something about Lou´s philosophy – making magic simple - very simple, but not too simple. Just like his matrix routine is the absolute simplest version – it kills in Lou´s hands because of the beauty he performs it with. The same goes with his steel balls routine.

I would problably prolonge the routine a little more starting up with my favourite moves from my 3 ball routine, making the first ball go to the other hand, and then the second. The third ball will turn invisible (thereby starting Lou´s routine). But that's only because I think it is almost as shame that the routine is over before it starts in the mind of the spectator. But remember, I have absolutely NO experience performing this routine, I´m simply basing it on my performance experience in general. I believe Lou has done all this over the last 10 years, classic 3 balls etc., and now ended up with this streamlined and simple, direct version. Perfect in his hands – and maybe also in yours. Because here is the second big secret.

Lou has made this routine so simple, that the moves needed is more a matter of confidence in performing rather than technically hard to master. I also think Lou remembers all the hard work and all the difficult moves he used to do when he says its a hard piece of magic to learn. But to his credit he now ended up with a routine that's fairly technical easy. There will be 2 moves that requires some practice if you are not used to coins and ball routines. But nothing that you wouldn´t be able to handle in a months time. Now the confidence in performing this routine will take a while, unless you are an experienced performer already. Still, this is the kind of routine, that when you finally has it down from every angle, patter, movement, body language, then you should practice it a 100 times more to work on the elegance, because......

This is the kind of effect that calls for slow and elegant moves. or NO, more likely the ability to execute some fast movements and still make it appear as slow movements - its all in the timing and body language. actually you remembers this routine as slow and elegant, but you will find a few faster moves included, but they don´t appear fast. So if your persona is fast moves and high pulse, then I believe you should avoid this - because you will most likely never make it appear elegant. But if you are into slow elegant moves like Tommy Wonder and Fred Kaps and magical elegance then this is a routine for you. And this is certainly a routine for me...It will be a pleasure to perform, and I hope that I will be proven wrong, that even without spectator involvement, this will be the magic that some of my lay audience spectators will talk about and remember the most, because after all, its kind of sad that they all talk about how that bill ended up inside that lemon.

Some of you will find the routine too pricy. I think its fairly priced, especially when you will also receive the companion DVD later free of charge. Also remember, Lou granted you the right to use this routine commercially and on TV. That holds great value for many magicians.

In Conclussion:

Magical impact on magicians: 10/10 (at least that was the effect on me)

Magical impact on Lay Audience: 8(9)/10 – has in elegance what it lacks in spectator involvement. But remember, I have no experience performing this

Difficulty technical: 5/10 - recall, none of the moves is unknown to me, but if you are not used to coin and ball work 7/10 maybe 8/10

Required performing experience: 7/10

Ability to perform with slow and elegant moves: is a must in my opinion

Best regards

Ron Vergilio
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That's an excellent review and written eloquently. What you stated is just short of watching the DVD (lol). I was going to write a review also but you said it all. There is no way I can add or improve to your review.

May the magic in your life never disappear

*** Lou Serrano's Steel Ball Routine ***
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Very thorough review, Jan, thanks! Jim
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Steven Steele
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I just received mine and fell in love with the routine. I'm always on the lookout for killer effects. Outside of the routine itself, the think I like the best is the 'NON transferable performance license'. Ahhh, if only every magic trick were sold with that.

The one change I'm making to the routine is I'm building a nice wooden, felt lined box for the balls. Such an elegant routine...with cardboard boxes? The wooden one will show better, in my estimation.

As for table work, I'm always nervous to use items that, when dropped, will roll away to parts unknown. There's a work around, but just know...don't drop the balls. Overall, I'd give this 9/10. Definitely a keeper.
Coram Deo
lou serrano
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Jan and Steven,

Thanks for the reviews of the Steel Ball Routine. I hope you have as much fun performing it as much as I have over the years.

Steven, if you are so inclined, I wouldn't mind talking to you about purchasing an extra set of your custom made boxes. I also have an idea that may be helpful before you construct your initial box. Feel free to contact me if you wish.

When I first put the routine together I tried to find some nice pre-made boxes for the routine, but never found anything suitable. My method for constructing the box is certainly much easier and quicker and has served me well for over ten years, but I agree that a nice wooden box with a felt lining would make for a more elegant presentation.

Ron Vergilio
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The wood walls of the box & lid would want to be as thin as possible to avoid getting too bulky for the pocket.

May the magic in your life never disappear

*** Lou Serrano's Steel Ball Routine ***
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A similar construction method to that used by the late great Tommy Wonder for his Ring Box would probably work very well, i.e. using wood veneer.
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I don’t have the trick as my finger dexterity is not all that great and a bit of arthritis.
If I wasn’t so busy working on some other boxes I’m sure I could make some very nice boxes for these steel balls out of some beautiful Rosewood and assorted other exotic woods. 1/8” thickness sounds like it would be the ticket although it might need a ¼” lid to accommodate a clasp if wanted. Some nice plush red, green or black felt lining would seem to top it all off nicely. I’ve included a picture of the box that I’m producing now based on John Kennedy’s “Mystery Box” and I’m in the midst of possibly working out some arrangement with him as to having them sold on his site but that as of yet has not been concluded. If it all works out I’ll certainly be very busy.

Of course they would not have to be as fancy as the one pictured with an Ivory micarta inset top and round copper and brass inlay but it gives a good idea as to what could possibly be made. Then again, they would not be all that cheap. I certainly agree with Lou that a good trick/effect deserves an elegant presentation which is why I started producing these boxes in the first place aside from some other reasons/improvements. In my opinion there is nothing like adding a touch of class as it where whenever presenting something worthwhile. I believe it somehow reflects on the magician from a spectators view aside from the simple fact of making the magician feel good!


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A few quick questions: 1, The website currently says that the package comes with one gimmick: is this the flash gimmick for the routine, or some other gimmick? And 2, the website implies, if not says outright, that other gimmicks are required that you have to make yourself. So my question is, are these additional gimmicks required for the steel ball routine, or one or more of the bonus routines?


EDIT: Another question I just thought of: Is this a good routine for kids, or do kids not find it very entertaining? The reason I ask is because I perfom for kids alot, and I'm just curious because I've noticed kids react to things like my sponge ball routine a lot better then something like my coin routine, and I want to know if I should just not bother with trying this for kids if they won't enjoy it.
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I believe he clearly states that the gimmick is included but not the flash device. I would suggest that you read Vraagaard's very in depth review on this thread. It may answer a lot of questions for you.

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lou serrano
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From the pictures you supplied, the boxes look beautiful. If time permits in your schedule, I'd love to talk to you about possibly constructing boxes for my routine. Feel free to send me a PM.

The flash unit is not supplied. The gimmick that comes with the package is for the Steel Ball Routine. There are two other gimmicks that you will still have to make to perform the routine as I do it, but these are simple to make, and can be made with items that you probably already have in your home.

As far as performing for children is concerned, I believe you will get much more mileage out of a sponge ball routine than you will with my routine. I designed the Steel Ball Routine to be mesmerizing, captivating, and entertaining for my target audience, which is adults.

I hope this helps.


Lou Serrano
Greg Arce
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I've seen Lou do this many times in his close up set at the Castle and it never fails to kill. The very first time I saw it I never knew that amazing ending was coming and he fooled me badly with a couple of the vanishes.

This is a worker's routine. Brilliant!!!

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Any chance of you placing out a video on this effect?
I would love to see it performed.

By the way Lou, I sent you a PM in regards to the box.

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On 2009-05-14 00:58, lou serrano wrote:

The flash unit is not supplied. The gimmick that comes with the package is for the Steel Ball Routine. There are two other gimmicks that you will still have to make to perform the routine as I do it, but these are simple to make, and can be made with items that you probably already have in your home.

As far as performing for children is concerned, I believe you will get much more mileage out of a sponge ball routine than you will with my routine. I designed the Steel Ball Routine to be mesmerizing, captivating, and entertaining for my target audience, which is adults.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I admit I'm slightly dissapointed that you don't reccomend it for children, but I may give it a wirl anyway if I can manage to build up the funds. I like performing for adults, as well, after all (sometimes they even give a better reaction than the kids! Smile)
"Magic should always have a purpose. [...] Find your purpose for performing. Only then will you be able to find the right trick!" -- Jay Noblezada
Ron Vergilio
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Jim, I would add that it will also depend on the age of the kids. I think that 7 or 8 year olds would enjoy it but the 4 & 5 year olds would not be able to follow the nuance of the routine.

I beleive that they would understand the vanishes easily enough but not realy get the impact of the balls reappearing in the box at the end and that is the real 'POW' of the effect.

May the magic in your life never disappear

*** Lou Serrano's Steel Ball Routine ***
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On 2009-05-08 17:34, Martino wrote:
A similar construction method to that used by the late great Tommy Wonder for his Ring Box would probably work very well, i.e. using wood veneer.

I’ve seen Tommy Wonder perform his ring box routine albeit I’ve never seen the box close up let alone handle one. However I have some serious doubts that it is made of wood veneer as this material is usually about 1/32” thick and is designed to be glued on another substantial wood base using a special glue and a heating device. It is by no means in any way shape or form a “building” material. Making a box that would hold three one inch diameter chrome ball bearings out of veneer material is almost akin to trying to make a box out of plastic wrap! It can’t be done. Veneer is just what its name implies…a top decorative layer material and nothing more.

It might possibly pass for a 1 ½’ X 1 ½’ box but even then I have my doubts. I can understand in trying to keep the box as small as possible but veneer is certainly not the material to consider by a long shot. My apologies for getting off thread here but I thought it best to point this out lest anyone try such a foolish endeavor.

~gaffed~ Smile
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lou serrano
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Hey Greg,

Thanks for the nice words. They're very much appreciated.

Greg Arce
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On 2009-05-15 02:51, lou serrano wrote:
Hey Greg,

Thanks for the nice words. They're very much appreciated.


They're completely true. If you get this routine you will have a real worker.

One of my favorite quotes: "A critic is a legless man who teaches running."