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Bob Johnston
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Philadelphia, PA
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I use (and love) the Porper/Biro “ring flight.” The idea of never letting go of the ring and risking a lost ring (or stone) makes it a very nice and very clean trick.

I use reels for other things, but not for a stranger’s expensive ring.

Alan Munro
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On 2005-12-12 17:09, D J Hawkins wrote:
As a potential buyer in the UK, it is a real nuisance that Steve Dusheck doesn't take credit cards or Paypal. Send currency to the US by any other means is very expensive and inconvenient. Does anyone know if Mr Dusheck's products are available from any dealers ? I'm interested in purchasing at least two of the latest "Ringer" units.

I bought my first one at an auction. I bought my second one from Hank Lee.
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Profile of broothal
I tried to search Tannens, Hank Lee, Hocus Pocus, and others to no avail. Anyone know of a dealer (preferably in Europe, but US will do) that takes credit card and want my money (In return for Steve's Ringer Smile
Paul Chosse
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Anyone remember the original idea here? The gaff is a secret! No one is supposed to know about it, so it doesn't really matter as long as it gets the ring away without being detected. Originally, you borrowed a ring, held it in your fist and had your hand wrapped in a hankerchief. The spectator named a finger. You had him pull the hank off and the ring was gone, only to have appeared on your other hand, on the finger named! It was done by slieght of hand!

Then, in an effort to make the vanish more convincing a pull was introduced. The Willmann Ring Pull was so strong it would take your finger off. Next, it was re-routined and incorporated in a keycase, but the idea remains the same: the vanish and re-production of a borrowed finger ring - that's it...

Everyone is talking about the gaffs, but no one is talking about the plot! What is the effect? What do the audience see? That's what matters, and what should dictate your choice of equipment. Whit's routine is wonderful because of the ending. In fact, Don Alan absolutely loved it, and that is a strong recommendation!

As to nuts and bolts equipment, I have used a Sterling pull for years and NEVER had a problem. A jewelers clip, as recommended and, I think, sold by Whit, makes the attachment a breeze. And Bruce Cervon's handling reduces the chances of an accident to practically nil...

More later, if folks are interested...

Best, PSC

Posted: Dec 29, 2005 7:05pm

In answer to a problem you posed: John Stanfield, of Atlanta GA, put out a set of color changing knives. What, you ask, has this to do with Ring Flight? Nothing. But, he did do this: He took his pocket knife, which had a small ring on it's end, off his keychain, did his color change routine, then, with the knife in his left hand, he picked up the keychain with the keys on it and threw that into his hand with the knife. He immediately opened his hand and the knife was BACK on the keychain! All examinable, a great routine. It might just give you some ideas...

Best, PSC
"You can't steal a gift..." Dizzy Gillespie
Whit Haydn
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I agree with you about Ring Flite. The problem with Ring Flite was that most of the commercial versions had lousy reels and lousy clips.

By trying to make a buck, cheap versions were put on the market that would never meet a professional's standards. These were prone to lose or damage the borrowed ring.

I have been performing Ring Flite since the mid 1970's. I published my patter and routine in 1978.

I have used the same reel, the same line, and the same clip for more than 10 years.

Never had an accident or scratched or damaged a ring.

A good Ring Flite is very expensive, and I have two that I really like. My John Swink reel, and my Michel Forbes reel. Both of these are wonderful.

The proper clip is every bit as important as the reel. I use a jeweler's clip like used on a watch fob. These won't lose the ring, and won't scratch it. It is hard to find the right kind, especially in the right size.

As Paul says, the effect is either a vanish and reappearance or a transposition.

To me, the idea that is so great is the very practical method for the use of a reel. Reels and pulls can create the most amazing vanishes for laymen, but they are for the most part, cumbersome and difficult. This reel in a key case solves so many problems! It is one of the strongest and most amazing vanishes possible.

The reproduction is also very strong.

It is a great effect, and a wonderful method. It just shouldn't be done on the cheap.

I don't think any of the other methods I have seen come close in practicality or impact with Ring Flite.
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Profile of twistedace
Is anybody having a problem with the sound of the Key for the Poper/Biro ring flight (Just in Case)? It snaps very loudly over here and am just wondering if anybody else has had a problem with this before I do it on New Years Eve for the first time in front of a live, well paying audience.
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Daupin PA
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Profile of Cpontz
I mentioned this in another thread, but thought it applies here also. I really like Derek Dingle's handling of ring flight. He did it without a jacket and showed the key ring prior to making the borrowed ring disappear. Great misdirection and well thought out.

Pete Biro
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Twisted Ace... How did the show go?
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Profile of Parcifal
On 2006-01-07 14:12, Cpontz wrote:
I mentioned this in another thread, but thought it applies here also. I really like Derek Dingle's handling of ring flight. He did it without a jacket and showed the key ring prior to making the borrowed ring disappear. Great misdirection and well thought out.

I can't recall having read about Dereks handling?i don't think it is in his 'complete works', at least a fast scan through it didn't reveal it to me.where was it described please?Genii? Pallbearers?
Larry Davidson
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It's published in Derek Dingle's Last Notes by Simon Lovell & Rich Marotta.
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Profile of Parcifal
On 2006-01-10 07:57, Larry Davidson wrote:
It's published in Derek Dingle's Last Notes by Simon Lovell & Rich Marotta.
thanx,typical,that's the last and not that long back released work,and I said to myself,no more cardbooks Smile

On 2006-01-10 07:57, Larry Davidson wrote:
It's published in Derek Dingle's Last Notes by Simon Lovell & Rich Marotta.
Mr.Davidson,i just recall having read about the Dingle handling for ringflite 'somewhere' and this goes quite many years back!anybody here with a better memory than me that can recall where his has been described earlier,i'm pretty sure I remember correctly I did read about it,just can't recall 'where' Smile?
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Profile of twistedace
The show went great. The noise was NOT a problem at all. I was pressing too hard in the wrong spot which was making noise. After I figured out how to do it completely silently the effect was great. Thanks again.
Pete Biro
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Glad to hear it went well. That's a tough night to work.
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Profile of Cpontz
Parcifal - Derek Dingle's Last Notes is not a book. It is his last lecture notes that he was putting together for a tour he was going to do before he passed away. His friends published this in a limited quantity after his death. There is a lot more then cards in it. If you can still get a copy, I would highly recommend it.

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Profile of paisa23
Questions to those who have Ringer. I have both and today while playing with it (Ringer) the little thingy for lack of a better word. Fell off. Do you guys glue it on for more sure thing or should I just put it back on?
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Well well well
My thingy spins, so I don't think glue is the answer. I suggest you email Steve Dusheck at for the answer. Didn't your mother ever tell you to not play with your THINGY. Does your wife know you broke your thingy? Steve told me that he does not have extra screw thingies, so if that is what you are talking about, you must buy another ringer.
have fun amigo
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of vinsmagic
You can use glue or ask steve to send you the springs you are talking about.
and remember ringer can be performed in short sleeves no jacket required and
no pulls ,,,,,,,
Last week a Magician Named john Graham performed at the Castle and he did a wonderuil routine using the dusheck ringer,,,,,,
Come check out my magic.
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Profile of TheAmazingSteveo
I own Just in Case ... it gets great reactions doing ring flight ... I get a great reaction just using the key by itself also.
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Profile of paisa23
OK been playing with Morelli Ring hope to give a review later.

Vinny I know you sent me a demo a while back(of Ringer). Would you happen to have one on MVD? Just curious because my laptop that you sent it too a while ago crashed and would love to see it again. I do it like I was thought and like I read, and though I get great reactions I feel like I'm not doing it justice. The strike vanish seems like a really nice approach.

Once I actually placed the Ringer in there hands and told them to squeeze tight as I make the ring vanish from my hand and jump into yours. Risky yes but I felt I had great crowd control at that time.

On 2006-01-11 07:25, paisa23 wrote:

Vinny I know you sent me a demo a while back(of Ringer). Would you happen to have one on MVD? Just curious because my laptop that you sent it too a while ago crashed and would love to see it again. I do it like I was thought and like I read, and though I get great reactions I feel like I'm not doing it justice. The strike vanish seems like a really nice approach.

Don't worry about that Vid I found it in an Old archived e-mail.
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OK let me see if I can give an In Depth Review on both Steve Dusheck's "RINGER"
And Dick Stride's "Morelli Ring" From Collectors Workshop.

First let me say that both of these Effects are similar in the fact that a ring is Borrowed, made to vanish and reappear on the key chain.

Now with that said Morelli Ring has a routine that I wont go into except to say
That is where you can read on it.

OK now you can do the effect the same way as you can do Ringer.

Where they differ are in the way it gets into the key chain. Well not to say the way they get in because they both get in relatively the same way. These two men have just come up with the opposite way of each others creation.

Ringer uses a method that is basically invisible to the naked eye (Or at least I feel it is because I have never been Caught.) And Morelli uses more of a method to clean itself up that would work more to the guy who needs to see everything in there own hand. Now I believe that if you are a performer who people enjoy and believe. They will never want to see and scrutinize the key chains. That is why you have men like Al Angelo, Vinny the godfather, Steve Dushecks, myself until further notice and many others that have spoken or been spoken about on this thread who have had nothing but success with something so small, simple and to the point.

Here are the facts on Ringer. A ring is Borrowed, vanished and produced from a key chain. The performer unscrews the key chain and takes the ring out period. Only to perform it once again. It is vanished immediately only to be produced back on the key chain.

* Easy To DO
* Repeatable without reset
* A close-up effect
* Ordinary-looking without suspicion
* Ring Really on Key ring, no magnet
* Fool Everyone all the time
* Natural Handling
* do anytime, anywhere

That is directly from the instructions and every single one of those claims are as true as can be.

The only downside I can say about Ringer is Confidence. We don't think like laymen and we never will. Now when you get this and look at it you will say "that's IT?"
I know I did but that is the beauty to this effect. No one will ever see different, But us. I was scared to do this at first but after my first time. I do it all the time. I am a performer that likes to be on the spot and do the same effect I can do wearing a jacket or wearing short sleeves. This effect is perfect and I am very glad to own it.

Now the Morelli Ring is in essence the same effect with a small difference. First let me say that I don't think it looks odd. I think it looks different but then again we are different men. That will only add to whatever patter we choose to use with this effect.

You can take a borrowed ring vanish it and have it produced on the key chain. The difference is that you will be more comfortable letting the spec scrutinize the device. Now honestly only a little bit because those pesky spectators can sometimes think that inspecting things means yanking and pulling things that they shouldn't. Can it be repeated? I guess it can personally I wouldn't I find it a world easier with the Ringer then Morelli. But that's me anyone else that has this might think differently The only reason why you can have the ring in between keys is because the way it is in the pocket allows you to load it that way. I'm sure with a little different pocket placement you could do the same thing with Ringer. You can allow the spectator to take the ring off themselves. The move is when you load the ring and pull the key chain out that is when you do the clean up move. Which is actually really smart. The cons with this effect is basically I don't like the way it goes in the pocket. Depending on pants, jeans, or slacks that you choose to wear you might snag, therefore taking more time to take the key chain out creating speculations. Once while practicing it it snagged and fell out. Now again nothing against the effect I think it is a great product. I just tend to wear some jeans that have that inner lining under the opening of the pocket that would allow it to snag.

So to end this Long and hopefully helpful review. Both Products Are of great quality and I don't feel that you could go wrong with either one. Personally I will alternate with both only to familiarize myself with Morelli Ring. As of right now I fine Steve's Ringer to be the one for me. Now this is not to say that others will prefer Morelli better or that either one of these are the best ones out there. But for me and a few others this is the way to go. Hope I helped. And if need further assistance without exposure I'm open to all Pm's

Thanks to those who choose to read this.