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I have a set of the Royal rings and had chipping on the finish after a few days. They work okay, but I was disappointed by the chipping. The Ninja rings are heavier and have a nicer feel in the hand, although they really don't perform any better than the Royal rings, i.e., the audience really can't tell the difference. I would still buy the Ninja rings for the feel, it's worth it to me.

Has anyone been "caught" using the drop count with the Ninja rings? I never liked the drop count when doing the larger rings, it just seemed obvious that something was being done even if it wasn't clear what was being done, but I'm wondering if the average non-magician notices this, especially with the smaller rings since you only use 4 of them? I'm playing around with the odin count as described on the Café as well as the count that Whit uses in his 4 ring routine and will probably settle on Whit's version since I use it with the large rings already.

Are you using any of the traditional large ring moves on the Ninja rings or the other way around? I've been playing with doing the blocked link with my pro-line rings and I can't do it smoothly all of the time, but when I get it right, it really looks magical. I've heard folks say after seeing the blocked link that they thought there was a slot in the ring covered by my hand, but how could you do the blocked link, wouldn't that other ring just get in the way?

The final count in Whit's routine, which he credits to Dai Vernon is a bit clumsy with the Ninja rings, but seems like something that can be used occasionally. Some other links also have great potential. I haven't been able to hit it consistently, but the aerial crash link looks really nice too.

Some of the Ninja moves work great with big rings too. My Pro-line rings really ring when you bash them together, so the silent link presents a dramatic contrast.

Any other ideas for this sort of cross-fertilization?
Marty Sasaki
Arlington, Massachusetts, USA

Standard disclaimer: I'm just a hobbyist who enjoys occasionally mystifying friends and family, so my opinions should be viewed with this in mind.
Daniel Faith
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The promo would not work for me.
Is the site down Randi?
Daniel Faith
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Profile of zwong
I'm not quite sure if this is relevant.

If you have the money and resources, go ahead and purchase World's Greatest Magic (Linking Rings) DVD. It's a wonderful DVD with bits and pieces from many masters of the Linking Rings.

In response to your poor little pinky, I believe Jeff McBride's method of crash link might be your answer. When done correctly, the crashing sound won't even be there at all.

Then again, it might only work for 12" rings. I have yet to experiment on rings of different sizes

Just my opinion. Might worth checking it out.
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North Adams Ma.
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Profile of johnnymystic
The silent crash link can be done with smaller rings, it's on the worlds Greatest Magic (linking rings) DvD.
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Prof. Alexander
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On 2007-06-02 16:06, Daniel Faith wrote:
The promo would not work for me.
Is the site down Randi?

Nor me - site is totally dead!

Prof Alexander
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Profile of marty.sasaki
After a bit more playing around and experimenting with doing the crash link, I think you are hitting it too hard. Try doing the crash link by just pushing. If you push too lightly, the link won't happen, but there will come a point, it happened with me, where the link happens and looks really good. That should be your target for doing the crash link. Play with the angle of the rings and where you are making contact to get a good feel for what is happening.

I suspect that the one handed blocked link is similar, but I can't do it consistantly enough to be able to really say that I know what is going on.
Marty Sasaki
Arlington, Massachusetts, USA

Standard disclaimer: I'm just a hobbyist who enjoys occasionally mystifying friends and family, so my opinions should be viewed with this in mind.
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Eternal Order
Northern California
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
Another resource is Dan Fleshman's routine. His skills with the rings do not compare to Shoot's. Especially with the one handed blocked crash link. It looks quite sloppy.

That said, his opening move is a very good idea and I wish I'd thought of it.

A friend reminded me of that beginning move and I have now switched to it where I was originally using the standard opening (the crash link).

I think it is a great way to start the routine. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
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Profile of zwong
On 2007-06-04 01:13, Frank Starsini wrote:
Another resource is Dan Fleshman's routine. His skills with the rings do not compare to Shoot's. Especially with the one handed blocked crash link. It looks quite sloppy.

That said, his opening move is a very good idea and I wish I'd thought of it.

A friend reminded me of that beginning move and I have now switched to it where I was originally using the standard opening (the crash link).

I think it is a great way to start the routine.

I second that.

The opening move is indeed good.
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Eternal Order
Northern California
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
On 2007-06-03 14:06, Prof. Alexander wrote:
On 2007-06-02 16:06, Daniel Faith wrote:
The promo would not work for me.
Is the site down Randi?

Nor me - site is totally dead!

Prof Alexander

The site is not dead but the link to the promo is dead.
You can still find it. Look around. She does a nice crash link. Very nice. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
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Profile of WizardsInn
Hello Batty.

Here is the one tip from SHOOT.

When you hold the key ring, just put a card(playing card or business card) between your hand and ring.
This card tell you exactly the right spot.
If card is bending, it means your key is too inside.
If card dropped, it means flashing.

This new information is in his latest DVD called "Ninja Ring Sellection".

If you have any questions, just send Shoot an e-mail.
He will be always happy to help you.

Good Luck!