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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Crazyman's handcuffs. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Re-Linking CMH

I have a version that mimics the unlinking of the CMH, and is performed openly as a reverse of the 'penetration'.
Start with the bands on the thumb and index fingers in the same position as they come apart in CMH.
The right hand approaches the left with a forward motion stretching the right band over the left index finger. As you come back and starch the right band over the left thumb, slip the right middle finger into the upper loop, then as you move the band forward again, pull out the index finger. (the band on the right hand is now stretched between the thumb and middle finger with your index finger free) Instead of continuing toward the left index finger, move the right hand up, starching the band in the left hand over the right thumb.
Now as the right hand drops, the band on the left fingers is stretched by the right middle finger. The right index finger goes over the band on the left hand and slips behind the band on the right fingers, just above the right thumb. As the right hand moves up pull the right middle finger out of the band. The switch is made. Continue up to the mid point, then with the rotating motion of the unlink, you now bring the hands together showing the bands have now linked.
Sounds a little complicated, but it's very fast and smooth. It's a variation of Dan Harlin's linking bands that evolved to mimic CMH.

This is a magician fooler.
Brian Proctor
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Take a look at Slydini's manuscript. "The linking rubberbands." He teaches it briefly.

Read carefully. I didn't realize what I was reading until I did the moves as I read it. I was pleased to finally learn it.
Dr Jim
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There is a linking/unlinking rubberband download at The Trickery which is another good source for ten bucks I think.
Al Angello
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Dr Jim
Did you read that Mark has a video demo of this trick up on his web site FOR FREE, if I'm not mistaken that is a whole $10 less that the one you are suggesting.
call me crazy
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
Dr Jim
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Hello Al,
I just mentioned it as another source if someone was to read this thread after Marks offer is over. Free always works for me! Sarcasm....well, not so much but have a nice day to you Sir.