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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Did you hear the latest? :: Passings (sad) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Tom Cutts
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Most of you will already know Eddie Fields passed away but the next day, Oct. 1st, Irv Tannen passed away as well.

Steve Brooks
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Very sad indeed Tom, I was not aware Eddie had passed...he will be missed by many. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Scott F. Guinn
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Is it just me, or does it seem like we're losing an awful lot of magicians over the last couple of years? I mean, one or two here and there is to be expected, but we've lost a LOT of quality "name" people recently!
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
My Lybrary Page
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Profile of Seanamon
I know what you guys mean. I recently had the honor of spending time with John Calvert. Although he is over 90, I saw him lift and move a full size grownup on stage as if he were Atlas.

I couldn't help but feel like I had touched upon some serious magic living history there. I enjoyed listening to him and the stories of his life. I was left in awe of the man.

Not exactly on topic, but when I left, I couldn't help but feel like I had been with one of the last true magicians of old. I wished I could spend more time with him, because I knew I'd never know a moment like that again.

I felt that way when Ascanio passed as well. Although I never met the man, I was moved by his approach to magic and life.

Just me rambling...

God bless the greats...

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Lest anyone misread that, John Calvert is still alive. The comment about great ones just touched a nerve. I guess the point is, appreciate these people while we still have them. Its easy to forget about classics while checking out the latest and greatest, but that's why they are classic....they have endured and should be appreciated always.

Ok enough of my rambling
Steve Brooks
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These are all very good points guys, as the saying goes: "Show respect for your elders".

Magic is a result of the contributions of many, and we stand on the hardwork of others.

So many of the young magicians are indeed caught up in the "eye candy" moves of the newest magic stars, and they are missing out on the wisdom and traditions of those who built the foundation on which we are all standing.

I remember an elderly gentleman trying to show some "arrogant" young magicians the proper way to execute a certain move.

These youngsters responses were along the lines of;"Yea yea..whatever, but I think if you did it like this...".

It was a sad situation, as the young "know it all’s" walked away (not knowing or caring about the man who so tenderly tried to help), I followed close behind.

We arrived in the lobby, and they had a look of shock on their faces, as I gave them a small lecture on the use of "common courtesy".

You see, they hadn’t bothered to ask the man his name, and since he wasn’t wearing a badge, they had no idea that it was Herb Zarrow who tried to help. Smile

Yes, the generation before us is passing, and indeed...we are next in line. Let us try and educate those before us! Smile


Life is not a problem to be solved...

but a mystery to be lived.
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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Victoria, Texas
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Profile of Seanamon
What a moving story Steve. I wish I could say that this is a rare occurance, but unfortunately, I've seen it too many times. I especially agree with your statement that we stand on the foundation that they built.

People can learn tricks and secrets from a million sources; books, videos, lectures you name it.

But when you sit quietly in the shadow of some of the older "greats", you learn something learn something about the word "magic".

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Profile of rickmagic1
One story that has always stuck in my mind was one that Mike Rogers used to tell.

He was taking Don Alan to the hotel after they’d had dinner.

Mike commented to Don regarding all the routines/ideas that Don had given to the magic community.

Don looked at Mike with a very sad look in his eyes, and responded, "I don’t think anyone has ever once said, "Thank you".

Ever since I heard that story, I’ve had a chance to personally say thanks to many magicians who’ve personally influenced me. Billy McComb, Ron Wilson, Martin Lewis (who is now a friend), Eugene Burger and Max Maven (both of whom I’ve only corresponded with by e-mail).

By the way, in case anyone didn’t know, George Kirkendall, creator of the Kirkendall reel, died this past week.

If you want to see someone who was a genius in mind, check out Eugene’s story on George in his book "Strange Ceremonies".
Richard Green
The Modern Conjurer

Coming soon:
Victorian Secrets: An Evening With The Spirits!
Peter Marucci
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"Yes, the generation before us is passing, and indeed...we are next in line. Let us try and educate those before us!"

Uh, Steve, I've been in magic for about 50 years, so I don't qualify as "next in line."

But I also don't qualify as being dead -- or even getting ready to be dead! Smile

So I suppose I'm somewhere in a limbo-like area in between.

Sigh! Story of my life.


Peter Marucci Smile
Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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Not next in line eh Peter?...hmmm...where do you live?...I have friends. Smile

But seriously, thanks for posting. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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Hey Peter, this 'limbo land' ain't too bad!

Think of the time we can spend on all these great magic forums!!....No need to rush home from a hard day's work and all that jazz! Smile
Wallace B