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Good to here.
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Columbus, OH
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Profile of Andini
I had heard of the Implicit Association Tests but until recently I wasn't aware that you could take some online.

Mosey on over to and take one of the tests. They take about five minutes. I'm not going to go into too much of what they are now, but I encourage you to take one of the tests. It'll start to dawn on you how unsettling it is.
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I got banned for one of my
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Profile of MAKMagic
Bah, not unsettling at all. I can change the results of that in a heart beat by altering the initial presentation of the information. While biast, concious or otherwise may play A factor - humans are creatures of habit. It was all in the presentation...but I imagine good ole Al and company will have their data now.
.:Michael Kelley
On the Level, By the Square
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Eternal Order
Look mom! I've got
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Profile of daffydoug
After about three or four times they turn it into pure confusion by mixing the categories....I don't see what the point is from there on, except to test your short term MEMORY ability.
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
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Profile of acmp
Not too sure what this is all about. I did the young/old test, onbly made 2 mistakes (same old face classed as young) then when it finished I got a server error.

What was going on? is it just to see if my subconcious upholds my concious beliefs?

It looks more like a simple pattern recognition/cognative understanding test, similar to an IQ test or Dyslexia test, so I guess I scored well.

"Well if I had one wish in this god forsaken world, kids
It'd be that your mistakes would be your own"
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of MagiClyde
The link didn't work for me. Is the test over?
Magic! The quicker picker-upper!
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Eternal Order
Look mom! I've got
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Profile of daffydoug
No. There will be a pop quiz tomorrow.
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
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South African in Taiwan
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Profile of abc
I think the way the test is designed is biased from the point of view that you get better at hitting the I and e buttons as the test progresses almost like learning the controls on a TV game. That naturally faovrs the second part of the test.
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Agent of Chaos
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Profile of gaddy
My mind started to hurt towards the end of some of those tests...
*due to the editorial policies here, words on this site attributed to me cannot necessarily be held to be my own.*
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The Socialist Republic of the USA.
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Profile of RobertBloor
I did the presidential test. At the end I was told I had a what was it, basically was more comfortable with George W. Bush than with Lincoln.

It said the reason was I was hitting the GW/Good key faster than I hit the Lincoln/Good key.

Here's the problem...

The Lincoln/Good key was in the first round of mix ups. So naturally I was moving more slowly to make sure I didn't screw up.

By the time the GW/Good mix came up, I recognized that all of the pictures and words were the same. They were not changing. This enabled me to sort faster in the later rounds.

Had the order of operations been reveresed, I clearly would've shown more bias towards Lincoln.

So to that end, abc is correct. Just like a video game, the longer you hit the i/e buttons, the faster you'll get, thus favoring the second part of the test.

That means not only can your results be predicted, but actually planned for.

And now to quote acmp - I'm not sure what the point was.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"
-The Declaration of Independence
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Profile of kregg
If the study finds on the side of controversy and is cited by a professor or dean - will they get fired?
Jonathan Townsend
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Eternal Order
Ossining, NY
27309 Posts

Profile of Jonathan Townsend
I felt like I was trying to play fizbin and wondering what day it was. Or was it the flagon with the dragon that holds the brew which is true and so I should press the "e" key ... all the coins I've dropped here
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within a triangle
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Profile of landmark
The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon. The vessel with the pestle holds the brew that is true. Smile

Jack Shalom