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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Mentally Speaking :: QuestA Cards Doccinar review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Twin Cities MN
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Profile of Moderncelt
I'm going to shoot off a quick review of Docc Hilford's new Doccinar "QuestA Cards". I'm going to avoid all the language that people immediately write off as someone pumping a product for someone else. So no "Worth it's weight in gold", no "there's nothing like it", no "you could start a cult"s. What I will say that it is fully workable. This is NOT armchair work or impress your friends material. So if that's what you are looking for, it's probably not for you. Now, this is material that Docc uses (and I believe is currently using in Mexico) on a regular basis. It is valuable stuff if you want to do Q&A. I personally do cabaret propless Q&A on a regular basis, and I could see how I could incorporate this in about 5 minutes. Docc says that he is giving you 7 different routines with the QuestA cards. I'd agree with him, some would say it's just 7 different ways of presenting the same effect...SO WHAT! What he is giving you are 7 options. If one doesn't appeal to you, he's giving you other routes you can take.

But for what you are paying, you are getting video, MP3 lecture and PDF. I personally have paid more for a heck of a lot less. Docc is really generous in the information he goes over. I know that some folks don't like Docc's rambling style, but I love the little gems that pop up as he gets off into the weeds and works his way back. If you are looking how to do Q&A, don't start here. If you do Q&A, it's a great addition and I look forward to working this into my current material.

One warning, you may hear that this material requires a lot of memorization and doing math on the fly...Don't let that scare you off. That fear is way over rated. If you can add two numbers together and can remember the basic numerology associations, you've got the groundwork down. It looks scarier that it actually is.

I'm going to say that it has been one of my better purchases this year, and I look forward to Docc's follow up call.
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Inner circle
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Profile of dmoses
Thanks for posting this Moderncelt.

I have to admit I was curious.

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Twin Cities MN
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Profile of Moderncelt
Dmoses: There's some workhorse material in there, and it can be a butt-saver if you need to do something quickly. Docc was very generous with all that he put in the seminar. I know, it's not going to fit everyone's style or taste, but nothing ever will. If QA is part of your act, even walk around, it's good solid material that deserves consideration.
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Inner circle
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Profile of bdekolta
It is interesting from the standpoint the questions can go both ways. Meaning you can influence the question they ask. That is one aspect of this that can assist people trying to learn.

Also this is not playing cards.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of IAIN
Yeah, I was curious too...thanks for the review...
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New Port Richey, FL
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Profile of Lar
Got this. Some nice ideas as always with Docc, thanks for the review Moderncelt.

I'm curious though as to why he puts out his effects as a video file outlining and explaining the basics accompanied with an audio file where he goes into further detail and routines.

He's such a charismatic bloke I'd much prefer that the accompanying details and routines were video too rather than just audio. If you're explaining something its easier to do that with a video isn't it?

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Profile of jamiesalinas
Very good and accurate review. This is not for everyone but I am very excited to work this into my act.

Jamie Salinas
Jamie Salinas