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Profile of BSpideyA
Hey guys!

this is Spidey with some news.

Last year I filmed 7 effects with Wayne Houchin. He picked them from a large selection of my creations and he filmed edited and produced them. With the lauch of THeory11's the WIRE we decided to laucnh them on there. The first one is up. It is a great close up mentalism effect, and all the pros have had nothing but good things to say about it. I would love to know what you guys think.

If any reviewers for magazines or web sites are interested in reviewing this, please contact me ! I will gladly send the full download.

thanks guys! hope you like it! Smile

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Profile of blackpine0008
That effect is already published, I have a dvd from dan harlan with that same principle.
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Sir. Mind Reader
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Not direct enough for my tastes I'm afraid.
Ben Train
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The method being used isn't a new one (something Spidey is aware of and provides credit for)- what he is claiming is a clever, and engaging presentational hook for this type of thing.

I haven't seen the video but I have spoken to Spidey about some of his ideas for this project. If you're a worker this may very well be something you'll use (especially now the TIFF festival and award shows are happening!).

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Mr. Gray
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There are previously published ways of performing this effect that have a clearer logical disconnect...
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On 2011-09-18 21:24, BSpideyA wrote:
It is a great close up mentalism effect, and all the pros have had nothing but good things to say about it.


What pros?
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Working pros in Montreal at my opening lecture for David Stone and Michael Ammar a few months ago as well as Dan White, Wayne Houchin, David Acer, Richard Sanders who had this to say: "Spidey's Celebrity Match is a deviously clever concept. His magic is engaging, very well thought out and extremely commercial." Those are the only big names I showed it to

What I want to know is why the heck this community is so negative about everything. How bout a "congrats Spidey hope it does well" or a "this is not my type of magic but good job" why does every *** thing have to be followed by criticism, negativity, scepticism and put downs?! How is it that complete strangers are encouraging and positive yet the individuals that I call peers and colleagues are so darn condescending?! If you guys posted something, I wouldnt go out of my way to bash it? And if it want my style I wouldnt say JUST that. And if I knew other routines like it I wouldnt mention JUST that. I would congratulate you all on your success and/or say nothing.

You know what guys, I wish you the exact OPPOSITE types of critique that you have given me on what I consider to be a cool achievement!

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Ahhhh so working Magicians you refer to

I don't think you will find much interest in here
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First thing, Good luck with the project. Really.
You must understand: as looch hinted the names you noted don't impress the people on this forum. Sometimes even the opposite (we love them as magicians, but their understanding of mentalism is very little, many times even wrong).
By the way, the effect looks nice. A little bit too mental magic for my taste but I liked it.

Nimrod , Israel
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Profile of parmenion
You effect is very nice,congrats! But it's the wrong forum, you should post it in the card worker or someweher more appropriate for this magic effect.
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Profile of BSpideyA
Thanks so much guys!

I understand maybe a lot of the guys here are into pure mentalism and so am i. I am above all a hypnotist/mentalist. But I thought this was a cute effect which demonstrates mental abilities in a compact simple direct way. Thank you Parmenion for the recommendation, I really appreciate it

Nimrod: If nothing else comes out of this thread, just the fact that YOU saw my effect and liked it means the world to me! I thought Shalosh and Shalosh3 were THE BEST mentalism reads in years! I recommend them HIGHLY and Wayne had nothing but great things to say about you

Looch: I love your work as well, really enjoyed your DVD

thanks guys for adding a little positivity Smile

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Profile of DekEl
On 2011-09-19 04:01, BSpideyA wrote:
What I want to know is why the heck this community is so negative about everything. How bout a "congrats Spidey hope it does well" or a "this is not my type of magic but good job" why does every *** thing have to be followed by criticism, negativity, scepticism and put downs?! How is it that complete strangers are encouraging and positive yet the individuals that I call peers and colleagues are so darn condescending?! If you guys posted something, I wouldnt go out of my way to bash it? And if it want my style I wouldnt say JUST that. And if I knew other routines like it I wouldnt mention JUST that. I would congratulate you all on your success and/or say nothing.

I honestly didn't see a single person bashing your effect. They just said that it's already been put out before, and that they didn't feel that it matched their tastes. I don't see anything that's so "darn condescending", or any post that appears to "bash it".

"I would congratulate you on your success and/or say nothing"

^^ Statements like this are what makes the Café a useless place to be. Certainly negativity and spite is not a good thing, but none of those were exhibited in the above posts. One of the major reasons why I and others visit the Café is to see what effects are actually worth buying. If every post on every effect is just a yes-man style response then I can't tell which effects are good and which ones are cr** and I might as well not come here for reviews and opinions.

Furthermore, if, as the good number of posters seem to think, the effect is not only not original but less direct, then I really don't see anything to congratulate you on. As has already been posted on threads here before, it seems that more and more one trick effects are being published that have already been published before, and furthermore they aren't even as good as the originals.

On top of that it's more of a card trick than actual mentalism as others have noted. To be honest I'm surprised that there wasn't more negativity regarding your post.

I'm being honest with you here, I congratulate you for publishing an effect, but I feel rather sorry that you had to lash out so severely over a few clarifying posts that had no negativity contained in them and merely showed you up as one who publishes something that's already out there.
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Davit Sicseek
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On 2011-09-19 04:01, BSpideyA wrote:
What I want to know is why the heck this community is so negative about everything. How bout a "congrats Spidey hope it does well" or a "this is not my type of magic but good job" why does every *** thing have to be followed by criticism, negativity, scepticism and put downs?! How is it that complete strangers are encouraging and positive yet the individuals that I call peers and colleagues are so darn condescending?! If you guys posted something, I wouldnt go out of my way to bash it? And if it want my style I wouldnt say JUST that. And if I knew other routines like it I wouldnt mention JUST that. I would congratulate you all on your success and/or say nothing.

They aren't negative about everything - just rubbish.

As a piece of mentalism, your effect is second rate - and although I've not seen the Harlan DVD that is being referred to, its not original either. There is talk of this "clever" presentation hook? What is that hook? Using celebrity names? Big deal. Maybe you can repackage it again with the clever presentational hook of movie titles.

Believe it or not, The Magic Café isn't your personal promotional vehicle. When you post an effect for sale and end your 'advert' with "I would love to know what you guys think" robust praise AND criticism is what you should expect. Some people thought it was rubbish and in more cordial terms told you so. Seems you think this was improper. If I was a more cynical person it would seem that you simply want to join the self referential, back slapping hype brigade and have your "peers" praise your work or else remain silent. I'm afraid entry into this group takes a much longer period of dedicated brown nosing. Until you reach such status, you will have to take the rough with the smooth.
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Profile of BSpideyA
On 2011-09-19 10:11, Davit Sicseek wrote:
There is talk of this "clever" presentation hook? What is that hook? Using celebrity names? Big deal. Maybe you can repackage it again with the clever presentational hook of movie titles.

ummm are you really suggesting that a movie title is SO much more appealing than a list of male celebrities?! Ever perform for women? You know, those pretty things that constitute 50% of your audience? Ever mention Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Georges Clooney or Robert Pattinson to women? The only movie titles that will get that sort of reaction upon mention, is the movies THESE guys were in. Please; you can say male celebrities are not that great of a hook in your opinion but don't try to convince me that movie titles are much better.... but that's my opinion.

as for those of you who think Im trying to promote and sell here. I don't really care about making money off working class performers, my demography is younger hobbyists. But if many people have found value in the effect, I don't think it deserves to be classified as boring or unoriginal. Boring it isn't because I get great entertainment value out of it. And fine it may not be 100000% original, but it certainly has a few original thoughts in there.

thanks guys,
Davit Sicseek
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ummm are you really suggesting that a movie title is SO much more appealing than a list of male celebrities?!

I'm really not. I think you might of imagined it.

I said "big deal". Let me think, if I was going to do a card trick and I wanted to engage drunken females it would take me all of 30 seconds to have the brainwave that using celebrity names might be a good idea. Unless I knew my audience would be drunken FAT females, in which case I might write the names of high calorie snacks on the cards. That is guaranteed to hook them in. In honesty, as a mentalist - if I am drawn towards a particular card effect, consideration of using something other than playing cards is pretty much the first thing that happens.

as for those of you who think Im trying to promote and sell here. I don't really care about making money off working class performers, my demography is younger hobbyists. But if many people have found value in the effect, I don't think it deserves to be classified as boring or unoriginal. Boring it isn't because I get great entertainment value out of it. And fine it may not be 100000% original, but it certainly has a few original thoughts in there.

It is unoriginal. I've got to call a spade a spade. It is an already published effect where you have substituted card values for celebrity names. Nothing more. There is no further engagement with the celebrity theme, no "reason", no supposed explanation for the effect. That makes it a bit boring to me - but as others have noted it can qualify as mental magic fine.

I think you are right, your work is best suited to younger (less informed and discerning) hobbyists - although in truth I think it means that the only people that will buy it are those that aren't aware there are better things available for the same money. Thankfully, since you are selling it on the glorified youtube that is "The Wire" - you will still make enough to eat! Good luck with it!
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W. Mercury
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What I think:
this is your "version" of an old method.
I'll pass.

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Profile of BSpideyA
How many effects nowadays are NOT variations of other things? seriously...lets take a look at the top 5 sellers on Murphys best seller list (aka the stuff most magic consumers find most value in)

1) Rattled by Dan Hauss: Fine awesome thinking but one could argue that its a chop cup under a bottle cap
2)Tool By David Stone: Yeah coz noone ever made things appear or vanish with tht gimmick
3)Ultra Gum By richard Sanders, Deven and Myself: well I'm not about to bash our own creation here but although the location might be very original, there are many old idea at work here
4) puncture 2.0: Karate coin meet pen through anything (not taking anything away from the idea, I think its great)
5) chop.... hehe...its in the title: one of the most talked about effects which is a remix of many existing ideas (again not taking anything away from the product)

the list goes WAY on!.... Everyone is coming up with variations

As for it being unoriginal. Honestly, and I'm being serious now, did you guys ALL immediately catch my out? Im finding it very hard to believe that everyone instinctively knows where my "other" prediction is. I find that part to be QUITE original indeed. Please don't expose but did everyone really get it?

And finally, DekEI: I get that honest criticism can help people make the right decisions. But the comments here were not after purchase where they are telling you something you don't know. You saw the trailer just as much as they did and if this isn't an effect that appeals to you, you are perfectly capable of making that decision. I totally understand if they BOUGHT the product, and discovered something that was bad and warned others about it. They watched the trailer, and nothing is being held back, I am fully honest in the description and you know what you are getting. This holds some value to many people and others might connect with it less. I just think that a little encouragement wouldnt be the end of the world. Like I said, I DO believe there is some creativity value here.

Thanks guys,
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Profile of DekEl
Now we've digressed to discussing methods of other effects. As a mentalists if there is a video trailer of an effect, if it's already been put out before then it's instantly recognizable, unlike many magic tricks. Thus they don't need to line your wallet to tell you that you're effect is not original.

Leaving this thread.
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Profile of PRINCE
Thanks for just revealing the method/gimmick for David Stones 'Tool'. For those who have this, I'm pretty sure you are not happy bunnies at the momment, and for those who don't, and were perhaps sitting on the fence whether to get this or not, well perhaps now you know the secret that may have now made your minds up. Thanks spidey for saving me money this time round. But if you are going to name drop, then put David Stones quote when he knows and finds out that you have exposed 'Tool' on a public open forum and revealed the gimmick/method or secret for making the 'vanish' or 'appearence' happen.

My prediction what David Stone's face will look like... Smile
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Profile of BSpideyA
***... so sorry I wasnt thinking...i iwll immediately remove that....ur totally right....

darn...cant I edit an old post?!?!