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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: A tangled web we weave... :: Jon Racherbaumer's site (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of EMVT
Hi guys I was thinking of joining Jon Racherbaumer's site with a premium membership which costs about 50 dollars for the year which entitles you to check out many articles, manuscrips, e-books that are hard to get, or are out of print.

I am a huge Marlo fan and although I have many books of Marlo I know Jon R has published many of his great works and he would probably have many of his notes, sleights, tricks along with countless other material from other great cardicians as well.

I was just wondering if there is anyone here on the Café who paid for a membership at anytime and if there was good material on his site worth joining, and if it is good stuff are you able to print it out or do you just have access to these special pages to read and study from, any info on this would be great.

Thank you fellow magis
Bill Hallahan
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Profile of Bill Hallahan
I have paid for access to his site. There is gold there! After downloading very little, you will have gotten more than $50.00 worth of material and ideas.

I do not know if there are legal/ethical restrictions on printing the material since I usually read off of the screen to save paper. I expect you can print the documents. There is nothing technical to stop you from doing that as long as you don't redistribute the material. To be sure, send Jon Racherbaumer an e-mail and ask him.

I suspect that Jon Racherbaumer is the leading authority on Marlo today.

I highly recommend the site.
Humans make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to create boredom. Quite astonishing.
- The character of ‘Death’ in the movie "Hogswatch"
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Profile of Nick-V.
Hi Bill,

Thanks a bunch for your post.
Sounds terrific and well worth it.
Peace on the Magical Streets
~Nick V.~