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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: APPearing Soon... :: "iNSTINCT" By Alex Ward & Myke Phillips (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Hi guys,

Not an app, but a great iPhone effect that can be used on it's own or with your already owned iPhone apps.

Just a quick update about "iNSTINCT" for anyone interested.

Release date is going to be the 1st of September.

It's going to be a written PDF with video explanations and screen shots.

I think it compliments iUnlockYourMind really well, so if you have that it's a must.

The price will be £30 and limited to 250 copies for 1 year.

By Alex Ward & Myke Phillips

The effect "iNSTINCT" is a collaboration of Alex Ward and Myke Phillips.

There will be only 250 copies released in PDF form along with links to video performances and explanations.

Here is the basic effect below.

You switch phones with a spectator and send yourself a text message from their phone. You ask the spectator to read what the text says on your phone. They open the text and it reads "Test". You then switch back phones and ask them to think of any word/name and text it to you whilst your phone is face down on your hand. You then tell the spectator to place their hand on top of your phone and with the other hand slowly touch the back of their hand. As soon as their finger touches the back of their hand, the text message comes through. You now show them the unopened text message to confirm that its really their number. Without ever opening the text message, you reveal what the word/name is.

The spectators actually jump when they hear and feel their text message come through.

They are really blown away by how you could possibly know what word/name they are thinking of.

When the text comes through, it is the actual text message they sent.

They can take as long as they like to touch the back of their hand but as soon as they touch it, the text comes through.

The text message really is unopened and they can check everything.

You can also do this with two borrowed phones.

No helpers.

You only have one phone.

No earpiece.

No Bluetooth.

No Application required.

Instant reset.

Bonus Routines.

Also, we have just started a new group for "iNSTINCT". If you're interested ask to join the group and we will post info there.

"iNSTINCT" Another update.

The written part of The PDF will be complete by tomorrow but unfortunately the videos are only half done. I was ill on the day of filming so we had to cut it short and we have not since found the time to complete the filming due to commitments.

We will be filming next week to complete the video portion of "iNSTINCT"

We can release the PDF tomorrow to those who really want it and then give links to the videos by next weekend.

Sorry for the delay

Please shoot me a PM or email me @ if you want a copy.
