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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: APPealing or APPalling? :: Review - Inject by Greg Rostami (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Devereuxc84
Inject is an Magic app by Greg Rostami which comes with 11 different effects.

When you open the app you are met with a list of various transmitter and receiver options which form the basis of the performance of the effects.

Of course before even beginning to look at these, it is well worth reading the instructions provided which I found well laid out and informative.

One thing you will notice after playing around with Inject for only a small amount of time is just how customisable and versatile it can be.

The app comes with a number of presets which I will describe in more detail below, but I would highly advise getting imaginative and creating some of your own effects; this is where I have had some of the most fun!

Like any new trick or effect that I am learning, I like to take it out on the street and gage reactions from the public to see its impact value.

The Houdini effect was the first I tried. Essentially you show a spectator an image of Houdini on their phone and then ask them to imagine what card Houdini is holding in his hands. Then, when you zoom in on his eyes everyone can see the number and suit of the card the spectator named.

I found people loved this trick, especially the twist of having the number and suit in his eyes. The trick is fairly easy to perform and makes a great impact.

The next type of effect I tried can be performed with a list of actors, planets, apps or anything that you like. I tried it out with planets. You take the spectators phone, search for a planet on google (of course this part isn’t quite as it seems) and then place their phone face down on the table. They name you a planet and when they turn their phone face up there is a google search for the planet that they named.

People are dumbfounded by this and what I like so much is just how easy it is to perform. It is worth noting there is no voice recognition software involved in the workings of these tricks, which is often the only guess a spectator will have. Having the spectator whisper is often a sure way to dispel this hypothesis.

Tomorrow I will try out an effect whereby a spectator names a city and then when they look at their phone that same city will show on Google maps. After that I will make a spectators chosen card appear on a Youtube video and then after that I will predict the word a spectator searched for in the dictionary. I can’t wait!

Without trying to burst the bubble, if there were any downsides to Inject the layout could be a little more user friendly. However, in reality once you familiarise yourself with it, that matters very little.

The potential for customisation and application of magical effects on this app is close too limitless. I have spent the last week familiarising myself with Inject but I really feel that I have just scratched the surface in terms of its possibilities.

Excellent app and well worth the price!
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Thank you Devereuxc84 for your review.

If you look under "Add Thumper" you'll fund even MORE effects that have been added recently.
There are now a total of 16 effects that are included with Inject.

You'll find a video of these effects on this YouTube playlist:

all the best,
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Eternal Order
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Profile of pegasus
Do you require an assistant to perform the city naming effect? I use city prediction as I can type in the name of the city into my own phone from a fake Google page which then transmits to the specs phone. Can this work the same way with inject?
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
With Inject, your spectator can type the name of the city on another borrowed phone which then transmits to the specs phone.

It's not just limited to cities ... it can be anything.

If you like, you can perform Inject with your phone as the fake Google page ... but why would you want to ever bring out your phone, when you can do it all with your spectator's phones.

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Eternal Order
United Kingdom
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Profile of pegasus
How does that work Greg?
Greg Rostami
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Skynet will become self-aware in
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Profile of Greg Rostami
I'll PM you the answer now.

It's SO simple, that you'll perform it IMMEDIATELY after you read it.

G Ro
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Profile of Adeofspades
The one ahead effect is awesome:)