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Lawrence O
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What new effect could we create with an I-Phone.
The point is not to list what exist but to suggest new effects which could be done using an I-Phone that programmers didn't consider as yet. The point here is to have no restriction in the creativity. It doesn't concerns methods: just a brainstorming on I-Phone effects.
Any idea or wishes?
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Could have kind of a lie detector thing, where you know the selected card and you pretend the spectator says no to whether a series of cards is their card or not, a hidden spot on the screen could be where you press when you want it to show up as the iphone thinking they're lying.

Could also do an iphone version of the whole pointing to several cards and with your hand supposedly measuring their heart rate to find their card, once again a hidden spot on the screen could be used that over the course of say 5 seconds increased their heart rate and when released slowed it down again so you could scan your or their hand over their card and away again. With a similar effect to the whole x-ray app that's already been made it would be cool to have an x-ray image of the heart and ribs and the heart's motion would increase with the pulse.
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Profile of Expertmagician
I like the lie detector, maybe you can have a separate remote control which may be triggered with a bluetooth device, so you can control when the lie detector alarm goes off.

I don't have the time to program the iPhone, so it would be easier for someone else to develope, maybe someone will use the idea.
Long Island,

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Donal Chayce
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Sorry for interrupting this thread, but when I saw the title, and then saw who originated the thread, I thought the first post was going to be ", therefore I am."


Okay, carry on.
Thomas Kwon
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On 2009-04-11 14:59, Donal Chayce wrote:
Sorry for interrupting this thread, but when I saw the title, and then saw who originated the thread, I thought the first post was going to be ", therefore I am."


Okay, carry on.

Lawrence O
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Let's envision a completely new effect starting from the I-phone itself. Is there anything we ever wanted in an iPhone? Let's figure out that we're doing a competition where we need to create an iPhone app and we're looking for ideas as if we had something we ever wanted in an iPhone. From there on it will be simple to make it look magical.
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B. Robert Pulver

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Scott Cram
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I thought it would be fun to get the iPhone thread going again.


• In his book Close-up Assassin, Richard Sanders has an effect called "Billboard", which starts out with the magician displaying a picture of his business card tacked onto a billboard (thus the name). A spectator is asked to loan a bill, and record the serial number. The bill is then changed into the magician's business card, and it even has a pinhole at the top. The photo is checked once more, and the picture now shows a bill tacked up on the billboard where the business card previously was. As an added bonus - the serial numbers match!

This effect could easily be brought up to date by incorporating video, and applying the same basic ideas.

• Instead of twisting your aces, why not hold your 4 aces up to the screen, have the little person (real or animated) on the video apparently take one out and turn it over, and then show that that ace really has turned over? When you film this, you might want to use jumbo cards with a back similar to the one you're using, just so the effect winds up looking right. Added bonus in this effect - no programming required! Just film in it in a style with which you're happy, and import it.

• Barry and Stuart's ESP trick is just crying out to be adapted to the iPhone. It would take someone with a good knowledge of Objective C 2.0 and proper video standards and programming to pull it off, however.
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Profile of pepka
I hate tricks done with the iPhone. EVERYONE knows it's a computer. It's not magic, it's not skill, it's a COMPUTER program! A good friend of mine who is an excellent jazz drummer was always telling me to do a trick with my iPhone. He didn't get my argument until one night after a jam session, I told the piano player to next week don't call him, just bring a drum machine. He finally got the picture.
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Profile of mmreed
I agree with Pepka - I have a bunch of the novelty Iphone effects... they are just that - NOVELTY.

The picking popcorn out the iphone, the miser dream iphone, the predictions ect... all cute, but very nonmagicial. Anytime you involve something of a technical nature such as a PC, cellphone, ect... it can too easily be dismissed as "oh he programmed his ___ to do that"...

I will say that kids love them - and not from a magic view - just an entertainment view.

I use them with kids when I don't really want to break out a routine ect...

I have yet to see an iphone effect that makes anyone over 12 seem impressed.

What I do use my iphone for is day to day management - contacts, schedule, ect... sound system as an ipod feed... and database for patter, jokes, ect...

The iphone is an excellent "back office" type support device.
Mark Reed
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I couldn't agree with Pepka more, everyone knows its just an App you got, and that takes so much away from an effect.
Sam Weiss
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Well I'm going to think outside the box and suggest someone coming up with a smashed and restored iphone... there I'm the first person to answer his post correctly... now someone go out and invent a method Smile
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Steven Keyl
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I'm going to have to disagree with Pepka, Mark and mamu. While there are some cheesy effects there are also some very good effects that can be had with the iPhone. Here are two examples:

Marty's Card:
This is a great way to do a card revelation. Can work in conjunction with any trick that calls for a prediction or divination.

No video, but as the ad states this is not a simple gimmick that will not fool anyone, but it is a more sophisticated effect. In short the effect is the spec names a playing card and you show that it is your prediction. The application is fully examinable afterwards and no one will be able to figure it out.

Both of these effects, as with all effects, rely on a suitable presentation. I've got a very natural and smooth presentation with the second one that never fails to get big reactions. I do this one when I don't happen to have a deck of cards with me and I want to demonstrate the principle of 'psychological succeptibility' (whatever that means).

If you're not a technophile and wouldn't be able to come up with a suitable presentation then maybe it's not for you. And yes, the first few times I used these some people just said "Oh, it's just the phone". But the better I've gotten with the presentation it hasn't been an issue.

In the end, the phone is just a prop like a deck of cards or any other thing you may have lying around. If you figure out how to use it properly you can really create 'that moment' for your spectator whether you're using cards, coin or a phone.
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Profile of pepka
On 2009-08-03 12:02, mamutrance wrote:
I couldn't agree with Pepka more, everyone knows its just an App you got, and that takes so much away from an effect.

Someone has, Michael Ammar. He demoed it at a convention in May with MY phone. You borrow someone's phone and take their picture, and the screen cracks like a big spider web. With a wave of your hand, it disappears.
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Profile of TheRaven
On 2009-08-03 12:43, Sam Weiss wrote:
Well I'm going to think outside the box and suggest someone coming up with a smashed and restored iphone...

Great idea. Everyone values their iPhone. People don't seem to wear watches as much as they used to. Adapt a smashing watch routine to a smashing iPhone routine. It would get the audience "gasp" at the moment of impact. Needs to be more than the cracked screen. Needs to look like it is demolished (smashed against the floor in a bag, stomped on, etc).

If you want to be really clever you would work it so when the restored iPhone was returned you would have the spectator find that it had been modified in some way -- the Magician's phone number added to the address book, or the Magician's headshot added to the photos. Similar to setting the time on the watch.
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What about a version of Prediction Shufflebored using the iPhone? It could be about hi-tech gambling, and you'd take some tiny gizmo which "scans" the spread of cards and transmits the information back to the iPhone for processing. I'm joking, of course; it's an idiotic idea. I don't understand why magicians think people want to see a phone "perform" a trick.
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Steven Keyl
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If you're relying on the phone to perform anything you're bound to be disappointed. However, if you're using it as a prop it can be quite effective, not only with a presentational angle, but it can be a nice way to connect with a tech-savvy audience.
Steven Keyl - The Human Whisperer!

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"If you ever find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause, and reflect." --Mark Twain
Tom Cutts
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Why would anyone want a pseudo beer in their iPhone... but millions have and do. Again, magicians out of touch with the cutting edge. BTW a magician came up with and got rich off that idea.

Know what one of the most popular recent applications is... popping electronic bubble wrap. Stupid? Someone is getting rich off it.

For people who have iPhones most, but not all, experience them as an everyday common object... unlike many magic props we use.
Jay Mahon
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I'd love to see an Iphone that indicates the color of each card before it comes up.

It would be interesting to see how a Memorized Deck and IPhone could work together in some spectacular effects. Mnemonica comes to mind and the amazing effects built into it.

It would be great to see an Iphone that tells a spectator to stop dealing at their chosen card.

Or use the phone as a card locating device. Sweeping it over a spread and having it stop at he selection. An arrow moving like a compass always on the selected card?

Or having cards dealt one at a time and the IPhone swept over each card giving a "WRONG Card" or "This Card!" with corresponding red and green backgrounds.

With the technology inherent in the Iphone all these would be possible.

Could go on for hours...