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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: APPS-alutely :: ReaList - ULTIMATE predictions, on ONE borrowed phone! (122 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Magic Mark
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Two official videos are available. One with his doughter:
And one with his son:
These videos show the 2 methods. In the "hands off method" he performed with his son you clearly see that the statement Greg made (Method 2 Features:
* You NEVER touch their phone, and your phone is NEVER in play.) is untrue.

To clarify: If you think you can force anything you want like DFB without touching their phone you are wrong. Don't mix the 2 methods Greg announced. With the first method you need to touch their phone. In this version you have access to your own lists, language etc. With the second method you tell the spectator to open a fake site and you have to swipe on your phone to connect to the spectators phone. The chances are low but if another magician somewhere in the world swipes at the same time you are screwed. If some visit the website later cause they get interested in these google statistcs, the will find out that the whole website with it's dummy buttons is fake within 1 second.

Greg is very vague in his Facebook group as well. I would like to get un unbiased review of someone who purchased this. Said this I bet this negative post will be considered passive aggressive abuse and deleted without comment as well. But screenshot is taken Smile [/quote]

Maybe Greg is being "vague" because there's more to it than you realize? Maybe Greg is saving the best part for last? Maybe you should stop whining about an effect you don't own and wait for it to be released. How can you be posting a "review" of something you don't own?

Clearly, you have an agenda. Your previous passive-aggressive posts were deleted and, hopefully, the mod will do the same with your current batch of ravings and boot you out of the forum as a bonus.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of darkspik3
Greg said the apps are already submited for approval on 18aug well... they should be already UP AND LIVE in APPSTORE...

"Submitting an iOS app to publish on the App Store can take at most 2 days and longer which depends on your app. On average 50% apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% apps are reviewed in 48 hours."

I don't think the Gregs app is in that 10%... so why is he still keep us on DARK... and say nothing!!!
Gaz Lawrence
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"Submitting an iOS app to publish on the App Store can take at most 2 days and longer which depends on your app“

This quote above completely contradicts itself ? Gaz 🙂
Nathan Pain
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It takes as long as it seems that it is out of Greg's hands once's just a magic trick...let's all sit back & relax.

Magic Mark
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On Aug 20, 2019, darkspik3 wrote:
Greg said the apps are already submited for approval on 18aug well... they should be already UP AND LIVE in APPSTORE...

"Submitting an iOS app to publish on the App Store can take at most 2 days and longer which depends on your app. On average 50% apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% apps are reviewed in 48 hours."

I don't think the Gregs app is in that 10%... so why is he still keep us on DARK... and say nothing!!!

ReaList was submitted to both the iOS app store and the Google Play store. Maybe Greg is doing the smart thing and waiting for BOTH to be approved before releasing the app?

And how the heck do you know if ReaList is in that 10% that takes longer or not? "I don't think" is not valid data. Just because YOU don't think it should be taking this long doesn't mean squat. It takes as long as it takes and it gets released when it gets released.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
Greg Rostami
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Here's a quick update:

As many of you may know, submitting magic apps to the app store (mainly Apple) is a process that's FILLED with constant rejections.

That's mainly because the people at Apple review really don't understand what magic apps are.

It's a constant battle with them, but after some time, the apps ARE approved.

We are waiting for BOTH Apple and Google to approve the app before we announce the release.

Regarding our friend Frittentick, please disregard his posts.
He does not have ReaList and he does not know anything about the methods or the technologies of the product.

Regarding comparisons with offline apps ...

As I've already shown in the video from 2016, ReaList is the evolution of The Stanford List effect.

The online nature of ReaList gives it MANY advantages over offline apps.

You've already seen a few of these benefits.
MORE of these advantages (which are ONLY possible online) will be revealed as we get closer to the release.

Thank you very much for your patience, but as you know, Apple approval is something that I can't control.
The good news is we are using this time to CONSTANTLY make ReaList better!!

All the best,
Greg Rostami
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Ezekiel Jump
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Profile of avimag51
Are you realy think that this app waiting for approval from 18.8 ?

i doubt .
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It’s been rejected greg posted about it on FB
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Profile of avimag51
On Aug 23, 2019, andygregs wrote:
It’s been rejected greg posted about it on FB

he didn't post about it .
he forced to answer after a post wondering why it's take so long for approval.

So what next any ideas
Gaz Lawrence
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Answering a question is posting is it not ?
Having said that I don’t do Facebook , magic is about keeping secrets and those mediums only serve to eventually expose to the wrong people imo Gaz 🙂
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Profile of Craig333
TBH Gaz there is prob more exposure on this open forum than on a closed facebook group that you can only access and read after providing proof of purchase... not always the case with facebook but done correctly its a great way to discuss and share ideas Smile
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Profile of doriancaudal
Any updates ?
Hands-off ACAAN - freely chosen card and number :
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
Greg Rostami posted this to the Inject Facebook Group 2 days ago:

As many of you know, ReaList was rejected by the Apple review. This is VERY common with magic app releases.

After 10 years of releasing apps, I'm STILL surprised by the things Apple can find to reject my apps.

The reason that Apple gave for the rejection was VERY cryptic ... we really don't know exactly WHY they have rejected the app.

In the last few days, I'm pretty sure I found what they are complaining about. I've updated some changes and have resubmitted for approval.

I'm not going to make any promises, but I'm pretty sure we can resolve this sometime this week.

Obviously, Greg and crew got busy trying to figure out why the app was rejected and worked to try to make the changes needed to gain Apple's approval.

Now it's a waiting game.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Dear friends,

ReaList is HERE!!
Matt Retallack and I are proud to announce ReaList.

For two weeks only ...
The introductory price is $39.99

After that, the price will go up to $49.99

Search "The ReaList" on the iOS App Store:

Search "ReaList" on the Google Play Store:

Matt and I are SUPER excited about this release!
We can't wait to see what you'll do with ReaList.

All the best,
Greg Rostami
Gaz Lawrence
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Great news Greg will purchase now Gaz 👍🙂
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Profile of chinablue
Being ripped of in the UK should be £33 and app store asking £39
Gaz Lawrence
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Really ? I think for a miracle Greg’s being robbed . Send me your PayPal address and I will give you the £6 difference Gaz 🙂
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Profile of pegasus
1 min 23 secs in the son video you clearly see Greg doing the dirty work on his cell phone that is obviously clipped to his waist belt.
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Profile of egoli
On Sep 2, 2019, chinablue wrote:
Being ripped of in the UK should be £33 and app store asking £39

You're lucky - Canadian iTunes price is $54.99 plus tax = $62.14
