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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Torn card vanish (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of danbastianelli
I have seen many people make torn card pieces vanish using a handkerchief. I have to assume that this handky is gimmicked in some way to achieve this effect. Soes anybody know the name of what I am talking about? That would be great.

P.s. if not then any suggestions on how to vanish a torn card?

Harry Murphy
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The handkerchief is called the "Devil's Handkerchief". However a gimmicked handkerchief is not necessary even if you wanted to use a handkerchief. A plain and ordinary handkerchief gives all the cover you need to do any dirty deed.

Not every vanish of torn cards uses one. Sam Berland used a bare handed vanish of the torn pieces when doing the restored sequences. Many versions of the torn and restored, signed card are done openly and without covering other than the hands. Billy McComb's, J. C. Wagner's, David Eldridge's, Bloom's, Kenworthy's, and I could go on for a dozen more versions that do not use a handkerchief covering.

There are threads on the Café' that discuss various torn and restored card routines giving the strengths and weaknesses of many.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!