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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Multi-media artwork (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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The Cardfather
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Long Beach, CA
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I recently made this. Non magic people seem to like it but would like to hear your opinions. It's my first serious attempt at creating an art object.
Michael Baker
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Eternal Order
Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
I REALLY like that!! It would make a stunning piece for anyone's magic room, sure to get lots of compliments!
~michael baker
The Magic Company
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
The impression I receive is, it is to dark a feeling, it is not something I would display in my home. I don't "feel" the meaning behind the art. Triangle means little, 2 of spades means nothing as well. I don't believe the general public are familiar with the magicians props. Hopefully todays magician will be familiar with the props.

In art class in high school we were to do a 3 dimensional art piece like this. I got an A grade.

Art is subjective of course. Good job!
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Profile of gimpy2
I like it very much. Neat how the props seem to float in mid air. Don't remember seeing anything quite like it. Thanks for posting it.
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Mallorca (Spain)
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Profile of george1953
Great job, how long did it take you , ever thought about selling them ?
By failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail.
The Cardfather
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Long Beach, CA
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Appreciate all the comments.
George- I was only able to work on it in small spurts after work and family and really lost track of total time. Now that I have all the material in one place I could probably make one in about 5-8 hours not counting dry time between tasks. I wouldnt have the patience to make another one. As Bill said it was subjective, it all has significance to me and now that it's out of my system I wouldn't have the patience to make another one. I have a new magic themed project about to start and hope to improve based on all your feedback.
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Profile of CJRichard
More than getting an A in high school art a thousand years ago, I actually have a college degree in visual design. I've been an artist/designer for nearly all of my professional career.

That is a very nice piece of work on many levels. It might not match Bill's wallpaper or look good over his couch, but it's good art. It's well designed and executed, looks magical and is thought provoking.
"You know some of you are laughin', but there's people here tryin' to learn. . ." -Pop Haydn

"I know of no other art that proclaims itself 'easy to do.'" -Master Payne

Ezekiel the Green
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Mallorca (Spain)
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Profile of george1953
What a shame,I understand though, I used to make 3d artwork and it took so lomg that you could only do it as a labour of love really.
By failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail.
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Profile of IDOTRIX
Awesome, ill take one
Ron Reid
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Phoenix, Arizona
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Profile of Ron Reid
I really like it too! Congratulations, Cardfather.

Levi Bennett
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Profile of Levi Bennett
It's really awesome. What materials are the cups and balls, lock, ball and vase and mask?

I really think it's cool and you could have a career doing art. You say you couldn't do one of these again, but you obviously have talent. Maybe you could do other genres that interest you as well. CJRichard has some great things to say- listen to the positives!

Thanks for sharing!
Performing magic unprofessionally since 2008!
Levi Bennett
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Profile of Levi Bennett
Do you mind if I share the link with my daughters? They are both artists and love magic, I think they would really dig this.
Performing magic unprofessionally since 2008!
The Cardfather
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Long Beach, CA
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Profile of The Cardfather
Lock was carved from 4 sheets of foam core glued together. I brushed it with a few thin coats of plaster of paris. Sanded smooth then primed and painted.
The mask, cups, wood balls and ball & vase were all props I already had. Trimmed, primed and painted only. All the painting; 2 of spades, Houdini eyes, chain and rope were done free hand with acrylics.
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
On 2013-08-31 23:30, The Cardfather wrote:
Trimmed, primed and painted only. All the painting; 2 of spades, Houdini eyes, chain and rope were done free hand with acrylics.

You are very talented artist! I could recognize that the eyes belonged to Houdini. Very realistic.

I am sure if you do some paintings of famous magicians or a collage you will have interested buyers as long as they are not in the hundreds of dollars.
Michael Baker
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Eternal Order
Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
I suspect that this would have interested buyers, in spite of price. However, I didn't get the impression that Rick is interested in making more of these, let alone making them for the masses. He made it for his own pleasure. I also suspect that the price would (and should) be such that it would convince HIM to do this again, rather than something else he'd rather be doing, or at a price that would convince him to part with this one. Forget (and forgive) those who want such works at prices THEY want to pay.

Had this been one of many, cranked out on an assembly line, things might be different. But, this is a one of a kind, hand-made work of art.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
The Cardfather
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Long Beach, CA
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Profile of The Cardfather
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
With artist's talent like his, he should be working to display his work in a New York Gallery.
Michael Baker
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Eternal Order
Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
On 2013-09-02 18:43, The Cardfather wrote:
I couldn't have said it better myself.

I can cook some wonderful dinners. But, I have no desire these days to open a restaurant. Smile Enjoy your beautiful piece. I'm sure it will make a striking addition to your magic room or where ever you choose display it.
~michael baker
The Magic Company