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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Homemade Magic Stand (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of alkazam
Thought that I would share my homemade magic stand with you all. My dad and I have been working on it. Right now the structure is done, but the decorating isn't. I'm going to paint the outside black, and (thanks to posts on this website) I've decided not to paint the inside black.

It is completely collapsible, making it easy to transport. With practice, it now takes me about a minute to set up.

Total Cost (so far):
Plywood $0 (already had laying around)
Hardboard $14 (The hardware place even cut it to the right size for us. Left over is going to be used to make a Square Circle)

Things I still need to buy:
Paper (for letters)
Modge Podge (to seal the letters)
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Profile of alkazam
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Profile of magicman344
You might want to leave the top of it unpainted, you have nice enough wood that a good finish would make it look better than if it had black paint. or if you don't like that idea, you might want to put some velvet on top(don't use felt!)
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Profile of alkazam
That's a great idea. I think I will put velvet on top. Thanks Smile
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Profile of Brannon
How tall is it?
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Profile of kelby
Looks great.