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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Any plans out there.. or maybe off the top of your head? magic table. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Head Case
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There are a few specific things I want from this. And I'm hoping someone with some trial and error experience can help me not make the same mistakes Smile

1) a music stand as the base. something cheaper than the $100.00 music / lighting stands I see. Any ideas? I need to be able to detach easily from tabletop.
2) what is good type of wood to use for the tabletop? Something strong enough, without being too heavy.
3) I went to Joann's Fabric and found a "premium" velvet for about 26 bux a yard. Is this the best material to use? The cheaper stuff I have used in the past seems to be, one directional fabric? Its soft if you rub it one way, and rough the other. I would like to avoid that.
4) adding a detachable / undetectable servant to the back of it possibly.

Anyone have some good ideas off the top of their head or know of a set of plans that meet most of these requirements? Im trying to model the size and shape off the close up table at the castle.
