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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Big, Bigger, Bigger Wands (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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San Antonio Tx
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Profile of ggarcia
I see posts from people looking for the Big, Bigger, Biggest Wands. I was looking from them for awhile and never could find them so I made my own. just thought I would post a picture of them in case anyone would be interested in making a set. I am a novice on the sewing machine and I actually learned how to sew making these. the trick is learning how to make a bollister for the ends to be flat and round. mine are by no means perfect but they do what I want. each wand has a 6-8 inch flap in the middle with velcro to close. I used regular fabric stuffing to stuff them. total cost was about $70. the most expensive part was the stuffing. I think I used 10 bags of stuffing at $4 a bag.

you cant really tell the size in the picture but the smallest wand is 13" with a 3 inch diameter and the biggest wand is 5' with a 5" diameter. I may make the 7' wand at a later time but for now this is all I need.

Click here to view attached image.
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Profile of tristanmagic
Sorry Pal, but that's a lame excuse to copy!
They are very easy to find!!! (ever heard of google?)
Why not support the creators instead of ripping them off?
I hope that you still do whats right and order a set from the creators and use your self-made version as a back up:
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Inner circle
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Profile of MikeDes
Didn't realise Bigger Wands was in the public domain.

There are huge advantages to the original, like having huge wands that breakdown for easy travel, being able to remove the covers and wash them and a much better look.

Sorry, I know you're probably just trying to help others but cheap copies just hurt the art in the long run.
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San Antonio Tx
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Profile of ggarcia
If I did something unethical or insulting than I apologize. it was not my intention at all.
The Magic Ref
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Flint, Mi.
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Profile of The Magic Ref
This brings up a good question that I have thought about many times. Since we in this forum like to build magic items, and I bet from time to time sell them when we are done with them, how do you know when it's ok or a "Rip Off". Is it a time thing thing or a concept thing? I guess my thought is the bigger wands is more of a concept, and your buying their props. I would have thought people have performed a bigger wand gag for many years before Creative Magic made their's popular. But how do you know when you crossed the line from being constructive and handy to being a thief? People will say do your research, well that's all and good but it's not that easy to find for example if the John Kennedy was the first one to make the "Kennedy Card Box" and the whole idea is his and he owns it or if the concept is public domain and you are just buying a quality made prop from him. What are your thoughts and any suggestions of how to go about researching a idea or prop.
Be Young...Have Fun!
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San Antonio Tx
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Profile of ggarcia
I was wondering that myself. I didn't think there was a patent on making different sized wands. I was a little shocked at the response I got about the wands I made but if I did something wrong I will own up to it and apologize, which I did. I see a lot of items on this forum being built that are items or concepts that have been marketed by someone but I don't see the same response I got on those items.
Dan Ford
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I too must apologize, I have been using my homemade big, bigger and bigger wands since the early 80's. Sorry....
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Norfolk, VA
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Profile of aussiemagik
Great question....don't most magic shops prevent returns because they are "selling the secret, not the items." I mean, if you learned the secret based on widely available information then aren't you entitled to make it yourself. I don't think Tarbell would be offended if I made a cardboard square circle.
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Profile of AGMagic
Am I missing something? I have seen them used a couple of times and looked at a few y-tube videos and did not see anything "Magical" about them. Is there some effect to these props or are they just a comedy prop set for use within a show? If there is no "Magic Secret" to them I would place them in the realm of a table, chair or other item on stage and would feel free to make my own to fit my personal use. I think you have been flamed for the sake of flamming!

I support buying from the creator if possible but many of todays "latest" effects, especially in the parlor and stage catagories, are simply re-dressing of items found in Tarbell and in early Thayer and other magic catalogs of 100 years ago. Some are actual improvements, but many are relatively un-changed from their original form.

I have no problem selling the used props that I have made, or even some limited run new props. The relatively few I make are uniquely my own style and will not significantly affect sales of the "original" if such a thing even exists. However, I have seen items on the "big auction site", made off shore, that are pure knock-offs and even go so far as to use video of the originator performing the effect to market it. To me, that is clearly wrong and is intended to confuse the consumer.

That said, the ethics and legality questions have been argued many times, from both sides, in these forums and I am not sure it needs to be re-hashed again.
Tim Silver -

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Visualize Whirled Peas!
The Magic Ref
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Flint, Mi.
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Profile of The Magic Ref
OK... Makes sense
Be Young...Have Fun!
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
I see no problem with him explaining his method of making the wands. That is not a rip off at all. If he was selling them to others, then that would be a different story.

My method for doing a similar routine is with Appearing Wands: There are post in The Magic Café explaining how how the Appearing Wands are made. It is no problem as long as no member is trying to sell them.