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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Light Bulb Tinting (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Micheal Leath
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I reading Steinmeyer's Conjuring Anthology. There's an effect called Strange Power that involves light bulbs. A 100 watt white bulb needs to be colored red. He says the best way to do this is to use bulb tinting. Though he used Krylon red enamel paint. I believe that a bulb that is already colored red would not work for this. Though I could be wrong. Where can I find bulb tinting? I've searched but can't find it.
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Profile of ClintonMagus
Try this:

This is similar to what I have used in the past. I'm not sure would use it on high-wattage bulbs, though...

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jay leslie
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Once glass is poured it's the color it is. Try the Krylon Red Enamel paint.

Wipe all grease and finger prints off the glass. Hold the can 16 inches away and revolve the bulb. Put tape around the base and an extra long piece becomes your "hanger"

The paint should be applied in very light coats until you get the desired result. Shake the can.
Craig Dickens
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Michaels used to sell stained glass spray paint. This creates a translucent coat. However, when I built this prop I used Krylon as Jay suggested.
Micheal Leath
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Profile of Micheal Leath
ClintonMagus, thank you for taking the time to post the links.

Jay and Craig, thank you for the responses. When I get around to building this, I'm going to do as you both recommended and use the Krylon.