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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Building tricks into my new house (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of cbmar
We're about to start building a new house and it occured to me that this is the perfect opportunity to build illusions right into the floors and walls.
What are some tricks you think I could incorporate into the structure?
So far I'm thinking of doing a never-ending wine cellar (with mirrors) and possibly a light/heavy trunk (with magnets under the floor).
The house will have a large library, so maybe there's something special to be built there?
Any other ideas?
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Agent of Chaos
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Profile of gaddy
Slightly off topic, but I saw an awesome blog (linked somewhere on Jeff McBride's site) about someone who built a very small theater into one of the rooms of their house. Worth hunting down, if you can find it.
*due to the editorial policies here, words on this site attributed to me cannot necessarily be held to be my own.*
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Profile of rhiro
How about wiring motorized ITRs into the ceiling and/or walls?

PK m****t rig under the counter top?

Herr Brian Tabor
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Profile of Herr Brian Tabor
Marc DeSouza has a theater in his house, I believe.
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Profile of lin
Kitchen drawer boxes...
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...pepper's ghost in the bathroom medicine cabinet...
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...walk through mirror between two rooms...
jay leslie
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Profile of jay leslie
A room behind a book case

A room covered in mirrors and the door has no knob

A chute behind the sofa - where a painting is on spring hinges and you slide onto the couch during a blackout

Mirrors in the hallway like a fun-house maze - one of them is actually a door.

A portrait where you can remove the eyes from the back (like in an old movie) and you're on the other side

Take photos and post.
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Profile of lin
Walk through wall

invisible bookshelves

secret room/compartments
jay leslie
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Profile of jay leslie
A kitchen table that slowly changes heights automatically.
John T. Sheets
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Profile of John T. Sheets

See the "Quantum Bender 3.0" trailer here...

See my Dove Act here...

See the "Energy Bender" trailer here...

See the "Table of Death" in Las Vegas trailer here...
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of Hell because I've made
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Profile of thegreatnippulini
Do some research into the famous Winchester house. Really freaky and weird.
The Great Nippulini: body piercer, Guinness World Record holder, blacksmith and man with The World's Strongest Nipples! Does the WORLD care? We shall see...
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Profile of ClintonMagus
On 2010-09-23 08:49, thegreatnippulini wrote:
Do some research into the famous Winchester house. Really freaky and weird.

Hopefully he's not building his house like that!!!
Things are more like they are today than they've ever been before...
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Two Minnie's in The Hell's Half Acre, The Republic of Texas
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Profile of RCP
Check out these in wall speakers. They mount in the sheetrock and can texturized/painted. They sound great.
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Profile of EsnRedshirt
RCP, I'm still trying to find the speakers in the picture on that site. Smile

Richard Garriott seems to be living in one of his Ultima games. I bet he has fun Halloween parties. (Edit- I just looked. He does.) It occurs to me that he'd be in sad shape if he ever broke a leg.

cbmar, as mentioned above, hidden rooms and passages seem to be all the rage. Be sure they're concealed well. It shouldn't be apparent to visitors that there's a large chunk of space "missing" in the floorplan.

Build a secret "dungeon" in your basement and include a small stage; make it your practice and demo room, with fun (scary but harmless) traps leading up to the actual entrance- like a descending ceiling or moving walls. Lead intoxicated guests through the corridor for fun.

Also- dumb waiter. Some applications will be immediately obvious, some will be realized more slowly.

If you intend to have a built-in bar, be sure to incorporate features to ensure you win all bar bets. Magnets on tracks, for example. Ever see those holiday ice-skating miniatures? Imagine that with drinking glasses- that would be cool.

I'd think, regardless of what you're planning, a good policy is to leave some access, especially between floors- if you decide to reroute wiring later on, it's cheaper to be able to get there without having to remove and replace a lot of drywall. (Also a good policy to leave an access panel behind plumbing fixtures where possible.)
Self-proclaimed Jack-of-all-trades and google expert*.

* = Take any advice from this person with a grain of salt.
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Profile of gimpy2
You would just have to do a spinning cabinet like the one that gets them every week on "SCOOBY DOO"
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Profile of AGMagic
How about a front door knocker that knocks by itself when the doorbell button is pushed. It can also ring the bell if you try to use the knocker.
Tim Silver -

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Visualize Whirled Peas!
Dennis Michael
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Southern, NJ
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Profile of Dennis Michael
This stuff is cool to watch and look at or should I say Dream about.
Dennis Michael
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Profile of makeupguy
I think you should make a table like Cyril had to do his coins/ salt shaker through the table.... Now that's a magic trick!!!