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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Turning cup into chop cup (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of JoeJoe
Ok ... looking for some experts advice. I found a set up metal goblets at a second hand shop. I believe they are silver coated brass. They appear to be "spun", but I am not an expert to know for sure.

The bases are hallow, and I need to put a m***** into them and seal it up so it can be examined. The cups are not magnetic, so it shouldn't be a problem. Any suggestions on the best way to do this?

I took a picture of the cups upside down so you can see the base:

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Profile of makeupguy
There's a company in North HOllywood Ca called SilPak.. they sell a very low melting temp allow.. one that you can melt on a stove top!

I'd put a manget in it.. and fill the bottom with this metal.. and then polish it.

the one thign to watch out for... is that magnets are very susceptible to heat.. you'd have to ask someone more involved in magnets than me to see if a rare earth magnet would put up with 350 degree heat.
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Profile of Spellbinder
If you are open for alternate ways of performing a Chop Cup besides the traditional way, you might look into my "Party Cup Magic" in the Dollar Store Section of my site (Book 1). It's a little more of a challenge performing with a transparent party cup, but the same methods will work for any non-magnetic cup, transparent or opaque. The best part is that you don't have to do the old "Chop Cup Slam" which has become a dead give-away for the increasing number of folks "in the know."
Professor Spellbinder

Professor Emeritus at the Turkey Buzzard Academy of Magik, Witchcraft and Wizardry

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jazzy snazzy
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Profile of jazzy snazzy
EnviroTex Lite is a two part epoxy for a high gloss bartop finish.
You can place your m***** with a drop of Crazy Glue then pour in the epoxy.
When this cures, match the color with metallic powder then another thin top coat of epoxy.
Lightly sand the finish with 400 to 600 grit sandpaper to match the finish of the metal. You can drop fishing weight or lead scraps into the base beforehand to add weight to the cup if you like.
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Profile of BCS
Joe Joe…. Bill Palmer has posted several methods using epoxies; I think that they are in the Secret Sessions… good luck with your project.

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Profile of ClintonMagus
Here's an old thread about my experience with turning a bath store product into a great Chop Cup:
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Profile of kenb123
I also would go with the two part epoxy for the permanent solution, I wouldn't worry about the color match, no one is going to look into the hollow stem, but if you have the time go ahead. To test your magnet strength, just melt some candle wax, that should hold it in.
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Myrtle Beach
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Profile of JoeJoe
I just finished polishing these cups, and I really question if I want to risk destroying them ... lol ... they are just so sparkling nice! I worry that if I do something wrong, it will be permanent and irreversible.

This is going to take a lot of thought. Might be better to just do a cups-n-ball routine and not need to gimmick them. Hmmm...

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
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Profile of kenb123
Drop the magnet into the stem, and pour some hot wax in to keep it in place. If you end up changing your mind heat it back up, the wax will come out with the magnet and you are back to where you started.
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Myrtle Beach
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Profile of JoeJoe
I don't want to take these cups to the street and bang them all up ... so I remembered that the place I found them had another one, it didn't match the set and was in bad condition ... I go back and luckily it is still there!

The silver plate was cracked in several places, so I took some sand paper and sanded all the plate off ... now I have a cup much more suitable for banging up and dropping on concrete!

I popped a m***** in the bottom and sealed it with some ear wax, a nice temporary way to place it. I'm worried about (1) heat, and (2) dirt sticking to it. I'm thinking the easiest thing to do would be drop some hot glue on top of the wax and that should seal it well.

So that's where this project is at as of now.

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
john oleson
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Profile of john oleson
You might want to consider "matching" the balls to the magnet. The draw or "stickiness" of magnets to balls varies greatly??

Howard Hamburg
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Profile of Howard Hamburg
The magnet in the cup must have another stronger magnet against it when the cup is not in use. this keeps the cup magnet up to strength.spend the time getting just the right cup strength.seeing guys slam the cup on the table gives away the gaff.