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Yuma, AZ
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Profile of Ed_Millis
I'm throwing in the towel on this one!

I need a plastic box for a larger-size Burglar Ball effect. I got some clear plastic sheets from the hardware store and tried making it myself, but I can't get a clean cut to save my life! And I'm spending way too much time on this and nothing else.

Would someone be interested in building me a clear plastic box about 3 1/2 inches cubed? If so, shoot me a PM and we can work out details.
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Profile of ClintonMagus
We have a local acrylic plastic supply company who can make pretty much anything out of acrylic. If you have one close by, check with them.
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Profile of tabman
Sounds like a plexy photo cube if you're looking for something open on one side. Should be able to get from maybe Walmart for a few bucks if they still make them or google one up.

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Yuma, AZ
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Profile of Ed_Millis
The two very picky points about this is that it's got to be the same size on all six sides, and it must have a lid that fits over the opening, not into the opening. Cutting straight sides in one challenge for me; glueing it all up straight is another. So I figured it's a wash!

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Profile of tabman
Understood. I used to get plexy stuff made in Nashville at Plastics Supply but like CM says any good plastics shop can make you what you need. Be specific with inside dimentions. They can polish the edges and make you a beautiful, professional box.
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Profile of dsalley13
Look for a local T.A.P. Plastics franchise. They'll build it to your specifications. I have a few of their display cases/boxes and can attest to their ability to make a professionally looking product. As you've found out, it takes an inordinate amount of skill to work with sheet-acrylic.

Servaas Koomen
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Have you tried melting it?

I can remember from highshool that we made clear cuts for a box by melting it with a device with a heated line it in
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Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
The stuff at the hardware store is not cut it is scored using a ruler and snapped off. If you put masking tape on it you can cut with a bench saw.

Seek out the use of plexi glass, it comes in different thicknesses and can be cut on a bench saw as well. It has a protective paper on it, it is not removed until after the cuts are made. I would go for at least 1/8" plexi from your favorite supplier, just let your finger do the walking in the telephone book.

If you want you can use aluminum to attach the sides to. The angle pieces can hold the sides and you can pop rivet the plastic to the metal angles.
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Yuma, AZ
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Profile of Ed_Millis
On 2009-09-15 17:51, wmhegbli wrote:
The stuff at the hardware store is not cut it is scored using a ruler and snapped off. If you put masking tape on it you can cut with a bench saw.

Tried that. Guess I didn't score deep enough - the stuff cracked al the up and over!


Seek out the use of plexi glass, it comes in different thicknesses and can be cut on a bench saw as well. It has a protective paper on it, it is not removed until after the cuts are made. I would go for at least 1/8" plexi from your favorite supplier, just let your finger do the walking in the telephone book.

All I have are Home Depot and Lowes. No plants or manufacturers in this little place.

If you want you can use aluminum to attach the sides to. The angle pieces can hold the sides and you can pop rivet the plastic to the metal angles.

That was one of my original thoughts - it would even hide a badly cut joint. But I can't find aluminum or any other kind of angle thin enough to use for this. It's all meant for big home projects, not small crafts.

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Profile of tabman
Why not just order one up from an internet plastics house.

I googled plexiglass box and came up with a bunch. Here's one:
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Profile of raywitko
Lowe's carries aluminum angle 1/8" and 1/16" thick. You can get it from 1/2" angle on up. I picked up plexi at home depot. With a table saw, a miter saw for the angles, and a buffer for the edges of plexi I made this.
Also used a drill and poprivet gun. I used aluminum rivets.
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Tabman USA
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Profile of tabman
That's cool looking Ray. I like the "Spirit of St. Louis" rosettes you put on the extrusion. Nice!!!
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Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
Ed, I googled your town and find you are in driving range of San Diego and Phoenix, these cities can have what you are looking for, take a nice fun drive and have an adventure of travel.

If you are just not a DIY kind of person, then seek a plastic place in these cities to do it for you. It will not be that expensive.

You have to have an ACE Hardware near you or the above cities. They have the aluminum I suggested as well.

You are so near the Mexician Border that there may be something over there as well.

Be adventureous and take a drive, visit a magic shop you have never been to before, it is fun. Then you can tell us about what you have discovered.
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Profile of BRodgers
I also just googled acrylic boxes and got this:

All come with lids and are cheap.
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Profile of raywitko
On 2009-09-16 12:56, tabman wrote:
That's cool looking Ray. I like the "Spirit of St. Louis" rosettes you put on the extrusion. Nice!!!

Is that what it's called? Just easier doing that than trying to polish it.
Sometimes it seems there are more than one of me.

Tabman USA
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Yuma, AZ
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Profile of Ed_Millis
I called TAP Plastics and ordered one. Shipping was twice the cost of the box! But still cheaper than having it custom made. I had seen these before but it didn't look like what I needed. But a phone call verified some details and I took the plunge.

Thanks to all who responded.
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Inner circle
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Profile of tabman
On 2009-09-16 14:57, Ed_Millis wrote:
I called TAP Plastics and ordered one.

Smart! Fast and Easy.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
Found this on ebay, they will cut the plexi free.
Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
22797 Posts

Profile of Bill Hegbli
Well, thanks for the question, it got me to order the solution from ebay to repair my sealed milk pitcher. I will now be able to use it for the milk on light bulb.

I also found their clear hidges and hasps for a plexi box I have had for some time but could not find them to get it finished.
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Peoria Arizona, USA
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Profile of m.ruetz
I have always found that 1/8" plexi cuts quite well on a table saw (with a fine tooth blade). Set your blade for a 45 degree angle,set your fence for the size you want and cut each piece on each side. This way when you glue them together it's perfect fit. The 45 angles make it fit together perfectly.
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