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Profile of danielhunley
I may have missed this when I searched, but I couldn't find a post about card splitting.

How do you do it without it looking terrible? I tried Sunday and 28 cards later I had ripped cards and well...they just looked terrible.

Any advice or techniques you use? Could you please post them?

Thanx and Merry Christmas Smile
Jack Of Hearts!
John Clarkson
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Check out "Expert Card Technique" by Hugard and Braue, page 409 (in my 4th edition).

Follow the directions CAREFULLY and use rubber cement.
John D. Clarkson, S.O.B. (Sacred Omphaloskeptic Brotherhood)

"There is nothing more important to a magician than keeping secrets. Probably because so many of them are Gay."
—Peggy, from King of the Hill (Sleight of Hank)
flourish dude
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Card splitting:

The card has three layers to it. A thin layer, a thick layer and another thin layer. You have to peel away one thin layer from the other two. Decide on what you side you want. If you are making a gimmicked card -- let's say back-to-back of different brands-- you need 1 thin layer from one card to glue to 2 layers of a different card. So when you glue the two together you end up with three layers to the one card. I hope this makes sense so far.

So ding the corner of the card on the table so that it is dog-eared. Now you peel a thin layer from the other two just a little to get started. This is the hard part not to tear. So if I were still making my back-to-back card I would peel the face off this one. The face will be the thin layer that I will take off. After dogging the corner I peel the face, the thin layer away a little bit so I can get a finger on it. I then place the card face down or thin layer down on the table. The important thing here is that you keep the thin layer flat against the table. If it comes up as you are peeling it will tear at the edge of the card. This will happen to you from time to time and it still happens to me. Here’s the key, you are going to lift up on the two layer and keep the thin layer down with the finger tips of your other hand .The tips of your fingers must be at the seam of the card as it comes apart. What I mean is when you peel up you must keep pressure right in the point where the cards come apart. Work a small area at a time as you lift up and tear then you move your fingers in to reapply the pressure down.

This sounds much harder than it is. Once you do it you will see what I am talking about. Take the layer off the card, working from the corner you started with the opposite corner. When you get to the other corner I use a ruler at the last 1/8" I have had a few not come off so well at the last bit but the ruler gives a clean finish every time.

So we have just taken off the face of one card now we need to do the same the back of another card. I work the two-layered part over the edge of the table a few times to flatten it out. You will see there is a curl to it after peeling. I also after this place it in a stack of books both parts (thin and thick) when I am done with the other card I will have the two parts to make one card. Actually I can make a face-to-face now, too, if I want, so there is no scrap. It sometimes takes a day in the book to flatten out.

I then take the two parts and rubber cement them. I make the glue as smooth as possible with no excess. Then take a piece of wax paper, place the glue side to it, and under the book it goes. I find that as the glue dries, it dries flat and does not warp. After a few minutes the glue is dry.

I take the two layers out and line them up and lightly put them together. The reason is I can still pull them apart if not lined up right on the edges. Once it’s all squared up I press down and rub my thumb on it kind of like getting the air bubbles out.

The final step is back in the book for a day or so. You can use an eraser to clean up the rubber cement around the card when it all done or even a very fine piece of sandpaper.
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Chris A.
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Rather than the oft cited "tap the corner on the table to start the split", you might try using an exacto blade instead. Much more precise and doesn't damage the corner of the card as much.

That being said, here's the best tutorial for card splitting I've seen.
AKA Chris A.
Keepin' the Funk Alive
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Profile of BlakeBlair
Are you talking about spliting a single card into separate pieces, or tearing a deck in half?

Blake Blair Smile
FuFanu.. Two Cards Torn & Restored...

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flourish dude
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A single card.
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Just taking a step, is a step in the right direction because when you stop working, your dream dies.
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Profile of Bobcape
Thanks Flip, that is a great tutorial.
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Profile of danielhunley
Awsome... Thanks that helped so much. Smile
Jack Of Hearts!
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Profile of Stanyon
I did the "wowbound" tutorial. It's great! Mucked up the first card, but the second came out perfect.


aka Steve Taylor

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Profile of BryanDreyfus
It helps if you flex the card a bit before hand, to soften it up. Don't crease it, just soften— it works better that way. Seems to break it loose inside a bit.

Oh sure, I can spell "Antidisestablishmentarianism", but I can't type t-h-e.
Andrew E. Miller
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Nicholas Knight has some lecture notes that teach you how to split accuarately and so the cards look good. I cannot remember the name of them at the moment, but if you get a hold of this guy's lecture notes don't pass it up because these tips might be in it.

If you get bored go to and watch some magic.

Keith Larocque
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Yeah at that website the instructions are great. First card didn't turn out so great, second one worked real well. Great topic.
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Profile of Angus
Another great resource. Thanks.
Slim King
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I thought that I saw a post about someone selling custom made cards rather cheaply but with all of this info maybe I'll just try it myself??? If I fail does anyone know about the post that I'm referring too? I can't seem to find it.
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Profile of Jonas
I have messed up 3 decks now. Not a single double card. *****ed up *****...

I MADE IT!!! I tried a couple of more times after this, 2 cards messed up, the 3rd...I got a bit. Thought now I'll mess up, then got a little further, then I got halfway... and thought you almost can't mess up the cards! I think I made it! Got a little further...hmm, tadaaa! Done!

Made a thin picture and a thick back. Then I did another...messed up. Then I did a new one... got a thin back, it messed up. But I thought it's not a big chance that it works. Then I started on the opposite corner, and it did! Now I've got one double back and one double face card! Or I'll make them tomorrow. I have put them in my modern coin magic book Smile under the pressure of tricks with your head. Smile < Card flourishes and some other stuff.
Jonathan Townsend
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I'm just impressed people are learning to split cards so quickly. It took me a few days and a couple of decks of cards to get decent uncreased results. Way to go folks! all the coins I've dropped here
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I have been trying to split cards for over a year. I finally got it right with the help of flourish dude and the link given. I made a card that when held up to light looking from the back side the shadow shows the three of hearts but when you turn it around it is an ace of hearts. Not sure about a routine for it yet but thought it might be neat.
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Profile of mkiger
After splitting I scrape the peeled surface with a single edge razor blade to smooth. This also makes the card a fraction thinner. This way you can use the 'thick' side for both faces of the card and have a much better feeling card. Better 'snap' and handling.
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Profile of H_Ho
Is card splitting any easier with brand new cards? or would old, used cards suffice?

I would suspect that old cards would tear more easily, but it is only a suspicion because I have never split a brand new card before...

*runs off to split the advertising cards!!*
Reis O'Brien
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I have found no difference in splitting old or new cards. The key is how long you soak them and the temperature of the water.
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