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Profile of DanielSteep

I am very limited on space. so my question for the Café meberes is..

Can you name all the illusions you can think of that pack really small and/or flat??


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Profile of BSutter
There are so many I need to know how small? How flat?
Egg Bag
If I keep going this list will get very long.

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Profile of DanielSteep
Dear Bill,

I don't mean small things like egg bag whitch I allready have for kid shows. I mean larger things EX Illusions IE like the collapsble Zig Zag
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Bryce's screens

Square-Circle: $59.99
Smoke Chamber: $1,299
Showing up at work with a bad hair day dressed like a clown, and your clients are 7 years old: Priceless

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Sword thru the neck
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Head Chopper
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straight jacket escape
arrow head (one available with balloons instead of arrows)
the conjurer
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Profile of the conjurer
Hi There--

As a traveling magician who performs illusions, I understand the situation you are in. In fact, I feel that every traveling magician from David Copperfield on down has the same problem. I know I have had this discussion with a great many magicians and all have echoed the same thoughts, we all long for effects that do like the old catalogs used to promise--

"Packs flat...Looks BIG on stage!"

With that in mind, I feel the search for such "illusions" is just that, a search (aka research) of magic and illusion and its' construction, performance and troupability. I would recommend that you do like many do. Comb through as much magic resource materials as you can. Dig for the gems.

Not just effects/illusions that already exist, but also methods and prinicipals. Find things (effects) that work for you and your personality. Can you create a unique effect or group of effects that fit you and only you.

After that take a look at the list you have compiled and decide which effects are best suited for construction that can "pack flat" or at least small. Most effects/illusions can be designed to "breakdown" Not all, but most. The problem you must address is how much space you have to troupe and store the props and then of the effects you have "created" or "found" which one or more will "fit the bill".

Trust me and the others on this forum who have decades of performance behind us, one GREAT ILLUSION that is truly unique and truly you is better than a 40 foot trailer full of standard effects presented in a standard way.

I promise you, the research and planning I am suggesting will benefit you in more ways than just finding a collection of illusions that will pack down small.

Research all the magic materials you can lay your hands on--

Might I suggest--

S.H. Sharpe's Books

Gary Darwin's Inexpensive Illusions

Any Writings by U.F. Grant

Any Writings by Tom Palmer

The Paul Osbourne Books

The Tarbell Course

Mark Wilson's Course in Magic

Mark Wilson on Illusions (Video series)

The Jack Gwynne Book by David Charvet

Back issues of Genii, MUM, The Linking Ring, etc.

The list could go on and on--

This is just a beginning, you will need to take over from here. But the great illusions that can "pack flat and play big" are out there. Instead of my giving you a list...and I could...I feel what you will gain will be a magic education. Something that can never be taken a way from you. Something that will serve you for the rest fo your magic career.

Lastly let me leave you with my favorite magic quote about illusions. It was made by one of the all time great magicians and illusionists, Jack Gwynne.

"No matter what illusion you do, YOU have to be bigger than the box."

Find who you are as a magician and illusionist. Develop that first and then find the effects and illusions that fit you. If you become a great magician, trouping illusions will never be a problem. If you become great, you'll have the resources to move anything you'd like.

Good Luck!