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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Mind Reading - Great Idea, please read (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Anyone ever use the type of headphones that you stick to your temples? They use certain vibrations set at specific frequencies that you "hear" in your head. Some motorcylcists use these. Anyways, I was thinking about making an MP3 of me saying certain phrases, sentences etc. Then I wear some black gloves with the thin headphone bone vibrating pads exposed, placing my hands on the temples of a volunteer, and then its only a matter of pressing the play button on my iPod Smile
...Anyone ever try this? You can LITERALLY get inside their head.
SMU Class of 2010
Mike Baxter
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There used to be a similar idea, primarily for skiers and outdoor athletes. I believe it was called a 'Bone Phone'.

(Google search turned up: "Does anyone remember a radio that came out in the early 80's called the "Bone-Phone"? It looked like a long sock that you would drape over your shoulders and it had a FM tuner. When you wore it and turned it on it would send sound vibrations thru your body without the need for head phones. You could wear it anywhere no one else could hear the music but you.")

. . . and yes, the idea you mentioned (and others!) had occurred to me.
Good thinking!
Slim King
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OK...I'll buy one!
Think of this! A medium puts you in contact with...ELVIS.....I can hear him now...Can't you?
THE MAN THE SKEPTICS REFUSE TO TEST FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS.. The Worlds Foremost Authority on Houdini's Life after Death.....
Lou Hilario
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Hmmmm, sounds like a good idea for making the volunteer a psychic. I would use it as a "name that tune" mental act.
Magic, Illusions, Juggling, Puppet & Parrot Show ^0^
Slim King
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They have had cellphones with this technology in Japan for the last two years. Just hold it against a BONE in your head. Where can I get the "Speaker/Transmitter" part?
THE MAN THE SKEPTICS REFUSE TO TEST FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS.. The Worlds Foremost Authority on Houdini's Life after Death.....
Frank Simpson
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I used to sell the "Bone-Fone" when I managed the electronice department at a department store in '84. It was a total dog of a product. I remember reading the inventor's notes about how he got the idea while eating celery and wondering why he could hear himself chewing so loudly. He termed the phenomenon "bone-conduction".

The lame device was really just a regular radio in a long flat rectangular spandex tube. The tuner and volume controls were at one end. The two speakers were positioned to be pointing directly at your collar bone which would then "conduct" the sound to your ears. In theory it worked OK at best, but it was by no means something that only the wearer could hear. One of the clerks would regularly wear it while stocking the shelves (trying to demo the fool thing in an effort to sell them) and if I was within 10 feet of him I could hear it quite clearly. The sound was muddy, but most definitely present.

We only ever sold one and after a year ended up writing the rest of them off of our inventory and throwing them away...we couldn't even give them away!

It would be interesting to see what this new technology is like though.
David Bilan
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Ah yes... the Bone Phone. Frank is right. Two small speakers. My belief was that the speakers were so close to your ears that you didn't need much volume. Conducting sound from the collarbone? For this product, it didn't work for me.

I had my wife sew velcro around a towel and used it while jogging. It had lousy reception. I don't use it any longer (don't jog any more either).
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
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Profile of STANGMMX
So... Others can hear this thing? I mean... It says it vibrates... but... so do speakers... that's how sound is made. lol... I dunno... Anyone actually think this is worth pursuing?
SMU Class of 2010
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Profile of GarySumpter

This is currently sold by many magic dealers...............

Do the research!

Magic and Drums
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Actually I can't find one single dealer who sells this...

Did anybody have more luck than I and can tell us where to find something like that...?

Slim King
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I found no one either.
Give up the info, Gary!
THE MAN THE SKEPTICS REFUSE TO TEST FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS.. The Worlds Foremost Authority on Houdini's Life after Death.....
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I am SO disappointed with you guys!!! Smile

Cerebro - Alakazam -

Not sure if the link will work. If not, use the Alakazam search box.

The blurb reads:

Please see below for ordering instructions - Alakazam DO NOT STOCK THIS ITEM

Mentalism is about to enter a new age the age of Cerebro

The impossible suddenly becomes possible, beliefs will be redefined and you will leave stunned and fried audiences of laymen and magicians in your wake. Cerebro is truly the next level in mentalism.

Cerebro allows the realization of hitherto pipe-dream routines. The spectator as mind reader plot takes on a new meaning, book tests, sightless vision, remote viewing, clairvoyance and ESP routines, all are possible in the cleanest, strongest and most direct way. Quite simply, Cerebro will change the way you work forever.

Cerebro is an exceptionally versatile electronic cueing system for the mentalist, the direct culmination of many years of research and testing culminating in the first genuinely new principle to emerge in mentalism for some time. News of Cerebro has shaken the foundations of mentalism and with good reason: With it you can implant thoughts directly into the mind of a spectator, you can also use it for the cleanest, fairest book test imaginable, you can perform drawing duplications under test conditions, you can transfer thoughts using your fingertips from one spectator to another these are just some of the countless routines possible with Cerebro.

Unlike other products, Cerebro will only be available in a strictly limited release of 200 units worldwide. Once they are gone, they will be gone forever. Purchase is conditional upon the return of a signed and witnessed licence and confidentiality agreement. Such is the power of such a product we want to safeguard the secret and your investment in the system to the best of our ability.

Price: £1000 + £25 p&p worldwide

To order this item provide your telephone number below and then - click the Add To Cart button, you will then be asked to - check out as usual giving your usual contact details - if you are not buying any other items simply select "Credit Card Details Sent Separately". We will then contact you separately to complete the transaction.

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Profile of STANGMMX
Holy crap... that's a LOT of money... anyone search for just bone-fone-like head phones?
SMU Class of 2010
Magic and Drums
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Ok, I already knew of Cerebro, but that's not what I'M looking for... All I need is the vibration/transmitter/whatever device. Does anyone know more about this?

Thanks to all,