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flourish dude
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Profile of flourish dude
Mouth coils cost about .75 per 25' coil (Cressey). A piece of tissue is .10. You need 11- 20" x 30" sheets to make a 25' coil so that is 1.10 per worth of tissue paper. Depending how wide you cut each coil, lets say 2" you can get 9 coils per. That gives you .5" at the ends to clean up the roll. This means if you make them yourself they cost .12 per coil. I can make 9 of them in about 10 minutes. If I make these while I have a movie on, I can get a nice stock of them during the course of a movie. The best part is knowing how to make them. You never know when you will find yourself in a pinch!
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Portland, Oregon
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Profile of rtgreen
I bought this from Spellbinder and it told me all I needed to know. Mouth coils are very easy to make and I get about 2 dozen from a standard pack of tissue paper. They take me about 15 minutes to make.


On 2005-07-08 21:21, Spellbinder wrote:
This month's Wizards' Journal (#5) has an article by Eleazar Goodenough that has his mouthless routine for using mouth coils (never gag on paper again!) as well as instructions for making your own. He's promoting his new book on Paper Magic that will have instructions for making Wizard Hat Tears and a whole lot of other neat stuff. And he's only eight years old! Imagine how insufferable he'll be at twelve! Anyway, the article is available on my site: and I'll probably get in trouble for telling you that.
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Cincinnati, OH
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Profile of freefallillusion1
It really isn't that hard. The next time you but them, undo the tape from one out of the package and you'll be surprised at how easy these are. Knowing how to do it is great if you need custom coils- I once needed a big supply of solid orange ones which reached all the way to the back of the auditorium.
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Profile of magicsecure
Its sas to say but check youtube on the how a lot of great stuff
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Profile of Ekuth
On Dec 21, 2005, Magic Mike Japan wrote:
Since I've never done mouth coils, does anyone have advice about what to store them in while they're in your mouth?

As the others pointed out (holy necro thread, batman) you don't store them for long times. Need to be able to patter, after all.

That said... I have needed to keep these things in there for longer than I wanted and here's a few tips to keep them dry:

Suck all the moisture out of your mouth immediately before putting them in and try to keep your lips parted slightly to allow air to flow over/through the coil.

Take thick cellophane tape (wide Scotch) and put a layer around the outside of the coil where your mouth/lips/tongue will contact.
This helps to keep the moisture beast at bay for a tad longer than otherwise, and also firms up coils that are too loose.

Hope that helps, for what it's worth.
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Iloilo, Philippines
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Profile of Tukaram
Glad this old thread popped back up... I just stated making my own hat tears. I found some ok (ish) tissue to use. Good quality selection is limited in the Philippines but what I found makes 20 hat tears for p35 (under $1 USD).

But I don't know if the tissue would work for mouth coils. It tears super easy. I have been looking for rolls of paper and so far all I found was adding machine paper (boring white only, and hard to cut). I have seen some rolls of ribbon. It seems about the same thickness as adding machine paper, anyone try ribbon?

The closest place to order mouth coils is China. They are cheap but the shipping is atrociously expensive, and slow.
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East Orange, NJ
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Profile of jimgerrish
I have made mouth coils from plastic tablecloth material from the Dollar Store. It's great for the single color coil used in making pink chewing bubble-gum-like streamers, but by attaching different color lengths with adhesive spray, you can also make just about any color patterns you desire. The resulting streamer is tougher than tissue.
David Todd
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Profile of David Todd
Learning to make your own is a good idea , especially in light of the announcement earlier this year from Cresey -

"Dear Valued Customers,

As of April 30, 2015 we have shut down manufacturing of all Cresey products for the foreseeable future. This is not a permanent termination of our products. It is an indefinite hiatus to take time and figure out how to, more efficiently and effectively, continue to produce our product. John is not looking to sell or transfer any rights, client lists, products, or information at this time.

All products are still being sold on a first come first serve basis at full retail price while supplies last. Yes, there is still product to be sold!
The fastest means of ordering any product left is through our website, Our website does not accommodate international buyers and, unfortunately, we will no longer be shipping international orders.

Any questions, or concerns should be directed to our email address at

All the best,

John Reid & The Cresey Team"
