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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tenyo Elite :: Kudos to the JPS team (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Harrisburg, PA
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Profile of mmreed
Steve, Peter, Jason...

Congratulations on the Tenyo Elite launch!

Its good to see the focus on quality magic and bringing Tenyo to a higher level.

Very exciting and I am looking forward to getting my favorite tenyo items!
Mark Reed
Wedding and Event Entertainment
Peter Loughran
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Ontario, Canada
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Profile of Peter Loughran
Thank you for the warm wishes mmreed! We too are excited to see some of our favourite tenyo tricks re-born!

The great thing about Tenyo Elite is that we have the chance to bring back Tenyo effects that are also discontinued, which is very exciting. This is one of the reasons we chose Moonspinner in our first line of tricks this year. This is no longer available, until now ofcourse in our Elite form. So over the years we will be bringing back many classics which are no longer available in the original Tenyo line.


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Jason Palter
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Profile of Jason Palter
Hello all:

I just wanted to add a funny story to what my partner, Peter wrote regarding Moonspinner. The first time that I saw this trick was back in 1990 when it was released, and I must admit that I really did not like it at all. As you may know (or if you don't know, just read the EFFECT on our site), part of the routine of the trick involves a very cool illusion of a coin appearing and disappearing on the paddle. Well when it was done for me 19 years ago, to be honest, I didn't see any illusion of a coin at all, and as a result I was very underwhelmed by the trick.

Flash forward to last year when Peter, Steve and I were having a product brainstorming session. Peter suggested Moonspinner (which he had owned and LOVED for years). I really wasn't interested because I didn't think it was very good when I had first seen it. Peter thought I was crazy, and wanted to prove how good it was, so he pulled out his copy that he had owned for so many years to show me. He blew me away! It looked so cool and so good, and in that instant I realized what was wrong: The magic person who had shown it to me so many years before, had done it incorrectly so I was never really able to properly see the illusion. There is just a subtle tilt of your hand that you have to do when performing the illusion, and that makes ALL the difference to the spectators. By the way, this tilt is explained very thoroughly in the instructions for our Elite edition, and although it is also mentioned in the original Tenyo instructions, obviously the gentleman who showed it to me didn't do this part properly. So suddenly I loved the trick, and agreed that we had to do it for one of our first four tricks! maybe the story isn't that funny! lol But I thought that you might enjoy reading it.

Anyhow, please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Jason Palter
Paltergeist Unlimited
(416) 410-5766
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Profile of RicHeka
Hello Jason:I made some comments re:Zig Zag Cig on the other Elite thread.Please, along with Peter and Steve... consider this for the Elite Line.Performed correctly this illusion kills.To have a quality Elite version of this would be wonderful.[metal would be OK,but I think exotic woods would be fantastic]

I recently liberated this from mothballs.I used it tonite at my Wed. restaurant.

It was a HUGE hit with the finesses I added in the last couple of days.[Golf pencil with dryerase mark etc.]

One table in particular had a regular returning family who have a magic hobbiest son who thought he recognized the trick ..even though I have cammoflouged the Tenyo markings.After he stated "Oh I know this" Smile.He was blown away when I let him keep the 'marked and restored' pencil.
Imagine the effect ZZ Cig has on folks with no knowledge of the effect...I saw it with my own eyes tonite.It is a perfect little illusion...when presented properly.

JPS PLEASE add this to your next set of Tenyo Elites.

Happy Trails.
Rich Hennessey
Robert M
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Profile of Robert M
Yes, "Zig Zag Cig"! Plus, "Invisible Zone" and "Side Track" - pleeeeeze.
