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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tenyo of Japan :: What You've All Waited For: A Tenyo BOOK (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Bob_Hummer
I remember Tenyo put out a small booklet (only in Japanese) of uses for the BLUE CRYSTAL effect that Lubor Fiedler created. I think the booklet was written by Dr Sawa or Hiro Sakai.

It would be great to see that translated into English. Or perhaps have the best effects from the booklet put in the book? Or have the book made available as a pdf file?

Indeed - it would be nice to see if there are any updated handlings or variations for previous Tenyo products floating around. I remember Angelo Carbone used to detail some on his website. Just curious to see if Tenyo have ever collected a file of such material as well?

Perhaps you could ask readers of GENII to send forward any variations/tips which might be worth detailing in the book? For example - I know there has been some good ideas for the BLUE CRYSTAL detailed on this forum in the past.

An idea I had (but have yet to test) was to combine TENSEGRITY by Patrick Snowden with Lubor Fiedler's ANTI-GRAVITY ROCK. The card which is balanced on the table (Tensegrity) would rest on the small board used in Lubor Fiedler's effect. To show that the card is apparently not supported from below as well as from any other angle.

You can see a video of TENSEGRITY here:

Just some ideas.

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Profile of MagiChrisMitch
On 2013-01-16 19:06, Richard Kaufman wrote:
I'm pretty sure the book will be hardcover, 8.5 x 11, and full color.
And large.

What could be better then a large, full color, and hardcover book on Tenyo - this is something wonderful to look forward to!
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Profile of maratekin
Fantastic news, Richard! Do you think it will be mostly history, or will it tip methods as well?

Very much looking forward to it -

Wizard of Oz
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Profile of Wizard of Oz
Richard, this is mind blowing news. No one can do this better than you...

I'm sure you are well aware that you are opening the opinion floodgates by inviting Tenyo "fanboys'" commentary, but I'll give you my 2 cents anyway.

I can see this going in the visual direction of the recent Mail-Order Mysteries book or the fine history of Adams magic . Both of these publications managed to capture the essence of their subject matter by replicating the spirit of the products in the very method used to communicate the story. The typography, color palettes, graphics, page layouts, all paid homage to the items they were honoring. Tenyo has such a rich history of visual graphics and packaging, I can see this holistic publishing approach fitting this assignment perfectly.

Or...go in the completely opposite direction and treat these lovely miniature illusions like art... sparse graphics, minimal typography, white space framing lush color photography, coated stock...think high end auction catalog.

Either way, or someplace in between you'll be golden. But, that's not what you asked is it? You'd like to know what should be in the book. So here's my itemized wish list in no particular order:

1. A short history of Tenyo. I own an old wooden Tenyo sand frame. It's beautiful, yet, what other antique Tenyo beauties are out there that only Tenyo knows about? Give us the inside stories on the origins of this company.
2. Prototypes. I love seeing the pre-production models that geniuses like Mr. Carbone and others put together to sell an idea. Seeing these wherever possible would be an incredible behind-the-scenes experience for those of us so familiar with the Tenyo classics. And, they could be photographed without giving away any secrets.
3. Magic effects that weren't released.
4. A complete list (can be text only, without graphics) of all the Tenyo effects released, including variants (Disney etc.).
5. A visual history of the packaging and branding. Let's face it, Tenyo was, and is a leader in knowing how to sell magic and make it feel special.
6. A brief, and simple explanation on production and manufacturing. Tenyo, like LEGO, has perfected plastic molding and assembly. How did they do this? Why? And what was the price they paid?
7. Behind the scenes baby...I want plant photos, planning sessions, name it.

I'll keep thinking, but that's where I'm at. This is gonna be good...
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
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Profile of auriuspd
I'm ready for a PRE ORDER.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
Well, at this embryonic stage I can say that at the very least there will be a large photo of every single Tenyo prop we can find, both in its packaging and without it. There will be a description of the effect.

I will speak to each Tenyo creator about the stories behind each trick (often these will be just a sentence or two, but sometimes the stories are longer).

And of course if we can find any prototypes, these will be included, along with all the material already published about Tenyo in various magazines (including the tricks by Tenyo inventors which appear in these magazines).

It is not known at the moment whether the book will reproduce the instruction sheets or show photos that divulge the clever mechanical methods behind such effects as "Mystery China Box" and "Crystal Pyramid."

Writing a book that will probably be 300 pages is a long process, and I am only at the beginning. It costs a lot of money to fly back and forth from the east coast to Tokyo, and I have already hired a translator. My initial idea was to print the text in both English and Japanese, but I don't know if there are enough Tenyo collectors in Japan to make this worthwhile (it would greatly expand the size of the book).

And there is always the issue of obsolescence. Within less than a year of the book's appearance, Tenyo will have brought out another line of tricks which won't appear in the book! Rather a disheartening prospect, but you get used to things like this after many many books.

Anyway, that's all the information I have for now. I would be happy to hear any and all detailed suggestions because I am doing this book for all of YOU.
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Profile of stereo
I'm not sure about the interest of listing all 250 T-tricks if it's just to make was allready available on internet with only descriprion, short development story etc ...
If you make just 1 volume so I think this take to much place to list the 250 tricks and add absolutly nothing new and valuable. It is bad if that this list takes the place of really interesting and new things. It is necessary that this list of trick is in addition to the rest, and do not canibalise interesting content.

Here is the the table of contents I had prepared for my project: feel free to use it.

1- The history of the company
Magic, but other area of product too, key dates that have change the companie, challenge over the years, other japanese magic company, reasons of success.

2- A new version of One year from idea to merchandising.
follow the development for a year of a new collection is probably what is most interesting and exciting part.

3- Interview of Creators:
-how are they joined the company and what is their professional background.
-What is their vision of magic.
-What is their way of working to invent a trick and how they come with fresh idea every year.
-What is the trick in which they are most proud, and why.
-What is the magic that was the biggest challenge in marketing.
-What is the effect which he really believed but was not selected to be produced.
-How does a typical working day in Tenyo.
-And now their wish for the future.
Etc etc..

4-List of ancient magic before the main collection.

5-List of trick in the main collection:
- Stories of creators, changes made, tips, history of development, concessions that have to be done, succes of sales, why discontinued item etc

6- The secret of Tenyo Special +1 campaign

7- Only In Japan

8- The Tenyo Magic Set

9- Partnership with Disney and other companies :
The partnership with Disney is a story by itself.

10- The prototypes never marketed:
The craziest ideas, projects too ambitious, why are they rejected, explanation of manufacturing limitations etc etc...

11- Packaging, their design, their history.

12- Tenyo and the rest of the world :
history of business in global radiation -Collectors - Partnering with The Western magician - etc

13- The new generation of inventors :
Their vision of Tenyo, their goals, their doubts.

14- A word from the president on challenge faced in the next 20 years.
Failed Magician
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Profile of Failed Magician
I've bought Tenyo items and I was amazed by its quality and effects. Even most of them are made in plastic, they get the job done very well.

So if there is a book that shares info about Tenyo items then I'm in!
Magic comes through perception. -HS
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Profile of stereo
I think it's the kind of book that EVERY magician can buy, it can be a bestseller.
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Profile of pierredan
On 2013-01-17 00:31, Richard Kaufman wrote:
My initial idea was to print the text in both English and Japanese, but I don't know if there are enough Tenyo collectors in Japan to make this worthwhile (it would greatly expand the size of the book).


I find your statement very interesting. So the Japanese overlook the appeal of collecting these intriguing devices? Are most of the collectors in North America?
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Profile of edshern
You have to walk the fine line to appease the Fanatics, yet make it marketable to the general market.
So, some random thoughts;
*Tenyo was never intended as magic for magicians. So the book should not speak like a magician.
*What Niche was Tenyo really trying to fill when it first produced it's tricks? *Has the niche changed.
*I like the idea of a coffee table style of book.
*Make it approachable and 'user friendly'. If it is crammed with details that only fanatics care about, no one else will buy it.
***Is Tenyo the modern history of magic in miniature?
***You can solve the problem of the book becoming dated by penning a deal with Stereo & making his website a companion to the book.
*How about including a DVD of interviews with some of the Nuts 0n this forum (you know who you are Smile Oh, & maybe the inventors too.
*The Collectable Tenyo's & the secondary Tenyo marketplaces. Ebay, Magic Café, brick & morter stores. Study other books about collectables; Star Trek & Star Wars action figures, Hot Wheels, etc. Which books were most successful? Copy the format/concept.

Good luck with it, and put me in for a pre-order.

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Profile of Killertweety
Fantastic news! REALLY looking forward to it Smile I believe everything has already been said about what should be in the book, I have nothing to add.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
Stereo, I don't believe that just because information exists on a website, that it should not be included in a book. Any book on Tenyo must include every trick with photos and description--that's the skeleton of the book on which everything else hangs.
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Profile of peterger
Really interesting idea! Count me in for a copy!
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Profile of stereo
My english is so bad that you never understand what I say ?

So reread my table of contents :
4-List of ancient magic before the main collection.
5-List of trick in the main collection:
6- The secret of Tenyo Special +1 campaign
7- Only In Japan
8- The Tenyo Magic Set

But if you just want to make a kind of catalog by referencing only 250 magic tricks of the main line with their official descriptions, and short development story allready available, so I Think that it will not be enough to make an interesting and memorable book.

I agree with edshern, Study other books about collectables.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
I'm sorry Stereo, but we're not on the same English wavelength. There are many times in my life when I wish I spoke French! But, alas, I cannot. Merde.
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Profile of simcoscor
On 2013-01-17 17:15, Richard Kaufman wrote:
But, alas, I cannot. Merde.

LOL Richard! I think you're doing pretty well in French!

What's funny is that "Merde" is much like the word "Crap" in English... It usually has a pejorative meaning... but be careful: sometimes, depending of the context, it means "Good luck"! I can easily wish you "Merde with your Tenyo book", and it would be nothing but positive encouragement.
Again, essentially a matter of colloquial language... Smile
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Profile of dragonash
I hope you sell a merde-load of them.
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Michael P. Lair
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Profile of lair
1) It would be nice to hear about a few of the effects that were close to making the final cut, but were never released to the public and why...along with photos of these prototypes.
2) Could a never-before-released Tenyo effect be included with each book? It would be a special exclusive for those who purchase the book.
3) A DVD could be included with a demo (it could be the original video demos that Tenyo made)of each Tenyo product since the inception.

Just my 2 cents. Thank you for putting this project together, Richard...I'm looking forward to purchasing a copy upon its release.
Michael Lair
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Profile of stereo
Ok now all of us have gave their idea which ones you like Richard ?