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Mark Tripp
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On 2005-08-15 16:28, Harley Newman wrote:
Yes, rat trap is good. I've been doing one for years, as part of my clown show (that I do about once a year, these days). It's part on an ongoing battle between me, suspenders, and a fish.

I did leg-hold traps for a year or so, about 20 years ago. I never did find the right scripting hook, to make them fit into my regular show. Come to think of it, I've never seen a presentation that makes sense, except as a "lookit me doing a trick" approach. I would like to see a good routine for that.


I put it all in the script that went with the trick, but the magicians only left with the method.

It is a VERY funny bit where you make everyone think you are going to put an audience member into the trap, but you mess up and put your own hand in there.
Doug Higley
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I wrote a small 'bit' for my Spring Skunk...where there is a Box with holes in it that holds a 'Skunk' can tell because the box says LIVE Skunk! But it's empty...the Skunk is loose!...and dangerous! So I set 3 traps...of course I get caught in one...later when the 'found' Skunk leaps out of my 'Dis-Armed', I go to grab him and spring the 2nd trap with my hand by 'accident'. (I found that the 'Dis-Armed' works great with a Spring Critter instead of your arm.)

At the end of the act there is still one Trap set...and of course I get caught in that one too. Poor me.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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On 2005-08-15 16:28, Harley Newman wrote:
I've never seen a presentation that makes sense, except as a "lookit me doing a trick" approach. I would like to see a good routine for that.

Check out Harry Anderson's routine. Smile
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Profile of Cadabra
On 2005-08-08 11:59, Doug Higley wrote: that no body has to give anything away in an open forum...

I perform this as well and get a great reaction from it.
Also, I totally agree with Doug!
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Harley Newman
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Yes, Doug, THAT'S good scripting! I would never expect less from you.
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How dangerous is the Abbott's Bear Trap? Can you accidentally mess up and lose a finger?
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Profile of Roslyn
For completion here's the link for the Abbotts trap

Take care,

Posted: Oct 8, 2005 2:38pm

I've been quite inspired by this thread and have been looking around at different traps etc. I'm not sure that I'll start performing this, but it has been interesting to see what could be possible.

I found this site and was wondering if the traps listed on the site would be useable in a trap routine.


The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of TAIT
I ues a gin trap but I would like a big bear trap.
Todd Robbins
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It's hard to tell from the photos how large are the traps. The Abbott's trap is a known item, so I recommend sticking with that. You do need to doctor the appearence of those traps as they look too shiny.

It's good to see Mark Tripp here. He wrote a GREAT column in Genii years ago filled with the best advice. I look forward to seeing his DVD. This guy is a true worker.

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Thanks for the advice Todd.

As I'm not exactly versed in doctoring shiny metal does anyone have any sources that would help?

Thanks again,

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Doug Higley
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The Blood of an 'Alien'...or if none is available, acid.

But seriously Roz...depends on the Metal to be distressed. Iron is easy...Stainless Steele is not.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Ok, thanks Doug.

I'll keep an eye out for flying saucers Smile

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Doug Higley
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Well...what kind of metal you want to FUBAR? Let me know.

Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
The Village Idiots
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I bought an Abbots trap years ago and used it in my spring skunk routine as well. Weird huh, Doug? Then a few years later I wanted to put it in my sideshow but hated the chrome finish. One weekend I was at a lake on vacation. We stopped in an antique store and I saw one hanging on the wall. I asked the lady if I could see it and she agreed. I set it on the ground set and and quickly stuck my hand in to see if it was the same amount of sting. The lady freaked out and screamed. I wasn't even thinking of her witnessing this. So I bought the old rusty thing and wrote a new routine. It has developed into a fun piece for us.

Good luck with yours.

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Todd Robbins
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Take a can of brown primer spray paint and give the trap a sparse coat. The best way is to put the trap on the ground (on a tarp or newpaper) and hold the can about three feet above it. When you spray the paint, it make for a light mist that will look like rust when it hits the trap. After this dries, do the same thing with a can of black spray paint. The results will be a distressed looking trap that will still have enough shiny metal showing through to look good onstage.
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I was refering to distressing the abbots trap. I'm not sure what the metal is as I don't own one yet, but all this talk of traps has really got me thinking that maybe I should work on something.

If you have any ideas on how I could distress this trap that'd be fantastic. If the method is too complicated for me to do myself then I could always take it to a metal worker. Its just always good to have a rough idea of what the process is.


The paint sounds like it could be a winner. It certainly is something that I would be able to do on my own.

The only downside I could see with this is of the paint chipping. Is this a problem? Or do you find the paint stays put.

Thanks again to both of you for your help.

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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The Village Idiots
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I think old Dougy recomended acid. I would guess Muriatic Acid, found at your local home depot, would work. Poor some in a plastic bucket and dip the trap in. Probably want to wash it after with baking soda or something to nutralize it so it doesn't continue to eat the metal. Wear goggles and gloves.

The Abbots trap is chrome. I suppose acid would eat chrome off. Another way would be to use a grinder. You are right about the paint chipping. I throw my trap around a lot so that wouldn't work for me. As I said I found my ugly trap at a antique store in the country. Well, it was at the Lake of the Ozarks. Might go for a drive out into the sticks some weekend and find a old general store or antique store.

Better yet, call Abbots and see if you can buy one with out chrome. I bet you can. Most of them are made by the Victor Trap company.

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Roslyn, what part of the UK do you live in? I hear it rains a bit over there, right? Well, I dabble in blacksmithing and metalcrafts and I have an excellent answer, it is a little labor intensive and takes a bit of time to get the desired result.

Strip off the chrome beyond the copper (chrome can only be applied to copper, won't stay on iron), use an angle grinder or bench grinder with a good abrasive stone. Sand the grind marks off and make sure there are no sharp edges. Beat some of the metal surfaces with a ball peen hammer to get it a little worn looking (if you have an anvil or know someone who does, USE IT during this process).

Flash the surface with petroleum distillates OR just use a propane torch (not flashlight, heh heh, you Brits!) to burn off any grease or surface oils, but don't try both at the same time. Now take the trap (or whatever metal you want ugly) and leave it outside for a month or until you get the rusty patina desired. If it's a dry season (yeah, right), brush some salt water on the metal before it goes outside. Presto! Distressed metal that will permanently be distressed! You MAY want to spray a clearcoat on it to avoid contaminating any other props/gear with rust. It spreads like cancer and kills sheet metal.

Good luck!
Let me know how it turns out
The Great Nippulini: body piercer, Guinness World Record holder, blacksmith and man with The World's Strongest Nipples! Does the WORLD care? We shall see...
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You're not wrong about the rain here. Its been p*ssing down for the last week now!

You mention clearcoat. Is this a brand named thing?


Great idea about getting a chromeless trap.

I think a combination of getting the trap minus chrome, and leaving it outside after a beating in the shop would be good. Saves on all the grinding Smile

Thanks again for all the advice and pointers. All I need now is my trap.

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of Kondini
There are plenty of the original Gins around (Try car boots or outside shows)So why on earth buy a proppy one and alter it,,,,also I can pick these up for as little as £7 from a scrapyard.