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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: MAGIC - The Magazine For Magicians :: Magic Magazine iPad app pulled from Apple store (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen

1. Making the magazines at MyBookshelf downloadable is certainly on our list, however, I don't have any time frame as to when that will happen. Sorry.

2. As to the poor readability... Which iPad model are you on?


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Profile of delgadil
On May 15, 2014, Stan Allen wrote:

1. Making the magazines at MyBookshelf downloadable is certainly on our list, however, I don't have any time frame as to when that will happen. Sorry.

2. As to the poor readability... Which iPad model are you on?



Hi Stan,

I have an iPad 3 with Retina Display.

Note I found that tapping the screen magnified the image just a bit, bringing the pages to full clarity.
So I respectfully withdraw that complaint.

I have to say I really like the M360 content. Now that is cool.

Am I supposed to get access to my issues previously purchased via the Apple App Store?
I assume your staff is inundated with emails so I will be patient awaiting responses to my email request on this topic.

Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen

Glad the zooming in is working for you. We're working with the software company as to why the images are not as clear as they are on a computer. Hopefully, we will be able to solve that in the near future.

Yes, you will get access to your back issues. Please send an email to, and include the email address linked to your Apple account, as well as the month/year of the first issue purchased on your iPad.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. Feel free to contact me any

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Profile of michaangelo
Hey Stan,

First off... Love the magazine and the MagicLIVE conventions... I have a question regarding the new format. It appears that the only way to view the issue on a iPad or Kindle is through the WEB... I have not been able to download the issue so I can view it later when I am not connected to the internet. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong? Just an FYI, one thing I really want from digital magazines is the ability to download the magazine when connected to my home wifi and then view them at my leisure without being connected. I travel a lot and love reading magazines on my iPad when I am on the plane...


Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen

Thanks for your question and kind words about the magazine and convention.

At the moment, the only way to view any of our digital network is through the web. Making the individual issues downloadable to tablet devices is on our list, however, I don't have a time frame just yet.

Thanks, again...


P.S. In the June issue, which is now in MyBookshelf, there's an ad for the 2015 MAGIC Live, August 9-12. Alumni Registration (for 2013 attendees) opens June 9, 2014. General Registration opens June 16, 2014. Hope to see you there. I'll be the guy with the glazed over look!
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Profile of magicbern
Dear Mr Allen,

Thanks for taking the time to personally reply regarding the question of accessibility to our past digital issues. I have contacted your office via email in order to update my account and look forward to being able to access those past issues again soon on your new Bookshelf platform.

I am confident that you will iron out these teething issues and the digital issues in the future will be of pristine quality once again. Best of luck in your new venture to revamp the digital issues and provide bonus audio and video content. Hopefully we will be able to download past and present issues for offline reading sometime soon. But at least I can also read them now on my android platform smartphone - which I couldn't do before!
Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen
"Teething issues"... I like that!


John Martin
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Profile of John Martin
Firstly I've been buying MAGIC since September 1992 with Lance Burton on the cover. I have every issue, not having missed a single one since the beginning. That's a lot of bookcase space!! A year and a half ago I plunked down several hundred dollars for an iPad mini. I am not a huge fan of Apple, and would have been much happier with any other tablet, but since MAGIC was being offered through an Apple app I had little choice. Also I thought it was time to stop buying the hard copies and start collecting the digital version instead. It was a perfect way to enjoy MAGIC while commuting to work and to take it along on trips and vacations. The app worked great. Easy to read. Easy to navigate. Videos played well inside the app and the external links worked great. Best of all I could take MAGIC with me anywhere once I downloaded the current issue.

I was surprised when I found out that I would no longer be able to read MAGIC as I had for the past year an a half. I understand the issues that have been discussed here and the staff at MAGIC has been very helpful at getting me set up with the new format. Having had a few weeks to look over the new version, I must say I'm rather disappointed. Navigation is clunky at best. Increasing the text size requires a combination of taps and "stretches". the external links need to be double taped to be accessed and the videos play externally and need to be manually put into full screen. This is on my iPad mini of course. On a desktop or lap top things seem a little smoother. I'm was willing to wait it out during the the growing pains of the new format, but one thing bothered me and that was, could I read my magazine off line? Apparently from above the answer is no. This is a HUGE deal breaker. Of what use is the MAGIC magazine if I can't take it with me? I received Duane Laflin's Grand Illusion magazine for a year and it came out as a downloadable PDF and worked great. perhaps this is something MAGIC could look at.

Again let me say the people a MAGIC have been fantastic with their help during this transition. I would have been willing to pay a little more to continue to receive it through the Apple app.Unfortunately I've bought my last MAGIC for a while.I hope MAGIC irons out all their "issues". I only wish they had done so BEFORE switching over to a new platform.


Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen

Thanks for your kind words about our team and their efforts in dealing with a number of issues at one time.

I understand that we've lost your business for the time being, but I hope we can earn it back in the future.

If you like, please send me your email, and I'll keep you posted on our progress.

All the best...

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Profile of Martin.Lester
I have been a subscriber to Magic Magazine for well over 10 years , I personally like to read the magazine and while I am not against a digital magazine , I do download MUM magazine each month as I am always on the move I am simply not intrested in reading on line ,

This latest venture looks like going the take it or leave it route

My issue of May Magazine has not arrived and after 2 emails I finally have been advised that I can always read it on line as and I quote "I am unable "resend the issue due to the high cost of postage."

To say I am P**** O**

Is an understatement !
Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen

Every month, 20 to 30 copies of MAGIC Magazine go missing en route. The good news is that it's not usually the same 20 to 30 people. The bad news is that replacing these issues is much more costly than initially sending them out, as a single issue does not qualify for any kind of bulk discount. And the cost overseas has gone through the roof, usually 3 to 4 times as expensive as when sent in bulk. Consequently, we're exploring alternatives, so that we can hold the cost of subscriptions down as low as possible.

I will look into your account and get back to you by email, hopefully within the next 24 hours. And please feel free to contact me regarding any part of the MAGIC Magazine operation you're upset with. I'm at


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Profile of Rizzo
So to mail 30 missing copies per month in the states would cost as an estimate and probably a close one at that, aprox $65 to Magic. I think that is a small sum to pay to ensure 100% subscriptions arrive as expected by the consumer on a monthly basis. Actually that is a SMALL price to pay to guarantee customer satisfaction. Now if you are talking hundreds MIA each month, or all of them not in the states, then maybe an alternative is a solution but 20-30 copies?
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Profile of necro555
I hope you find a way to allow people to download this on the iPad so people don't have to be online to view it. Very annoying at the moment.
Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen
We're working on it.
Aaron Isaacs
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Profile of Aaron Isaacs
Can you not purchase single issues? You must subscribe?
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Profile of george1953
I would also like to know if single issues are available ?
By failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail.
Stan Allen
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Profile of Stan Allen
You can purchase the current issue and receive one month access to M360 by signing up for a month-to-month subscription. Your card will be charged $4 (the auto charge on the month-to-month subscription). You can then cancel your subscription right away, so we only charge you the $4 one time. The current issue is now permanently available for you on MyBookshelf and you still have access to M360 for the entire month. By doing this, you get a full sampling of what MAGIC Magazine Digital Network has to offer. If you like it, you can sign up for an annual rate of $36 or continue with the $4 month-to-month rate. Hope this helps.
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Uh, I'm the one on the right.
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Profile of pepka
I'm not a subscriber, but would buy most issues on an "something in it for me" basis. Yes, there usually is. I hadn't looked for a few months and was curious why I couldn't see any new issues lately. Not thrilled that you can only read the new ones online. I like to take them with me. Hopefully this will change in the near future.

Just registered for Magic LIVE and can't wait. I was at #2 and it was one of the best times of my life.
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Profile of necro555
I know they are working on it and I hope the downloading on iPad issue is resolved soon. The navigation at the moment is terrible. I haven't read the June and July issues yet for that very reason.
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Profile of Arcato
I really liked the old iPad app; I think it was the BEST kind of reading experience ever. I'm very sad to say that since they switched to the new format, I have stopped reading Magic Magazine. I really miss their great content, but without being able to download an issue for offline reading, it is no use at all, not even the additional content they're offering. I'm travelling a lot lately and I don't always have a WiFi connection. A simple watermarked PDF would have been fine for me... and Imreally don't understand why this is so difficult. Other magic magazines do it as well....