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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Feminine Mystique :: Custom Magic. . . (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kabanning
Recently, I've started work on crafting another thumb tip. I have been making my own custom thumb tips using Sculpty Superflex since I have been having trouble finding a professionally created thumb tip that didn't look butch. (If there's enough call for it, I can post a tutorial of how I made my thumb tip.) In doing so I have been thinking, have any of you had to create any custom tricks because of things such as this? I would love to hear your stories.
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Profile of miss_vega_bond
Gosh - female loads, what a nightmare!

For a manip routine I have a necklace that I cobbled together one rushed evening that hangs down the back of my neck (under long tangled hair!) that I can clip on all sorts of bits and pieces that I need to grab quickly, it's fastened like a choker at the front so It's pretty smooth to grab whatever I'm loading... I also had a little Garter made with a pocket that I kept cards in for a time, It made me feel a little bit like angelina jolie reaching down to my cool little 'bond girl' holster! It did start to give eventually so I had to give that idea up Smile
Always had to adapt everything, if theres something you had in mind I'm sure between the female contributers to the Café can help!

Anyway, to your question about the thumb tip:
I asked my stage partner years ago about a girly tt, and he reminded me of a lecture we once saw on thumb tip magic. The magician performed a complex and lovely routine, and once he finished asked if anyone had spotted the tt. No one had, and when he finally displayed it to us, It was bright red. The point being, that the tt is not something that should be seen, ever!
My hands are very small, and I'm sure if I invested the time in getting a girly thumb tip made it would be too small to hide much inside. That said - I did once paint the nail of a flaming thumb tip, because it really was on display - I think all female magicians have considered this at some point! The varnish melted, and it was a horrible disaster never to be repeated Smile

Do let me know how it goes though!

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I heard a story once that Slydini used to perform with an unpainted metal tip just to make that same point.

As long as you aren't drawing specific attention to your thumb, I really don't think it matters much what it looks like.
It is always darkest just before you are eaten by a grue.
Bob Sanders
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Of course, my standard advice is to use every advantage reasonably available to you. However, except for the enjoyment of knowing that you made your own props, most of the pros would not be too concerned about how "natural" a TT is required to be. It is not a prop for showing anyway. It is a gimmick. And good gimmicks are never really seen and recognized by the audience.

Enjoy your magic!

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander

PS --- In a pinch, I have been known to use a plastic pill bottle!
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Profile of miss_vega_bond
Actually, I've been mulling this over most of the evening.
Going back to my stage partner, before we went pro, we used to demonstate magic sets part time for a toy store in London. Unfortunatly, the tts included in the set were of low quality and were the exact colour or wet teabags - shocking against our pasty english skin! However, we quickly learnt how to diguise the ugly tt's, and as far as I'm aware neither of us were ever caught out. We managed to sell thousands of the things without revealing the secret until purchase - just another point I remembered there Smile
Don't waste too much time stressing over a tt - just get real good at hiding a standard one and it will pay off big time - you will learn important principles on hiding many other props!

xx V
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Profile of miss_vega_bond
Ahhh Bob, it's a sad day when a magician has their meds closer to them than their tt's :-p
hehehhehe xx
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Profile of Dougini
On 2010-07-24 19:26, miss_vega_bond wrote:'s a sad day when a magician has their meds closer to them than their tt's...

LOL,Vega! The way life's been these days, I'm not so sure!

Have you seen the Vernet variety of T.T.? They're sort of translucent flesh color, and with a red silk inside, I can point it directly at you, and from a few feet away, it's undetectable! Mines a JUMBO, and it holds a 12" silk beautifully. They do come in different shades, and I'm sure they make one you'd be happy with.

I like your ideas. I'll bet your performance is superb!

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Profile of Dougini
On 2010-07-24 16:51, Kabanning wrote:
Recently, I've started work on crafting another thumb tip. I have been making my own custom thumb tips using Sculpty Superflex...

Wow...BRILLIANT! Never thought of that. Does the color match, or do you have to lighten or darken it somehow?

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Profile of Kabanning
On 2010-08-01 13:39, Dougini wrote:
On 2010-07-24 16:51, Kabanning wrote:
Recently, I've started work on crafting another thumb tip. I have been making my own custom thumb tips using Sculpty Superflex...

Wow...BRILLIANT! Never thought of that. Does the color match, or do you have to lighten or darken it somehow?


Well! I never anticipated that this conversation would eventually become about thumb tips. I just finished reading through the thread. I was just interested in everyone else's prop stories. Although, hearing the different points of view is interesting.

In any event, to answer your question, Dougini, I never got the colour to match exactly. I'm eventually going to airbrush it. Although, I'm not saying that it is impossible to colour match the clay to your skin. It does take a little understanding of the colour wheel but that's easy. The snag with Scuplty Superflex is that you can't buy single bars of clay. They make you buy the packages. Although, if this were to have a silver lining, it is that perhaps you can create other props with the other colours you get within these packages. I just do it to have something that fits me better. I can still stash a small silk in one if and when I have to.
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Profile of Dougini
On 2010-07-24 16:51, Kabanning wrote:
...I have been thinking, have any of you had to create any custom tricks...? I would love to hear your stories.

I second that request...I'd also like to hear what you've done to make magic your own. I like Miss Vega's idea about the necklace. Some ladies costumes can be used for all sorts of hiding and recovery. The Topit comes to mind. When I wore a jacket, the Topit was a favorite.

I'd be curious if there are any other lady magicians who've used a custom-made accessory for such things...

C'mon! Don't be shy!
