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Profile of Dannydoyle
Ed you don't seem to comprehend the difference in your situation and most. IF you biff the induction so what? IF I biff the induction I still have almost 2 hours to fill with NOTHING. See the difference.

I am not saying you are right or wrong, read Anthony's question it was what I was responding too. Your method would not really work well in my opinion.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Eddini_81976
Okay so that reply was for Anthony. Why would my opinion not work. As I've said admittedly I do not know stage inductions really. I've also asked for mentoring and have got nowhere, well except my therapist who is good. I've tried as I've said the 6-8 minute ones like Elman, Rehearsal, Induction...etc. I ONLY get medium level NOT Somnabulism. To me I think Inductions should have these components, Induction, Imagery, Deep Breathing, The "Arm Drop", Counting Backwards, Fractionation, Compounding, Testing. You see some inductions will have just 2 or three of those things. My thing was to combine in ONE Induction ALL the things that make GREAT Inductions. I respect your opinion, but my induction FOR ME works 75%-80% of the time. If it doesn't they they do incluse #2 (my first routine), yes in my mind I'm like oh s*it. I remain calm say good job. (So YES I know why it's better do induce more than one person). I have them close their eyes. I go to physical stunts. I make the best out of it. In my Pre-talk, I say they're different levels, mild, medium, deep, and that everyone responds differently. I milk it. I ask them how they felt. They always say great, and I say folks that's what matters. Also Before my induction, I say "As I said all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so a lot of it depends on you". NOT to blame them BUT it's true hypnotist unlike magic is working with another person's mind. People still clap, as even though they didn't see dramatic funny stuff, they learned about hypnosis and got to watch a induction. OBVIOUSLY that's why it's better to work with groups. I can't as I just have one chair, and I've tried on a bench with mixed results. I do BETTER one on one. Ed, (Eddini), C.H.
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Your method will not work as you need 100% for stage work. Either by using more people or better induction.

Really I was talking to Anthony, don't get side tracked and think I am bashing you or what you do. I am sure it works for you, and that is all that matters.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Eddini_81976
Thanks Danny Agree with the more people but nothing is 100%. I DO understand what you were saying if on stage you screw-up a rapid induction, your credibility goes down, then it is near impossible to hypnotize people. Like in McGill's book he says you better make darn sure your first experiment succeeds. Okay this is the ONLY really nice stage induction I've read. I'm just skeptical for ME it would work. I got it from, it's from X-Rated Hypnotist Chuck Milligan. I hope I can post it here. It was in public domain on a free website. Here it is? Do you like this one? Ed, (Eddini), C.H.

Deep Relaxation Induction

(Chuck Milligan) - (Transcribed From An Actual Show)

"Place your feet down on the floor. Place one hand on each leg with your palms down.

Now look down on one of your hands, it doesn't matter which one, just look down at one of your hands. I want you to watch that hand. I want you to concentrate on your hand. Do not remove your eyes from your hand.

Now notice the tightness of the skin on your hand. Notice the feel of the material that's underneath your hand, notice any rings and any jewelry that might be on your hand, just watch that hand, just concentrate on that hand and listen, listen to my voice only.

Think of relaxation only, any sound about this room other than my voice, let drift into the background, any thoughts other than relaxation that come about, just let them come and pass.

Just watch that hand, concentrate on that hand, experience everything that you can about that hand and soon, soon this pleasant drowsiness will come about, perhaps your eyes might begin to sting and burn, or perhaps they may begin to water. Do not deliberately close your eyes, but don't make any effort to keep your eyes open, Just let your eyes close whenever they want to, and you'll drift to a wonderful pleasant place of relaxation. Just let yourself go, as you watch your hand it might become dark. It might become blurry, it may even disappear from your sight altogether, do not refocus your eyes on your hand, just let your eyes close whenever they want to and you'll drift to this wonderful, pleasant place, just let yourself go, as we go along I want you to be aware of your breathing and each breath you take, each time that you exhale, let your neck relax and let your shoulders drop, just let them go, it will feel wonderfully good,

I'm going to count from one to three and when I reach three, if you haven't closed your eyes down, I want you to close your eyes at that time. Now you will always be able to open your eyes if you really want to, but leave them closed until I ask you to open them. One, two, and three, letting your eyes close, letting your neck relax, letting your shoulders drop, just let them go, as we go along you're going to find that your mind has a tendency to wander around to other thoughts and other places, any time you find your mind wandering about, simply bring it back and focus your attention on my voice, and you'll drift a little faster and a little more deeply relaxed than you were the moment before.

To ensure that you're totally relaxed I'm going to mention several muscle groups of your body, as I mention these groups of muscles I want you to focus your attention there, I want you to concentrate, focus you attention and relax each group of muscles that I mention.

Concentrate on your face now and let your face muscles relax, you've relaxed your face, now relax the tiny, tiny muscles around your eyes, you've relaxed your face and your eyes and now your neck, let your neck relax, you've relaxed your neck and now your shoulders, let your shoulders drop, just let them go. You've relaxed your shoulders, and now your arms and your hands are beginning to feel so heavy, so heavy as though lead weights were pulling down on them. Relax your arms and your hands and yourfingers, you've relaxed your arms and your hands and your fingers, and now your chest, let your chest go, you've relaxed your chest, and now your stomach, you've relaxed your stomach and now your hips, your hips and your thighs, your thighs and your knees, your knees and your calves, your calves and your ankles, your ankles and your feet. Every nerve, every muscle, every fiber of your body is more relaxed right now than you've ever been in your entire life, and you're going to continue to relax even more as we go along.

I'm going to count to three and when I reach three I want everyone to take a deep breath and hold it. One, two and three, a deep breath filling your lungs up and now exhale slowly, as you exhale slowly let all of your muscles relax, just let them go and melt down farther and farther and farther, just let them all relax and melt.

Let's do that one more time, one, two and three, a deep breath, filling your lungs up with air and exhale slowly, as you exhale let all of your muscles melt right down farther and farther and farther.

To ensure you're totally relaxed I'm gong to go through that relaxation of your body one more time, very quickly.

Concentrate on your face now and let your face muscles relax, you've relaxed your face, relax the tiny, tiny muscles around your eyes. You've relaxed your face and your eyes and now your neck, let your neck relax, you've relaxed your neck and now your shoulders, let your shoulders drop, just let them go, you've relaxed your shoulders and now your arms and hands are feeling so heavy, so heavy as though those lead weights we're just pulling down on them, relax your arms and your hands and your fingers, you've relaxed your arms and your hands and your fingers and now your chest, letting your chest relax.

As we go along I may come by and I may touch you lightly on the side of the neck or I might lay your head over on the shoulder of the person next to you like we did before, or I may adjust your entire body position.

If I move you, if I touch you in any way, do not be alarmed, do not be intimidated by my touch, just let it be your signal to let go and relax and melt down farther and farther and farther as every nerve, every muscle, every fiber continues to melt and drop down deeper and deeper and deeper.

As you relaxed your chest and now your stomach, I've relaxed your stomach and now your hips, your hips and your thighs, your thighs and your knees, your knees and your calves, your calves and your ankles, your ankles and your feet, every nerve, every muscle, every fiber just melting and dropping, it feels wonderfully good, it's going to feel even better, even better as we go along.

At this point you're going to find it very, very easy to use your imagination. You're going to find it very easy to use your imagination, I want you to use your imagination now and I want you to imagine that its a pleasant summers day, its a pleasant summers day, just let go and relax and melt down farther and farther.

I want you to imagine that its a pleasant summers day and you're lying in a hammock stretched between two trees, you can see the sunlight coming down through the leaves of the trees, and you can see the limbs of the trees as they sway back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.

I'm going to count down from ten to one and on each number I count that hammock is going to sway back and forth, back and forth, and each time that hammock swings you're going to continue to relax and melt and drop down farther and deeper than you were a moment before.

Even if you're in the audience I may come by and I may move you or touch you or adjust your body position, if I do, just let yourself go and drop way down, just letting go, relaxing and melting and dropping down farther and farther.

You're in this hammock now and this hammock is beginning to swing in the breeze, Ten, and you've relaxed, 9, 8, 7, it feels warm and safe and comfortable, 7, 6, 5, 4, as the hammock goes B&F, B&F, just let yourself go, 4, 3, 2 and 1, all the way down.

Now I want you to use your imagination just one more time.

Now, use your imagination just one more time and this time I want you to imagine that you're in an office building, it's a twenty story office building and you are way up on the twentieth floor, you're going to ride the elevator from the twentieth floor down to the very first floor, and each floor that passes by, each floor that goes by, you're going to continue to drop and relax, down farther and deeper relaxed than the floor before.

You're in the elevator now and the elevator is beginning to move.

There goes the 19th floor, you've relaxed.

There goes the 18th floor,

There goes the 17th floor, just let yourself go and melt yourself down to the 16th floor.

Down to the 16th floor.

The 15th floor, the 14th floor, your whole body feels like a rag doll as you melt to the 14th floor, the 13th, the 12th, the 11th, the 10th, the 9th, the 8th floor, it feels as if there are magnets in the bottom of this elevator, those magnets are pulling down on your body, they're pulling you right down to the very carpet of the elevator.

Just let go and relax down to the 7th floor, the 6th floor, the 5th, the 4th, the 3rd, the 2nd, as the sound of my voice, even the sound of my voice helps you to relax and helps you to drop down to the 3rd floor, the 2nd floor, and we're almost down to that very first floor, and as soon as I reach that number 1 floor your body is going to feel like a puppet, your body will feel like a puppet that has strings attached to your arms and your hands and your feet and your legs, and as soon as I reach that number 1 floor, it's going to feel like I cut all of your puppet strings at once, you won't even be able to support your body weight because all of your puppet strings would have been cut.

Get ready to let go, get ready to let go completely, here it comes, 3, 2 and 1, down deeper and deeper just letting go, relaxing and melting and dropping.

Now from this point on, from this point on, whenever I count to 3 everyone is going to sit up feeling great, fresh and wonderful, feeling really, really good.

However if I say the word "sleep", if I say the word "sleep" or if I shake your hand, if I do either one of those two things you're going to go right back, you're going to go right back to the same wonderful place that you are right now.

And each time you go back to this pleasant wonderful place you're going to go twice as quickly, twice as deeply relaxed as you were the time before.

Now I'm going to count from 1 to 3, the lights will come on, the lights will not bother you at all, but this very first time, just this very first time you're going to feel so heavy, so drowsy, so sleepy and so tired, you're going to be waiting, your going to be waiting for me to say that word "sleep," or shake your hand so that you can go right back to the same wonderful relaxing place. One, 2, 3 ... [Move to instant induction] "
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
Anthony Jacquin
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Profile of Anthony Jacquin
As Danny said much of the work is done in the lecture prior to getting people up on stage. Certainly it is in my show and that is why I am infinitely happier using a rapid induction on stage, they are already 'there' by the time they march on stage

Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Anthony I agree completly. You absolutly COULD do very fast inductions. I would even concede that when my opening lecture is done that a 23 minute induction will result in not many more subjects hypnotised than a 2 5 minute induction.

BUT again my position is that the induction should be theatrical. To me it is more about the audience than the volunteer. IF the audience thinks they are simply "playing along" and not in hypnosis, even if they ARE IN HYPNOSIS, the show is not as strong.

Some of what we do is for the audience.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell