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Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
Something I'm working on a way to make them in large numbers. It's an unusual version of mismade bill. It's not available yet but I'd love to hear what you think.

Check out the video at my site.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
Dan Watkins
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Profile of Dan Watkins
It is pretty neat, though I personally like to hand out the mismade bill after I changed it.

I think a lot of people will want to see the bill, and if I am right, I don't think that is possible with yours.

That said I thought the changes looked nice.
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Larry Davidson
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Profile of Larry Davidson
I agree with Dan. While I almost never hand out props for examination, I think that a mismade bill is such an unusual-looking object that examination is an issue so I wouldn't personally perform a version of normal to mismade bill where that wasn't possible.
Jonathan Townsend
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Profile of Jonathan Townsend
I watched the video and giggled. I like it. all the coins I've dropped here
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Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
Thanks for your opinions and thoughts. I agree, an unusual happening like this is something people would want to examine sometimes.

I came up with this a few years ago. My first goal was just a different kind of mismade bill. I tried swtiches with the T-tip. It worked but I didn't like the fumbling required to do two switches. When I finally came up with this an entire different presentation came about.

What I do is after a routine where things travel from hand to hand such as coins across, I borrow a bill and tell them I'm going to make part of a single object travel to another location on the object. So I make the creases in the folded bill travel from edge to edge. This creates an entirely different effect. I didn't show all this in the video because I wanted to keep the video short for faster loading.

I still didn't feel it was ready yet because of the reasons you all have mentioned. It can't be handed out. I thought about using things like a himber wallet and that's easy enough to do with the right routining, but I didn't like that either.

Finally I came up with a beautiful switch. I won't go into detail here of course but what's great about this switch is it happens during the effect. When the bill is unfolded the last time it's already the borrowed bill. So on the last unfold the bill can instantly be handed out. So I finally worked that problem out. Took a long time to finally work it out but I'm happy with the end result.

Maybe I'll get a video made including this switch.

So thanks again for your thoughts. I have fun with it and it's the kind of unusual happening I really enjoy.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of tedski
I saw your effect before on another site - fresh take on the mismade bill - nice visual!
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Profile of magiclee
I love it and am glad you came up with a nice switch.
Can't wait for it to be released.

kihei kid
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Profile of kihei kid
Very creative, major kudos, love outsmokin too.
In loving memory of Hughie Thomasson 1952-2007.

You brought something beautiful to this world, you touched my heart, my soul and my life. You will be greatly missed.

Until we meet again “my old friend”.
Glenn Watson
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I think this is an effect you can be proud of.
This has a very magical look. Thanks for showing us your video. oblique
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Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
Would anyone want this as a PDF? You'd have to make the gimmick yourself which means you would also have to pick up a mismade bill (they run $10 to $15).

They're not very hard to make.

I've received some Emails and PM's asking when it'll be available. As I'm sure you can imagine props made of money are somewhat of a challenge to make in large quantity. This is just one option to make it available sooner for those who are interested. The price would be pretty low considering you'd have to pick up a mismade and put it together.

What do you think?

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
kihei kid
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Profile of kihei kid
Yes. I think that is a great idea and probably the way to go, to bad more creators don’t go this route I always felt effects such as Matchbox Mambo would have been better off doing it this way.
In loving memory of Hughie Thomasson 1952-2007.

You brought something beautiful to this world, you touched my heart, my soul and my life. You will be greatly missed.

Until we meet again “my old friend”.
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
I'm working on it now. Hopefully it'll be out by Christmas but I'm not exactly sure. Gotta get all the pictures and everything made.

I'll keep you all informed.

Ron Jaxon

Does anyone know of a good reliable supplier of mismade bills I can link to in the PDF for this trick? They must have a good number in stock and are reliable. I'll include more then one source in the PDF of course. An online search brings up many of them but it would be nice to find a good supplier to recommend.

It's almost ready.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of digimaestro

The most reliable place is:

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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
Thanks digimaestro. I'll look into that.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of Vraagaard
Oh Jaxon, I agree that the mismade bill should be handed out, but I was really amazed by your Dancing Hank video, that was a very beautifull act.

I bought your outsmoking last week, it's just great it gives me good laughs and I think it'll be a perfect intro to vanishing a lit cigarette, something like starting with "I would like to show you a trick with a lit cigarette" then doing outsmoking, and then "sorry I cannot lit my own cigarette, can I borrow yours for a second" and then vanishing a spectators cigarette. So you get amazement and fun from outsmoking and pure astonishment from the vanishing effect.

Great ideas, keep them coming.
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
Here's my current thoughts on this trick. I can make instructions on how to make the gimmick. I'm not being lazy but I just plain don't have the time to make a large number of them right now.

Along with the instructions I can include one made of fake bills that'll help understand how to put it together. This will be easy to do because I can just copy these fakes. They can actually practice with this fake too but you'll want to make one out of real money to perform with. It's not really hard to make. Just takes a little time and effort. I'm guessing a half hour is how long it'll take to make one.

You'd still have to pick up your own mis-made bill though. I think they run from $12 to $15 from most magic dealers.

Of course my other option is to just not make it available until I have time to make a large number of them. I'm only giving it more thought right now because I'm getting requests for it.

What do you think?

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of twistedace
I saw Ron do this live for a bar full of people. Everyone laughed and nobody wanted to see the bill or inspect it due to presentational skills. If you present the trick right, nobody wants to examine it. They hand it to you, they get it right back when he's finished. It was VERY amusing to the lay audience which is what we want right?
Pete Biro
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Profile of Pete Biro
I think it is great!
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Profile of ChrisJ
The fast pace of the transformation looks fantastic. As I understand borrow a bill..transform it to mismade bill then back again..and then hand it back tot he lender. Therefore eliminating the need to show the mismade. Do I understand this correctly? Made sense to me in that order and dispells the need to have them hold the mismade.
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
You're right ChrisJ. The bill turns twice then turn back into a normal bill pretty much in one continuous action. So it's fold/unfold to one mismade, fold/unfold to another mismade, fold/unfold to a normal bill again.

One of the things that's made me hold off on releasing the PDF for this is I found some flaws in the switch I mentioned a few posts up. While it works good from the front angle, the side angles are very poor. I wouldn't want to release anything like that. So I've been trying things out and working out a new handling.

I came up with a very good one but it won't work to well on it's own. What I mean is this trick will be used as a quickie before doing something else with the bill.

So I'd borrow a bill then run through this trick as if I just thought of it. Then I'd go to my pocket and pull out a marker and have them sign the bill for another trick (any trick where the bill is signed). I'm sure you realize that marker gives you a reason to switch bills. It works great this way because they are reacting to the last trick as you get the marker. Then you just keep going into the trick you originally planned to do.

So I think I'll just include this handling in the instructions. To be honest I usually do this trick by just pulling a bill out of my pocket. Doing the trick then I just put it away. But it can be switched for a normal bill.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.