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Tony Miller
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Kaleb’s latest release is an ebook. It is an EBOOK of his ESP style effect I absolutely love it.

I.S.P. is my latest take on the ESP plot and is one of only two things I perform in casual situations. You know those awkward moments when someone asks, "Can you show me and my friends something?" But you don’t have anything on you? Because you are not wearing any clothes in public… again.

With I.S.P., in less than 30 seconds, with borrowed items, you can perform a 4-phase mind-reading routine for one, or multiple participants.

I.S.P. is an impromptu ESP style routine, aptly named Impromptu Sensory Perception, or I.S.P. for short.

In essence, it’s an evolution of my Occult project. Only now it’s been to the gym, eaten all its greens, and is stronger than ever!

The only things required are a writing implement (Sharpie, pen, pencil, blood) and eight unmarked and completely unprepared blank cards or billets. Heck, you could even do some of the routines with a torn-up napkin if you wanted to!

Each phase is more impressive than the last and cancels out the methodology of the previous phase. To conclude, two shapes are freely chosen (hands-off) from a shuffled pile while the performer looks away. Yet, you ALWAYS know both participants’ selections.

This really is the epitome of the much-loved term “Everyday Carry.”

Below is what you’ll find inside this 100-page ebook:
FOREWORD by Terry Tyson

“Of all things I do not know about Kaleb, I do know that he is a clever b*stard.”
* Quote taken from Terry’s foreword.


A 4-phase impromptu mind-reading demonstration with eight simple shapes drawn in real time.


The same routine as above, but with added subtleties and alternative methods to make the demonstration seem even more impressive for everyone watching.


A 3-phase, one-person version of I.S.P. that turns the participant into a mind reader for the final phase.


Eight hand-drawn shapes are mixed, then eliminated by a participant. Even though the participant makes ALL the decisions, the performer has predicted which two images will remain. PLUS, as an added kicker, the performer has also predicted all the participants’ previous choices with 100% accuracy.

No equivoque, hands-off, and completely self-working.


A variation on the handling for MIST. This version includes a cheeky but equally baffling ending.
"If you want magic in your life, start thinking like a magician." - Scott Grossberg
Tony Miller
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"If you want magic in your life, start thinking like a magician." - Scott Grossberg
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Profile of JamJar
Kaleb completely fooled me with this, the method is very cunning and hidden so well in layers upon layers of subtleties which helped convince me that everything was totally fair and no tomfoolery was involved. Needless to say my brain was smashed like a conker on a shoestring.
When Kaleb told me he was releasing this I was so excited (Tommy) imagine this: You’ve not left the house for weeks on end, there’s piles of laundry everywhere and the local community psychiatric nurse calls round to see if you need sectioning again. You need to distract them quickly but your trusty thumb tip is lost in a huge pile of sponge bunnies! Well fear not my esteemed lunatics as I.S.P. Can be performed completely impromptu and everything you need can be made on the fly.
This really does pack small and play BIG!

Peace out
Ryan Mentis
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One thing I have noticed by Kaleb is the supreme care he takes over his releases. I.S.P. is going to be good - seriously good.

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On Apr 15, 2024, NeilS wrote:
One thing I have noticed by Kaleb is the supreme care he takes over his releases. I.S.P. is going to be good - seriously good.


This is exactly what I was trying to say, but as I’m sure you can tell my mind isn’t as organised as the average bears!

Ryan Mentis
Mid 40s guy probably having a mid life crisis, so I started a blog!
gtx magic
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Chris Edwards Magic Review

With I.S.P., in less than 30 seconds, with borrowed items, you can perform a 4-phase mind-reading routine for one, or multiple participants.

I.S.P. is an impromptu ESP style routine, aptly named Impromptu Sensory Perception, or I.S.P. for short.

In essence, it’s an evolution of the Occult project. Only now it’s been to the gym, eaten all its greens, and is stronger than ever!

The only things required are a writing implement (Sharpie, pen, pencil, blood) and eight unmarked and completely unprepared blank cards or billets. Heck, you could even do some of the routines with a torn-up napkin if you wanted to!

Each phase is more impressive than the last and cancels out the methodology of the previous phase. To conclude, two shapes are freely chosen (hands-off) from a shuffled pile while the performer looks away. Yet, you ALWAYS know both participants’ selections.

This really is the epitome of the much-loved term “Everyday Carry.”

Available Here:

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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As always, a helpful review. Thanks Chris.
The Unmasked Magician
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When Chris described the effects they actually didn’t sound that spectacular to me. But he is adement about this being really powerful. I would love to hear some other Café members’ thoughts about this.
Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)
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Profile of dirtyfoucault
Agree with Unmasked. I love Kaleb's stuff, but the description didn't grab me. Maybe because I already gave Occult. I'd love to see a performance if anyone is working this and happy to share.
Nathan Alexander
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The strengths of these effects are the ability to do this on the spot, combined with his third phases, in my opinion. MIST and MIST-IFY are also great, and I'm currently working on a setup to put it into my Oprhic+ wallet which is perfect for this.

You'll be disappointed, frankly, if you're hoping for new methods (although a few were new to me). This is something that uses layering of methods in creative and deceptive ways to really fool anyone watching and hit hard in its progression. I think the strength in all of Kaleb's releases is his ability do this in simple and elegant ways, and do so without flash or tons of work to pull off, yet it still mystifies and plays as deep as you want it.

Don't be fooled by knowing how any one part is done. Look at the whole, and in this case, the whole is pretty darn good. As I say in my review (full review on his site:, I plan on using this.

More specifically, I've kept a list of every effect I've considered doing (and where to find it) to keep in mind over the last 25 years so I can come back to the ones I liked from books, videos, and so on (one day I'll consolidate all these stupid notes). We all have a mental repository and lists of effects in as many fields of magic/mentalism we know.

For example, the card tricks I've learned over my lifetime are endless, like us all, right? But the ones I've done for years and will continue to do, include an impromptu, FASDIU Out of this World, a particular Triumph, etc... Basically about 4-6 tricks I'll stick to for the rest of my life. Same with "everyday object" effects that I can do at a restaurant (bending fork to vanish, glass through table, 10-sugar packet trick from Paul Harris), "pocket magic" that I carry, when I do, app magic (like, the 3-4 I use more than the other 15 we all have). . . you get the idea.

The point is, we've all learned more tricks than we'll ever do. So I keep a permanent list of things that will rarely, if ever, go out of rotation, but sometimes added to. It's just because there's so much out there already. And in the last ten years of my life we've seen new tricks come out anytime someone sneezes. (Jay Sankey and Craig Petty just invented three each while I wrote that last sentence).

I've added this to that mental list of anytime-anywhere pieces. The few in this group include Chain Reaction by Michael Murray, which I consider to be the pinnacle of no-questions (that's "0") hard-hitting mindreading.

So I like it. And as long as they have cards and a pen, I'm good to go. I also have a set ready. I love it.
The Unmasked Magician
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Thanks for chiming in, Nathan! That's inspiring to read! I also really like the fact you shared your love for Chain Reaction. I will check that out. One of my go-to's that gets a great response is Oz's "What's in a name?". He uses a Mullica wallet for the final reveal but I found an envelope or Patrick Kun's phone switch wallet thingy is just as good, making this easier to carry around for social stuff.
Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)
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I'll have to go back and have another look at Chain Reaction. Have you read Gabriel Werlen's A Double Tour? I have similar feelings towards the main free will routine: something I carry with me everywhere I go and probably the pinnacle of its genre (I believe even the esteemed Mr Murray views it similarly, which is the highest of high praise in hy eyes). Anyway, if ISP is in that ballpark of genius,I'm sold!
Kaleb Wade
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On Apr 16, 2024, dirtyfoucault wrote:
Agree with Unmasked. I love Kaleb's stuff, but the description didn't grab me. Maybe because I already gave Occult. I'd love to see a performance if anyone is working this and happy to share.

Hey Dirtyfoucault,

Thank you for your kind words about my work in general - it means a lot.

I will try and be as transparent as I can be on an open forum regarding I.S.P.

Firstly, I.S.P. uses 8 images instead of 5 repeated like Occult does. I borrow the cards and pen where possible, and go straight into the routine in under 30 seconds Smile

The first two phases of I.S.P. are EXACTLY the same as the Occult routine. Nothing has changed at all. It is the third phase where things get interesting. In the final phase of Occult, both participants had to select their image sight unseen. With I.S.P. they can now look at their images while you turn away, and decide on whatever shape they want. Also, before phases three and four, I have included two new subtleties which make everything seem fairer than it already was with Occult. Andrew Lejon, from Magicians Treasure Chest, filmed a glowing review for I.S.P. and he particularly raved about these two subtleties. You can watch his review by joining the Magicians Chest Facebook group below:

Also, included in the 100-page ebook, is a one-person version of I.S.P. However, the final phase turns the participant into a mind reader. This is my twist on a very popular principle. Terry Tyson who penned the Foreword said this regarding my handling:

“It delighted me to read of his use of the
XXXXX that employs subtle
applications to obscure the method. I am
stealing that immediately.”

Then finally, I created a new routine titled MIST which doesn’t use any of the Occult or I.S.P. methodology. This could have easily been a standalone release. I perform it regularly.

The ebook concludes with the effect MIST-IFY. This is a different way of achieving what was accomplished previously in MIST. However, everything is much more open in this version.

A lot of Occult owners have purchased I.S.P. And I have received great feedback from them.

I hope my reply has helped, as I don’t want you paying for something and feeling underwhelmed.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

FREE eBook: Three:

FREE eBook: Human Cluedo:

FREE eBook: Until Death Do Us Part:
I.S.P. - Treasure Island - Hacked - Occult - Frankenstein - Cinematic - Afterglow - Human Cluedo - Three
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Profile of Wravyn
If you enjoy ESP symbol routines, this is one that I would recommend. This uses eight symbols, none repeated, and is designed for two spectators, though Kaleb does explain a single spectator version too. His take on a ***** is a nice bit of thinking also.
Once you know the routine, you do not need to be carrying anything with you, just make the symbol cards in the moment. IMHO, this is something you would share when people ask for you to show them something more or perhaps use in an intimate show setting.
For me, Chain Reaction and/or Double Tour would be a lead in for I.S.P. but only upon their request. I would not use it as the first 'Can you show us something?'
stevie c
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I really liked Occult, but I LOVE this new release. Can be done completely impromptu if that is how you like it. Great multilayered routines, full of clever subtleties. A deep dive. Fantastic stuff.


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I bought it, I like it, can see myself actully doing it which says something. That is all.
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Profile of BMWGuy
Hey guys,

Picked this up, read it through quickly last night.

Great material!

Need to go back and give it the time it deserves.

Full review coming soon


Alex Alejandro
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Just buy it
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Profile of Thomsc
I helped Kaleb with the editing of this release, so I've read it a fair few times. I'm a fan. Kaleb Wade is a clever chap who thinks deeply about his mentalism. With I.S.P. he uses solid methods and some clever thinking to create a wonderful routine.

My initial reaction when I first read the text was that I.S.P. basically replaces your casual setting ESP routine. Borrowed items, easy, room for your presentational and revelation style, great subtleties - and that's just the basic version! It's GOOD. The further thought and ideas in I.S.S.P just make it even better.

You also get MIST + MIST-IFY two lovely routines that use the same set of 8 symbol cards in a totally different and very fooling way. I will be making up the required to keep in my pocket.

I can thoroughly recommend I.S.P. for those performers who like to create strong moments for their participants, especially in casual settings.

PS - I'm selling my ESP cards.
The Unmasked Magician
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I'm intrigued by all the "this replaces your previous ESP routine" statements. As far as I understand this doesn't incorporate a matching cards effect, right? Because you would need two sets of matching cards for that. I do think a matching routine is extremely powerful (Jan Forster's version on this website downstairs being my favourite). And I don't see how such a routine is replaced by this. The effects described here are quite different. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't see how ignoring the matching ESP cards helps. Kind of like saying the ambitious card trick will replace all your card tricks.

I still would love to see a performance!
Please check regularly if you are becoming the type of magician Jerry Seinfeld jokes about. (This applies to mentalists as well.)