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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Latest and Greatest? :: FORUM RULES - READ before posting! :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (4 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Steve Brooks
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Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3784 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks
Latest and Greatest? - FORUM RULES


It's inevitable that not a week goes by that we don't hear about the next great trick, book or DVD that is about to be released into our magic community. Naturally, we are curious and usually have a question or two floating around in the back of our collective heads. Given all that, It is perfectly normal that we can easily imagine what such a product might be like, and what it might do to improve our own magic performances. But, until the item is actually obtainable for purchase, we can only use our imaginations and speculate.

That is the purpose of this forum. To provide a place where folks can discuss the latest rumors, read announcements and speculate about the obvious hyperbole surrounding many of the upcoming products that are released into magicdom. Will they be genuine miracles or mere rhetoric? We ponder the question...


Curious about an upcoming product? This is the forum to post your thoughts. THIS FORUM IS NOT FOR REVIEWS. Reviews imply that you actually own and have used the trick, read the book or watched the DVD. Such posts should be made in the appropriate forum located in our The Good, the Bad, and the Garbage category. This forum is all about hype and speculation - nothing more, nothing less.


It is , after all, only natural to speculate the possible method to a new trick or effect. Comments as to possibilities of a method are just that - Possibilities. One person may say; "I think it might use a piece of velcro" while another may comment; "No, it probably uses a magnet". Either scenario is okay.

However, If someone knows for a fact what the method is and posts it, then we have exposure and the post will be deleted with NO EXPLANATION given.

Pointing fingers:

Because the Internet allows folks to post comments (whether true or not) in just a few seconds for possibly thousands to read within a very short time, making negative statements or accusations concerning the character or business practices of an individual or company / dealer will not be tolerated. While you may personally know that John Doe stole an idea, trick, or effect and is a thief, posting such information on The Magic Café will get your post deleted asap, and with no notice or explanation given. This also includes any disputes you may have with an individual, company or dealer in regards to any transactions you have made with them. Stating that an individual is a thief or a liar will not be tolerated!

As far as we are concerned, such postings are no more then gossip or libel and fall into the lawsuit category. As has been stated elsewhere, we are NOT a court of law, we are a magic community. Accusing someone of being a thief treads into the area of libel.
If you feel a crime has been committed by a member please call the police or 911 and your favorite lawyer.
If indeed laws have been broken that is why we have court rooms.
Again, please take any grievances you may have concerning individuals of questionable character to the proper authorities, who are better equipped to handle such situations. 'Nuff said.

Finally, those individuals who come to this forum expecting to receive free advertising, think again. Obvious commercial posts (e.g, Now taking pre-orders, Our new product will ship on ..., We are offering a special if you order now, I accept PayPal, etc) will be removed and the offending member may be banned at the descretion of management. You have been warned. For complete details concerning our advertising polices, Click here!. Happy posting. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks