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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Society of Young Magicians! :: Attracting new members (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Naples, FL
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Greetings !

The SYM I work with is looking to expand its membership. Could some of the list members who are leaders, coaches, and mentors, share some ideas on how we can accomplish this ?

Obviously, we do give out flyers and contact info when we perform in public, and I am quick to mention to folks what I do with one Saturday out of every month.

We are kind handicapped because of the lack of any type of magic store within 100 miles. Yes, some of the kids order things online, but not all the parents approve of that, so not every kid can surf the web looking for tricks, ideas, and video demos. Remember, the SYM allows members as young as 7. We have some children in the group who won't be teens for several years, so they don't have the ability to jump online and crusie around for hours on Youtube, or on magic sites (with Dad's credit card for ordering !). We have gotten around this by getting some of the older magicians in the area to donate items for the kids to use, and we somtimes have little contests for the kids to earn these items.

One of the ideas I had was to get the local IBM/SAM ring to sponsor myself and the other leader to do some shows at area schools, promoting the SYM, the SAM, and the IBM.

I am all ears, and would love to hear how some of you have gotten larger memberships for your chapters, also how you keep those memberships large.

Thanks in advance !

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Naples, FL
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Anybody out there ?

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Naples, FL
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Wow. A whole week has gone by, and not one person responded to this. I thought there were some other SYM leaders that stopped by this forum from time to time. Where did you guys go ?
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Profile of yankeeprez
I am actually a magician in Naples who contacted you a few weeks ago. I have a huge interest in joining the group; however, I never got my act together this year. I agree that there is a huge problem with not having a magic store nearby!!! (Which results in me having to spend time on many forums. Some which aren't very good!). I plan to join sometime during the next school year (after October).

Looking forward to it,
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Naples, FL
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Why wait ? We are having a meeting on June 21st. A very special guest, Nathan Coe Marsh, is coming down from the Tampa Bay area to perform and give a lecture to the students. It is sure to be a GREAT meeting !

June 21st, McGregor Reserve, pool clubhouse, Ft. Myers, 10:30 - Noon.

Hope to see you there !

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Maria Ibanez
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Profile of Merlina
Hi Mark,

I've discussed your situation with a couple of people in the SAM -- Don't think your PM has fallen on dead ears.

Contact Bill Andrews PNP and/or Arlen Solomon - - - these guys bleed SYM and have two of the most active groups I've ever heard.....they are phenomenally hard working individuals and have had several big names in the industry come out of their groups. I can give you contact info privately if that will help you.

Opie Houston from Austin is not involved with SYM but has a teaching information and study guide on line and he would be a great source of information for you.

As always, I am here if you feel I can help in any way.....Let me know if you want me to come back up for a lecture and I'll be happy to do that....might have to be August since June and July are booked up.

Keep a dream in the making

Maria Ibanez
Society of American Magicians
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Profile of yankeeprez
Mr. Petty,
The reason why I will have to wait is because I am leaving for a month long camp which takes place during June 21. Soon there after, I am leaving for Tannen's Magic Camp at Bryn Mawr. I will wait until after October because there are many personal things that I need to finished with. (i.e. a Bar Mitzvah)

Thanks anyway,
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Naples, FL
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Profile of TRUMPETMAN are such an angel ! I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for the kids this past year. Of course we would LOVE to have you come back ! I have to talk to Terry Harris to see what he is planning for the fall. He will be gone till around October, I think. We are scheduled to have Nathan Coe Marsh visit the students for the June meeting, and I am pretty sure the July meeting will not happen. Most of the kids are away then. Not sure if we will do one in August yet.

I checked out Opie's study guides yesterday. Wow! Talk about comprehensive. Such detailed work. He must be retired, or he would never have the time to do all that !

I look forward to some lively discussions with Bill Andrews and Arlen as well.

Thank you-Thankyou !!!!


Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Naples, FL
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Boy, do you have a full plate for the next few months ! You will absolutely LOVE the Tannen's camp. I know a couple of folks who went there as students, and they have nothing but good stuff to say about it. Good luck with all your adventures, and especially with your special time this fall.

Stay in touch !

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Profile of yankeeprez
Tannen's really is a great experience. This is my second year there. For me, someone who does not have a magic community (except that will soon change Smile ) it is great to be with people of all different skill levels.
The only thing that I find irksome (although there is nothing that can be done about it) is that there are people who are just starting, going through their Ellusionist and Cris Angel stage, who want to know how you did that cool card flip, or some other relatively "advanced" book, rather than learning something like an Elmsley Count or a proper double lift. They want to learn how to make Pips move like Cyril and that Charles Hsu guy, but to learn how to shuffle a deck without dropping cards...nah

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Naples, FL
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Your second camp ! That is awesome.

Yes, I know what you mean about the current crop of street-wannabes. Luckily, in our SYM group, we have managed to provide a balance between what is considered "cutting edge" and what is considered classic. We have several teens who can really make an Ellusionist deck dance, but they also know how to do sponge balls, cups and balls, tricks with rope, thread work, etc. It makes me proud to see them wanting to learn it all. Sometimes I am glad we are in this neck of the woods, as there is less of a "street" influence than there would be around a big city.

I can show you ways around the lack of a magic shop problem. I know a couple of guys who have dealer licenses, so they sell to local performers. Pretty much anything out of the Murphy catalog.

Also, the Ft. Myers adult club (FMMA) has GREAT lectures all year long. SYM members are always welcome. Last night was a lecture at the Ft. Myers club with Manuel Muerte, one of the Flicking Fingers from Germany. He rocked with cards, coins, and cups. Even though I just do kids shows, I learned a HUGE amount from him on misdirection.

One of the bonus things about the lectures is that the performers almost always sell their effects at the end of the meeting. Usually, they are cheaper than if you ordered online. Manuel has his stuff at about 20% off last night. I got a very cool Sealed and Healed type trick that uses a completely new and different method. And for much less than if I had ordered online.

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Profile of yankeeprez
Kind of a random question, but are any of the lectures videotaped?
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Naples, FL
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No, that would not be fair to the lecturers. They usually have a DVD to promote and sell, so this would sort be akin to ripping them off, just like a bootleg copy of a live concert of a popular band. We often shoot photos of them as they work (only a few, so as not to be annoying), but it just would not be right to make a video fo someone's life work when they are already promoting that with their own video.

Manuel Muerte had a DVD for sale last night that was almost 2 and 1/2 hours long. Most magicians would probably issue that as a set of three, and charge close to $100 for the set, but Manuel put the whle thing on one disc, and was only charging $45, which was less than it goes for on his website.

Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
Mark Pettey
Naples, FL
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Maria Ibanez
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Profile of Merlina
Mark, you are more than welcome....the members of your group are fantastic and you know how much I think of you, Terry and Sue.

My offer stands for whenever and for whatever you need and for when you are ready.


Mike Melito
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The best responses I've gotten is taking advantage of the free community events calendars. I emailed the Kasas City Star newspaper and it shows up in the online calendar and also the printed events calendar the week of the meeting. Also I hit up all the local TV stations to sign up in their calendar. This way it shows up on TV too.

As a result we eventually got a photographer from the paper at the last meeting and my son and daughter got in print. We didn't make it to the important spot - the front page "above the fold" but still you can't beat free press.