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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: All in the cards :: 2 new card trick so easy and awsome reaction (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of johnnyb

1st one is SEND A THOUGHT: the effect, somebody calls out any card. you then pull the deck from your pocket find the named card and gives it to the spectator. after reiterating the fairness of the selection and asking the spectator if it is possible to send a thought across the room, you invite the spectator to reach into your pocket and inside he finds a duplicate and (there is only one card in your pocket )of the freely selected card. THERE IS NO STRINGS,MAGNETS,TAPE,GLUE,ROUGHING,NOTHING AND IT IS SOOOOOOO EASY

THE SECOND IS :MIND WHISPER :The performer invites two volunteers up on stage to assist him. The volunteers are positioned on comple opposite sides of the stage. Volunteer A is asked to merely think of any card, but not to announce it, just simply think of it. The performer asks this volunteer to quietly whisper the name of their thought of card into his ear.

The performer now introduces a deck of cards. The cards are removed from its case. The cards are shown to Volunteer A to be completely mixed. The thought of card is removed from the deck and given to Volunteer A, who is asked to place this card in their pocket. The only two people who know the identity of this card is Volunteer A and performer! Not even the audience knows the identity of this card!

The cards are now returned back to its case. The performer walks to the other side of the stage and hands Volunteer B if they are getting an "image" of a card in their mind. Volunteer B responds with a "Yes". Volunteer B is asked to call out the name of this card. Volunteer A is asked to remove the card from their pocket and show the audience. A perfect match! No force, no stacks, no stooges, no sleights, no marked cards, no codes, no electronics, no nail writers. The is mentalism at its finest! this is just the way I described it to the T. and again this is soooo easy!!

with both tricks you get the decks and that special something
this is a must for impact and ease of use
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Have wand will travel! Performing children's magic in the UK for Winter 2014 and Spring 2015.
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Profile of slydini62
To order Mind Whisper use the below link:

To order Send a Thought use the below link:
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Profile of soccergod
Not bad ideas.
Andy Moss
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Profile of Andy Moss
Thanks for the review. Both effects sound interesting although I am guessing that due to the nature of the 'special' deck that it is not examinable.

With respect to 'Mind Whisper' the blurg states 'no stooges' Does that include 'instant stooges'?
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Profile of fib
Can a normal deck be used in either effect?
Thanks, fib
a brown 1968
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Profile of a brown 1968
$50 seems a lot of money for two effects which can be duplicated using normal decks and a couple of simple moves.

fib pm if you want to discuss the effects further.

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Profile of lunatik
On 2008-06-29 11:04, Andy Moss wrote:

With respect to 'Mind Whisper' the blurg states 'no stooges' Does that include 'instant stooges'?

The ad says no poop is used whatsoever. But what about poop with corn in it? No matter how much a person tries to get around it, if they state no poop is used, then NO POOP is supposed to be in there! some magicians try to be sneaky with their wording so as to get people to buy their products when they're just poop! just my .02
"Don't let your Dreams become Fantasies"
Hideo Kato
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Profile of Hideo Kato
In both tricks, magician takes out the deck after hearing the thought of card. That is the vital weakness in this kind of magic. You can solve this problem by having spectator take a card from the deck.

Hideo Kato
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Justin Teeman Moore, OK
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Profile of closeupcardician
Sounds interesting.... Thanks for Sharing!
"Magic as art cannot live without love. Love of some kind. There are novels without love, other arts without love. But there can be no magic without love." - Rodney Reyes
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Profile of trevelyan
Is this deck examinable?