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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Shuffled not Stirred :: Golfer King tetradistic stack "next card" (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Golfer King tetradistic stack "next card":
I am posting enough here in shuffled not stirred to do the "next card" calculation but not the acaan calculation, for that you will need to go to the link below which is in secret sessions:

Powerful "next card" calculator stack (which can also calculate the acaan position of a named card). This stack looks much better than a Si Stebbins having several runs of two and three same color cards (a good thing) and no noticeable pattern amongst the 13 cards.

There are two completely different calculations described below. The calculation for the "next card" and the "acaan mod 4 calculation" to determine what position in the stack any card is located.

You will not normally be doing both calculations during a performance. For most tricks you will be doing one or the other calculation depending on the trick.

The "next card" mnemonic story for the card value use the following story:
"Three Tents with 9 Queens who started their social security at age 65 then they 8 the Jack and King, who had a 72 handicap and Aced the 4th hole". With this story in mind then it is easy to know the value of the top card having glimpsed the bottom card (the top card is the next value in the story).

The "next card" algorithm for the suit is: If bottom card is a face card or "4" then top card is same color (other) suit otherwise top card suit is one notch forward SHCD from the bottom card suit.

The Golfer King stack:
3S, 10H, 9C, QD, 6H, 5C, 8D, JS, KC, 7S, 2H, AC, 4D
3H, 10C, 9D, QS, 6C, 5D, 8S, JH, KD, 7H, 2C, AD, 4S
3C, 10D, 9S, QH, 6D, 5S, 8H, JC, KS, 7C, 2D, AS, 4H
3D, 10S, 9H, QC, 6S, 5H, 8C, JD, KH, 7D, 2S, AH, 4C

Above Golfer King stack is based on the Seven Queens stack but the Golfer King stack can much more easily calculate the suit of the top card after having glimpsed the bottom card.

For example if the magician sees the seven of spades on the bottom then from the Golfer King story he knows the top card is a "2" and its suit is one notch more SHCD from the spade which means the top card is a heart, the Two of Hearts.

For example if the magician sees the 4 of Spades on the bottom then from the Golfer King story he knows the top card is a "3" (next card after the 4) and its suit is the same color as Spades (note that the 4 is an outlier and treated the same as a face card to get the suit of the next card same color) which means the top card is a club, the Three of Clubs.

End of Golfer King "next card" calculation.
