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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Shuffled not Stirred :: Best Card Mnemonic System (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Jerry
I have search in this topic area all day, and have not found the exact answer to this question.

Which card mnemonic system is best? Harry Lorayne; Bob Farmer; Zufall; Smith or a system I am not aware of.

Please no "this stack is better then that stack" response, I have made my decision in that area. This is just for mnemonic card process that I can apply to Osterlind Breakout System (as an example).

I am willing to work and put as much effort as necessary, I want the best system. I am not looking for the lazy-man's version.

Thank you for your time.

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Profile of JohnWells
There is no best. There is the one you use. If it works, there you go. Lorayne and Zufall are similar, Smith I don't know off hand, Scott Cram has a blog devoted to such things and you might start there. Of course, you might get the Memorised Breakthrough CArd System from Richard. It's based on Lorayne's methods.
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Profile of Jerry
John, thank you for your rapid reply.

I understand "Best" is usually subjective in these matters, my attempt is to invoke a response to the general community with their own experiences to card mnemonic systems. So I will reform the question to, what has been your results with the various mnemonic systems that you have used in the past. Which system gave you the desired outcome.

I found it interesting that Lorayne and Zufall are similar. I am this close to purchasing Zufall system, I have Lorayne's Memory Book and Super-Power memory. I prefer to avoid redundancy.Thank you.

And thank you for the blog resource.

H. Adrain Smith in "Greater Magic" (Pg. 902), is the system I believe Vernon used. So thought it should be a contender.
Josh Chaikin
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For what it's worth, I used Harry Lorayne's system to memorize my stack of choice and was able to learn it fairly quickly. I cannot give it a definite time table, as I broke it into 13 card segments, as a sort of break from studying for college exams. (I went from applying the systems to memorize organic chemistry models, and the like to memorizing a stack...some break, eh?) Mr. Lorayne's is the only system I've used, so I cannot comment on the others; however, I will say that the system has been very effective and beneficial to me in my academic, magic, personal and professional life.
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Profile of Jerry
Josh, I am leaning toward Mr. Lorayne's system as so many have spoken highly of it. I have two books of his "Memory Book" and "How to develop Super-Power memory" (which most consider is single best book on this topic). Both contain card systems that appear to be identical. And since I am going to learn his whole system in general, well might as well, yes?

I may just try all of the mnemonic systems mention above and write my results here since there is so little available information. There is a tremendous amount of information on Stacks, but very little on mnemonics. I want a system that is independent, so I can use it say Osterlind BCS and able to take the same process and use on the Tamariz Stack. I would rather concentrate on one system, then experiment on several, hence the reason for this post. I would like to know what results others have had.

Josh thank you.

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Profile of landmark
The very helpful Scott Cram used to have one on his website, not sure if it's till there. I think it's Bob Farmer's. Anyway, I think it's a great system, because unlike many others, the card is encoded first by number, then by suit. Much easier for my mind than the reverse. If you can't find it, pm me and I'll see if I can dig it up.
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Profile of ddyment
Bob Farmer's (along with others') playing card mnemonic system can be found here.
The Deceptionary :: Elegant, Literate, Contemporary Mentalism ... and More :: (order "Calculated Thoughts" from Vanishing Inc.)
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Some where in Florida
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Profile of Jerry
Landmark, I am currently visiting Scott's Grey Matter blog/website, a lot of useful information on different topics. Unfortunately some of the links do not work.Thanks.

Doug, that is an excellent link, it has all of the major card system (except it doesn't have Lorayne's). I am going to try to give them all a go and report back here. Thank you sir.

I agree with Landmark on Bob's systems, it seems simpler, but I am still going to give Lorayne and the classic system a chance. I would still like to have any input from others journey (hey isn't that a system too?) in the world of mnemonics.

Osterlind's MEMORIZED BCS is only available in one his books. I would like to get it, but I am on a budget and with my very limited funds I would get Taramiz book first.

Scott Cram
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Jerry - which links did you have trouble with? I'd like to fix them as soon as possible.

I've recently moved and redesigned much of the site. The playing card lessons are now here, and you can now find the quiz here.
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Some where in Florida
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Profile of Jerry
Scott, when you go to the memorized tool box section/page and click on "memory basics"; "Bob Farmers Basics"; and "Memorized Deck in One week" I get an page not found error message.

You may want to double check this section in general. Many thanks for what you have done, I'm just a needy greedy b@st@rd.

Scott Cram
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Profile of Scott Cram
Thanks, Jerry - I just went through it, and every link should now work.

Unfortunately, there are a few that had to be removed completely. Everything remaining should function, however.
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Some where in Florida
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Profile of Jerry
Scott, many thanks sir!

R.E. Byrnes
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"There is no best."

sometimes there is; and some methods are always better than others.
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Profile of stickmondoo
I use Ding Dong by Lewis Jones all the time for so many things.
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Profile of jpelzel
Here's another one that has served me well over the years .. Maybe take a look at Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz
Steve Burton
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I use the one in the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks edited by Jean Hugard. It's in the last chapter on The Nikola System. Like everyone I changed a few of the "pegs" to suit me better but I've found it works well.
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Profile of rrubin98
I use a PA system (Person-Action) combined with a memory palace. If you're planning to compete in memory competitions, then an PAO system is probably better.
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Profile of glowball
I use the "number on face" of a practice deck method and can have any stack memorized in 3 days with instant recall of any card.
David Numen
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Profile of David Numen
There is no one "best". Just chose a system and get your deck memorised. THEN and only then, do drills. Every day, several times a day. Michael Close has great work on this. You need to do the drills repeatedly to the extent recall comes automatically. I have memorised various stacks over the years but none have had the instant recall I've achieved through doing repetitive, disciplined drills. So it's not so much how you memorise the cards, it's how you maintain and improve that memorisation.