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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Deckless! :: NFW -Still what a trick! (35 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of havagrim
Really enjoyed this thread. I havent had NFW for to long, but I really love it! One of my favourites so far when it comes to pocket tricks. A lot of great ideas and tips here!

Regarding showing four face up or not. Well as previously stated. Whatever floats your boat. Reactions by the end is probably just as strong non the less.

As for switching for normal aces. I just switch the one card. I drop the packet on my deck of cards. Then I just pretend to realize that "Hey wait, now that we have the four aces, I could show you another wierd thing?!" .. And I just false count it off from the deck to get four normal aces, and then I proceed with my ace routine. NFW is a nice production opener if you are doing a four ace routine. If not you can just do one trick, or if they wanna just see the cards, you can just false count them off the deck with whatever method you prefer.

Many times I just bring the packet trick out of my pocket tho, and when I am done I just put them away. I have never been asked to show the cards so far. If someone does I always have a spare ace in my pocket to switch. I could just bring them back out for examination if that would be the case.

And that coin dvd sure looks nice, been thinking about it for a while. I am not that very skilled with coins even tho I can most basic moves and I am not "bad". Im just not great. So I guess that dvd could do me good if I want to improve my skills.

Be well!

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Profile of SWiCh
I bought this trick in Sydney in 2001, around the time I really started to get into magic. Took me ages to appreciate the joy of the trick, and I've just come back to it - after all this time it still blows people away!

My version has jokers and aces. I also bought a rising deck and can tell you which of the two lasted better...

Stevie Tricker
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Profile of Stevie Tricker
Was introduced to this trick through Richard sanders supercards video, never fails to get great reactions.

I often do it with jokers turning to fives using the following patter before the reveal;
"Now All 5 jokers are going to change"
(Slightly confused look from spectator)
"Sorry did I say that that all 5 are going to change, I mean that they're all going to change into 5's"
A very confused look from the spectator turns to shock and the exclamation of NFW as we turn our cards over.

Hadn't actually tried using this to get into a four of a kind set like Ronnie suggests but it's a great idea and one I'll definitely be trying, thanks for the tip about cleaning up afterward.
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Profile of lynnef
Hoping to keep this thread going. I think there's more to NFW than meets the eye ... as several posts have indicated different handlings. As Steve Tricker (above) suggested, we can use 5's instead of aces. can another card be used in place of the joker (noting that there must be a way to disguise the tape or glue)? Love NFW for all the effects that it may spawn in its wake! Lynn
Stevie Tricker
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Profile of Stevie Tricker
Hey Lynn glad you've kept this thread going.

I go with the 5's thing rather than a straight reveal (NFW exclamation) thinking that the semantic confusion stems a building WTF is going on here feeling which plays better for me.

Like your thinking with the jokers, if your not familiar with it I'd check out Richard Sanders "Supercards" DVD.

The first half is basically different presentations and handlings of NFW using different tech, it then goes on to explore more with the gaffery, colour changing deck, mystery card etc.

One in particular Super Jumping Gemmi gets them thinking your using 4 of one card for an acr type thing, then you show them its actually 4 of another card, then they all turn to aces. Its a take on an Darwin Ortiz classic.

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Profile of gkfreed
Hi All,

New NFW goes to the first PM. I'll put in Monday's mail.Thank you all for your kind words over the years.


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Profile of sohaib
Still a perfect effect Smile

I always show 4 jokers in the beginning - I use the 2 for 4 count from Biddle Grip. Easy count, not hard to learn at all

I end letting them examine the three clean cards, while switching out the double card for a single Smile
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Profile of BRMagic
I love this effect. One of my favorites!
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Profile of daffydoug
The effect rocks!
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Profile of Mb217
This is still one of the very best IMHO. Smile I'm still doing it on the regular for kids of all ages. It just kills! Smile And it's fun to see people stunned by jokers turning one-by-one face down, but they are just blown completely away to see that the jokers have also completely, cleanly become 4 Aces. Smile

Just a brilliant effect from Gary Freed, yesterday and today. Anybody out there know what I'm talking about here? Smile
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at Smile

"Believe in YOU, and you will see the greatest magic that ever was." -Mb Smile
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Profile of joseph
I do..and totally agree.. Smile ...
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Profile of MMMagic29
I saw Paul Richards, Elmwood Magic, perform this. He fooled me really bad. It was awesome. He is a great magician.
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Profile of MerlH
If the sticky stuff bothers you, I suggest you get "Spin Doctor" by John Bannon. Every card can be examined. From the cover, this is the effect:
1.Four red backed aces are shown, then held face down and spun.
2.After each recvolutionm a different ace turns face up. Next, suddenlly all four aces turn face up.
3.Then the ace of spades vanishes-it turns blank, and reappears among the other aces.
4. Finally, each ace has a different back design and color-four different colored backs.

Everything is clean and examinable

This really kills. If you already do NFW, this is easy to learn.

Merl Hamen Old dog-- New tricks
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Profile of MagicJuggler
Here's my approach to NFW. First I use a switcharoo gimmick. I load four jokers into the gimmick. Then I pull out the four aces from the deck and write "Do not use." on the face. I use the excuse that I'm not going to do a trick with the four aces.(Actually I have a complete patter that justifies the writing on the aces, but you can figure something out yourself) Then I place the aces in the switcharoo ready for switching. Then pull out the four jokers (NFW), perform the effect, and then reach into my pocket to show that the jokers have jumped to my pocket while the aces have returned to my hand. (Of course the aces in NFW have "Do not use" written on them as well, this plays almost as strong as if they were signed. You just have to practice so that the writing is close enough between the sets of cards that the audience doesn't notice any difference) It turns the trick into an impossible transposition instead of strictly a transformation but I like the ulta clean look to the effect and it answers "where did the jokers go?" quite nicely.
Matthew Olsen

I heard from a friend that anecdotal evidence is actually quite reliable.
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Profile of Dollarbill
Great thread.
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Profile of ablanathanalba
I picked this up awhile ago based on this thread and love it. Talk about an entrée into packet effects.
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Profile of Mb217
Good choice ab,

It really is a wonderful trick. And so happy to see that so many people here think so. Smile Keep letting us know how NFW is working for you all…It works for me just about everyday. Smile Just an absolutely marvelous effect!
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at Smile

"Believe in YOU, and you will see the greatest magic that ever was." -Mb Smile
Steven Webb
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Profile of Steven Webb
Thank you for that video. I've never heard of this before but I have to add it to my list of gets!

I don't know if it has been posted or not but is this in any way examinable afterwards? I would assume not but I'm just curious since you know someone is going to want to look at those cards after.
Levi Bennett
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Profile of Levi Bennett
I purchased NFW a couple of years ago- I think because people spoke so highly of it around here. I still didn't know how to do a certain something at the time and thought, "No problem, I can learn."

Well, after getting discouraged I tossed it into a drawer and there it has sat until reading this thread again tonight. It's 2 years later and I handle cards much better now. After a few minutes of practice I tried it out on my 20 something y.o. daughters. Success!

Great trick! I'll be doing this one over the next few days and see how it goes.
Performing magic unprofessionally since 2008!
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Profile of Mb217
Welcome to the Café Steve… Smile

NFW is more than worth it and you'll know what everyone here is talking about once you move it to the front of class on your "List of gets..." to become an, "I got it!" Smile

The trick is not examinable but is so clean that no one has ever asked me to see the cards…No one! You handle the cards so openly that despite the amazing magic to it all, it plays very fair. And so, specs are so overwhelmed by the astonishment of it all all they can do is gasp. I'm serious, it's that powerful an effect. Again, I've been doing this classic for years and don't remember anyone saying, "Let me see those cards." It doesn't happen because of how the effect plays out.

First of all the jokers turn face down one by one and that's amazing enough to the specs, but then you hit them with the clincher in that all the jokers have turned to aces. Specs are blown away and overwhelmed by the finale where you cleanly drop all 4 cards to the table…They never see it coming. Smile

This trick is not difficult and with a some practice will quickly become a lasting favorite. I hope you give it a try because once you do, you'll do it forever. Smile

Again, welcome… Smile
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at Smile

"Believe in YOU, and you will see the greatest magic that ever was." -Mb Smile