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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Up in smoke! :: Need an idea to ignite flash paper (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Steven True
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Not sure if this is the place but time will tell. I am doing a new silk routine useing a phantom tube to produce a 50 ft streamer and I want to add a flash to the begining of it. Is there something I can purchase that will be small enough to temporarily attach to the side of my tube to ignite flash paper of cotton?

Sam Sandler
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fire flash and vanish from europe. not sure if there is another name for it.

it is basically a small device similar to what is in hot leads and will light flash paper and then is on a pull and can go up your sleeve or where ever.
uses a 9 volt battery.

howeer is that is to big and your crazy like me rip apart paces hat leads and use the gimmick from that as it is smaller-- just a thought.

you could also attach it to the back of the phantom tube and no one would ever know.

if you need more info let me know

sam sandler- America's only full-time DEAF Illusionist
Steven True
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Good ideas, thanks for the info.

Steven True
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Bonney Lake,WA
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Profile of Steven True
I was looking around on the net and found it at a few sites. Not to expensive either. Right around $20 plus dollars. Do you use the Fire Flash or the other one that you said? Is the other one called Paces Hat Lead or am I mistaken?

Sam Sandler
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HI Steve,

Ok here is the page for illusion craft they sell some really cool stuff. I do not tell many people about this place as I want to be the only one witht he cool toys:) but in the spirit of christmas here you go.

they call it easy flash its about the 4 th or 5th item as you scoll down. this is what I use and it works flawlessly every time. I mentioned paces hotleads as I needed something really small for an idea so I tried paces hot leads but for my manipulation routine I use this device that the link below goes to.

if you need anything else let me know. I have used many different devices with fire for many many years. what ever I can do to help I will.
sam sandler- America's only full-time DEAF Illusionist
Steven True
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Sam thank you for the info I think it is exactly what I am looking for. I don't and have not used fire in my act but 1 other time so I was not sure what to use to ignite the flas paper. I have some flash cotton also. Does the cotton go as good as the papper does? I have never used the cotton before. What I am trying to do is use it with a phantom tube that I want to have a flash just before I start pulling out a 50' silk streamer. After I pull out th estreamer then I will finish it off by producing a 36" butterfly silk. In my mind that part of the routine will look nice. As I say in my mind because sometimes it doesn't translate to the look I have in my imagination. I will then move on to a 20th Century Silk routine all done to music. This will take, total time, 3:25.
I do want to thank you for your help. I got onto yor web site and I must say you look very impressive. I was especialy drawn to your gospel presentaions. I have recently re dedicated my life back to Christ. I am praying that He will use the magic as a tool for His work, but that is not my choice but His.

Sam Sandler
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Praise the lord.

yes I am a full time evangelist as well as full time illusionist. I am trully blessed that the lord has allowed me to do something I love as my full time job.

thanks for the kind words aobut my sites I am actually trying to spend some time after the new year to polish them up a bit.

have you ever attended the International Fellowship of Christian magicians conference?
I am planning to be there this year hopefull to lecture and perform, I would love to meet you and talk shop.

Ok onto you questions aobut flash paper and cotton. I wodul almost say I am an expert inthis area so if you have any questions at all let me know.

let me first give you the basic of the 2 products.
flash cotton is mcu different then flash paper. the cotton is like well cotton and burns 100% faster than flash paper. teh primary use for cotton is to add sprakle additive to it and use in in a finger flasher - a small device similar to a lighter spark wheel and a small cup that holds the cotton and sprakles once you strike the flint wheel - FLASH

now flash paper can be used many ways. you can add sparkle additive to it as well if you wrap it properly you can get a similar effect as the cotton. as well as with flash paper you have time to throw it as I am sure you ahve seen many magicians do so. Hans Klok is always throwing a ful sheet of the stuff in his show.

now for your use I have 2 ideas
first idea is to use the gimmick to ignite flash cotton with NO sparkle additive and you will get a nice flash, you will have to play with how much cotton to use to get the desired effect. one tip is to pull the coton apart kind of like fluff it up before using and of course make sure it is completly dry.

the other idea would be to use cotton again and a very small amout of sparkle additive again you would need to play with it until you got the desired effect.

the reason I say small amount is that you do not want it hitting you silks as it will burn them. however depending on where you place the gimmick it may not be a problem.

regardless I recomend cotton and sprkle additive as it will give you a FLASH which is what it sounds liek you want. flash paper will look more like fire than a magical flash.

hope this helps
if you need anything else let me know.


ps theatre effects sells all the flash products. oh and there are several different colors of sparkle out there.
sam sandler- America's only full-time DEAF Illusionist
Steven True
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Bonney Lake,WA
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Sam You have been a giant help here for me. I am going to work on some of the ideas like with the sparkle and see what that looks like. I can see the rooutine in my head and I want it to come out even better than I can imagine it. It is only for a 3min routine but I feel like it will ad so much to it. If I have any more questions I will be getting back to you with them. Maybe I if I can get this done right I will send you a clip of it being performed and you can give me your thoughts good or bad. Thanks agian for all of the help so far.

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Profile of carlosbosco
Hmm... sounds cool could you place this on anything at all? I wish to put one on the back of a morrissey fire bowl... would it work?

