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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Up in smoke! :: " BOB " (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Burton-on-Trent England
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Profile of clunk_71
Well folks the Blackpool convention is nearly upon us over here in Blighty, and I`m afraid I will have to catch up with Jay Sankey and buy him a few beers for his help.

I was looking for a good flash routine that I could use whilst out on my rounds on the tables (not literally you understand) Smile

I asked around at my local magic society and nothing, it appeared was practical enough.

Then by chance I came across Jay Sankey's non stop magic party video and my search was over.

I first tried it on my wife, who I must say wasn`t too impressed. So not being deterred by her criticism of nearly setting fire to the kitchen curtains I gave it a little more practice and went public with it at a club I have residency at.

Never in a million trillion years could I

have predicted (I`m not a mentalist) how much of a powerful reaction I would get from the "layperson" it went down so well that I`ve been doing it ever since. Smile

And the routine is also very very simple and easy to set up. Smile

When our circle president asked for members suggestions for our monthly publication I e-mailed Jay, whom gave me permission to re-publish it. so I did.

And again it went down very well. Smile

So I highly reccommend this routine to any of you pyromaniacs out there who are looking for a different and crowd pleasing routine with flash paper.

Smile Smile Smile

These days I have modified it a little and Bob now appears on a signed selected card, which packs a bit more of a punch at the end. Smile

If you know the trick it isn`t hard to do,

So does anybody else perform Bob and what sort of presentation do you use with it??

ps Mya Angel you're sure to have fun with this one!!!! Smile

p.p.s Happy New Year!
Best regards, Lee

Only do what your good at....and then everything you do looks good
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Louisville, KY
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Profile of magic_kris
Could you give a brief description of the effect?


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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Oh, man.... just when I decided that I was done buying videos, (the last group of 38 was more than I needed) and then you go and talk like that about the Sankey Video, and now I have to go and get one...

My wife doesn't fully appreciate my playing with fire in the house either, and frankly she is a tough audience for about any effect... But at least she tolerates me doing it elsewhere Smile

Guess some things are the same on both sides of the pond, eh?

And Like Kris, I too would like to hear a bit of the effect, if you don't mind....



If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
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Burton-on-Trent England
99 Posts

Profile of clunk_71
Ok guys here's the basic routine....

A victim takes a card from your deck and shows it to the rest of their friends (if they have any) and returns it.

You then tell them about a friend of yours who is a mind reader not like yourself who is just a magician.

Then you go into detail and tell them that your friend's name is BOB. but Bob can't be here tonight so I`m gonna draw a picture of him instead.

After drawing his picture on a piece of paper you explain that Bob is a bit of a show off and likes to do things in style.

So your gonna set fire to him and let him go out in flames.

So you hold Bob next to a flame or cigarette and off he goes.

After taking the deck from the person who selected the card you deal the cards face up onto the table and lo and behold there's Bob drawn onto the face of the victim's card.

An absolute killer Smile

it never fails to astound. But then I expect you will find your own routine to go with it.

and I will be suprised if you don't like the reaction it gets.

have fun Lee Smile
Best regards, Lee

Only do what your good at....and then everything you do looks good