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Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Just re-read this thread and thought I'd bring you up to date on my thinking -although it hasn't changed much since a post or two of mine above. I'm strongly leaning toward including the re-write, update, etc., of Quantum Leaps, Trend Setters, Dingle's Deceptions and, according to the space remaining, the re-write of Numero Uno and The Great Divide. One of the reasons for this thinking is that I'd probably, in the future, re-print the originals of The Magic Book and The Himber Wallet Book. It isn't completely "locked in" yet, but that's my thinking right now. I'm in the throes of updating Quantum Leaps at the moment. Best - HARRY L.
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The Magic Book seems the right choice as a book to publish on it's own since it's such a great starter book.

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Profile of Magiguy
Harry, I'm "all in." Just tell me when to send the check. Smile
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Hi Magiguy: As in my post above, if you're on my email mailing list you'll automatically receive an email (Attachment) copy of the full-page ad for the boomj when and if. Best - HARRY L.
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Profile of vinkelhaken
When it's ready you should have a packet offer containing CC1-3 and BOF1,3.
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Vinkelhaken: I always give discounts on purchases of more than one of my items at the same time. Be sure you email your email address to me if you want to be notified when Volume 3 is available. HL.
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Profile of Jorib
Hi Harry,
just "the 2 penny words": I think You should include the Magic Book. This rounds up all Your major works aside other collections. I'm referring to as Best of Friends, for example, or Apocalypse. Have You considered to re-publish Dingle, Yedid and Regal in one book, sort of Best of Friends vol. 4? With regards to Best of Friends, I also think that that the magic community would greatly welcome the reprint of vol.2. ***! It's so hard to find! All the best, Giuseppe Nastro.
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Profile of dfeder
First off, I think you are brilliant for asking for direction from your readers! I also would cast my vote for: Quantum Leaps, Trend Setters, Dingle's Deceptions, plus Numero Uno and The Great Divide. And as Scott pointed out, you can spend the rest of your life doing routines from these.

I'd also like to see some new life breathed into an Apocalypse magazine. I'd definitely subscribe - don't know about any of the others out there - but boy was there incredible material in those.

Keep up the great work Harry.

Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
According to space restrictions, that's about what it may end up, Dov. I won't really be able to decide until I complete the re-write/update of TREND SETTERS, which I'm in the throes of doing at this moment, because then I'll have more of an idea of space, and so on. Also, there still IS incredible material in the four bound volumes of APOCALYPSE. Best - HARRY L.
Dennis Loomis
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You know I'm a big fan, and I'm sure I will be happy with #3 no matter what you decide.

As you mention, the 4 BIG bound volumes of APOCALYPSE have so much great stuff. My preference would be to have you select non-card material from them for a "best of" collection. While I do love card magic... it's nice to have other material.

I used to be on your email list. If I'm not please add my name for a notification when you release ANYTHING.

Dennis Loomis
Itinerant Montebank
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Hi Dennis: Yes, you were on email mailing list for years. Then, if I remember correctly, when I was emailing full-page ad for THE CLASSIC COLLECTION, Vol. 2, we received some kind of "failure to deliver" message, so that address was removed. Anyway, it's back on now. Best - HARRY L.
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I NEVER meant to suggest there wasn't incredible material in Apocalypse or that it was stale or old! I was only thinking that an electronic version of a magazine like Apocalypse would be something I would be interested in subscribing to.

Dennis Loomis
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1943 - 2013
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I want to second dfeder's idea about putting the Apocalypse volumes out in an electronic format. The ability to search for particular props, moves, etc. would be wonderful.

Dennis Loomis
Itinerant Montebank
Steven Keyl
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I made that suggestion last year:

As you can tell, Harry was less than enthused with the idea.
Steven Keyl - The Human Whisperer!

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"If you ever find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause, and reflect." --Mark Twain
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Profile of magicbern
This 'suggestion' has been mooted several times in the past but each time has been effectively vetoed by the creator Mr Lorayne himself. So its pretty much obvious that its not going to happen.

By the way, Mr Lorayne, I'm sure that any combination of books you choose to include in the new volume will be well-received! Its a shame that the Magic Book would be included - but an updated version can definately merit being reprinted on its own!
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Magicbern: Most, nearly all, agree. The Magic Book should, and will, remain a separate item. If I re-print, it will be the original version; I don't think updating is needed for that. Well, obviously, that could never hurt, but as I go over it, not enough to make an updated version worthwhile - for me, or for the readers. Best - HARRY L.
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Hong Kong, China
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Profile of magicbern
I agree with you Mr Lorayne - regarding a possible re-release of The Magic Book. I bought it in 1977 and it was the best single purchase I ever made. I remember entering a close-up competition for teenagers and placed 3rd with a routine all out of this wonderful book: Colour-changing deck followed by colour-changing aces, one-at-a-time aces and ending with triple-climax speller!

Wasn't it re-released several years ago by L&L Publishing? If you do release it again (a re-re-release!), perhaps you could just add some more of your excellent tips in the afterthoughts sections?

Anyway, looking forward tremendously to Classic Collection 3 - depending on your writing schedule of course!

I do think that it would be rather redundant to come up with themed 'collections' derived from Apocalypse. Although I don't as yet own a set (due mainly to the exorbitant postage charges to Hong Kong!) I can imagine the thrill of unearthing such gems from the bound volumes. I am also pretty sure that the extensive indexes will allow people to find certain categories of tricks easily.
Magic CPA
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The Magic Book is still one of my favorite books! If you do update it, there are some great practically self-working tricks that you do which I think would fit the intended audience. For example, your impromptu version of Out of This World, the spectator cuts to the aces trick (the one based on "estimating 13 cards"), The Lazy Man's Card Trick, etc. would, IMO, be excellent additions. Just a thought.
Steve Brooks
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The Lazy Man's Card Trick is certainly a classic and one that even fools magicians - great stuff Harry. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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Profile of lynnef
Yes, the Magic Book (with bonus material???, i.e. in place of update?). thank you, Mr Lorayne, for whatever you choose.